Letter: Unpopular letters and the First Amendment – Itemlive – Daily Item

Posted: January 9, 2022 at 4:39 pm


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To the editor:

I read with interest letters to The Item by Dylan Cashman and Mary Gatlin published on Dec. 31 regarding their decisions to drop their subscriptions because they objected to another persons letter to The Item concerning vaccinations.

They did not agree with the letter (Richard G. Eramian, Dec. 30), and thought it should not have been published.

What these two individuals dont seem to understand is that a good and responsible newspaper, like The Item, has an unwritten duty to publish controversial letters in accordance with the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

Its called Freedom of Speech a freedom espoused by Cashman and Gatlin in their letters to The Item.

Their decisions to cancel their subscriptions reminds me of little children threatening to hold their breath until they turn blue if they dont get their way. Too bad! Grow up its in your interest!

Edward M. LandryLynn

Originally posted here:
Letter: Unpopular letters and the First Amendment - Itemlive - Daily Item

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