First Amendment: Crown jewel of our Constitution – Moultrie Observer

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:03 pm

Someone asked recently why we have posted the First Amendment as a regular feature on this page.

Well its just a reminder that we can all have a voice in the defense and perpetuation of our great Democratic Republic.

The fact is, many people make reference to the First Amendment when theyve never actually read it, or else they havent read it in a very long time.

The First Amendment is the front door of our great Constitution. Without it, claiming the many protections for the individual in this document would be a cumbersome and inefficient process.

There have been efforts through the years to erode the First Amendment, but fortunately the concept attributed to Voltaire and echoed by Patrick Henry has prevailed. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Such a noble stand!

Routinely we get comments from the public that paraphrased collectively say, He shouldnt be allowed to say that.

Well, we do have libel and slander laws which establish some parameters on our speech, but those provisions allow for evidence and a process of jurisprudence.

But the aforementioned reference, He shouldnt be allowed to say that typically involves contrasting opinions that come in the purview of fair game and often involves politics.

Keep in mind that the First Amendment also addresses freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to peacefully assemble and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The First Amendment is sort of an antidote to tyrants, big and small. It embraces concepts foreign to many governments around the world. It provides for broad discourse and robust debate elements that helped found our nation.Simply put, its the crown jewel of our Constitution and metaphorically speaking, should be worn on our sleeves!

Read more here:
First Amendment: Crown jewel of our Constitution - Moultrie Observer

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