A tribute to all of our mothers – Laurinburg Exchange

Posted: May 14, 2021 at 6:32 am

Rev. George Ellis

Pastors Corner

Last Sunday we celebrated Mothers Day. There is no day like Mothers Day. It is the heart of our country; for without mothers, first of all, there would be no us; and whether you honored your mother or if you are a mother yourself, we all agree that the world is a better place because of mothers; and we agree that we are largely what we are because of them.

If you still have your mother, make sure you tell them Momma, I love you! Say it before you are in the category with those of us whose mother is no longer with us. To grieving children today, older and younger, I say, I understand, because I am in there with you; Ive sat where you are sitting. We miss them, but we have a gift that nothing can take away from us the gift of precious memories.

Like many of you, I had a good mother; one who literally raised nine children, seven of us after we lost our father early in life; one who provided for us in so many ways as a single parent until we all were grown; I honor her today; you all have your own stories.

But today, I want to talk to the living mothers when I say mothers build communities they build nations; but most of all mothers builds homes. Mothers are the heartbeat of a nation, especially Godly mothers; they take their children to Sunday School, and they teach them the golden rule; mothers mold their children for a lifetime; I wish that all mothers would understand that; that their influence on their children lasts for a lifetime good or bad; that their sons will measure every woman that they meet by her; she sets the standard.

And when a man says he wants a wife just like his mother that is saying something good about her; And mothers, heres a tribute to you: Just one little wish for you mom, But its loving and happy and true-Its a wish that the nicest and best things, will always keep coming to you.

To the wonderful mother I say: The heart of a mother whose love is warm and true, and home has always been sweet home with a wonderful mother like you!

Personally, I would say to my mom if she were here, I thank you from the heart, for all youve done for me; and I bless the Lord for giving me, the best mother there could be! Solomon said that Every wise woman BUILDS her house: but the foolish (woman) plucks it down with her hands (Pro. 14:1).

The wise mother puts God first in her life. she understands her influence in the home; The family, mothers, is the most important unit in the community and the world; it is from the family mothers, that presidents are made; heads of state are made; doctors and lawyers are shaped by mothers; famous athletes often testify that if it had not been for their mothers they dont know what they would have done or how they would have made it; many are brought to tears when they talk about their mothers; how their mothers sacrificed so much for them, what she instilled in them.

Mothers picked us up when we fell, kissed our hands, and some still do; put up with us on our worse day; they still call us son and daughter; but let me say to those who are raising children today; you will only get one opportunity to influence and raise your children; you dont get a second chance; you can build a home or you can tear it down; what you instill in them, how you live before them, and who you bring in your house says a lot to your children.

You mothers can teach them to respect authority, both in the home and in society; and you may save their life; show them and teach them how to treat a woman; that they dont verbally or physically abuse any woman; dont make rap songs that demean women and call them names less than who they are and who God made them; teach them mothers, that women are to be respected, honored and loved; mothers, you can teach your daughters that God did not make them to be a punching bag for any man; and then mothers, you dont need to be a punching bag yourself! They pattern after you!

Good teaching that comes from the home; they will not get that from the streets; they wont get that from the school, and they wont get that from Hollywood; dont let either one of them influence your children; home training come from the home; and it starts from the cradle.

And then children, you only get one mother; the world is not the same when they are gone; nothing or nobody can take their place; and thats why, I hate to see mothers and daughters that dont get along; sons who disrespect their mothers; life is just too short; and I know, in some cases, all mothers may not be all that they need to be, but good or bad they brought us into the world; they gave us life; they did not abort us; or leave us on the doorstep of the police department or in a garbage dump; think about it; we would not be here were it not for our mothers; every world leader had a mother; and credits their mother for being what they are.

Truly today is a tribute to the mother.

The Rev. George Ellis is the pastor at Union Grove Missionary Baptist Church.

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A tribute to all of our mothers - Laurinburg Exchange

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