First Amendment controversy brews over Texas high school’s prayer room – Fox News

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:03 pm

A Texas high school's on-site prayer room -- which serves as a spot where Muslim students can pray -- is stirring controversy.

Liberty High School in Frisco established the room in 2009, but Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is concerned that the room may be off-limits to students of other religious denominations.

He said in a letter Friday to the school district that any exclusion would be inconsistent with the First Amendments protection of religious liberty.

A school district spokesman responded that the classroom is available to students of all walks of life in the afternoon when it is vacant.

The leader of a large Baptist church in Dallas told "Fox & Friends" Sunday that he is okay with the practice.

I believe as long as students had equal access to the room its not a First Amendment issue, Pastor Robert Jeffress said. I believe we really as conservatives need to be careful that we dont pervert the First Amendment like liberals do to use it for their own agenda.

Muslim-American Mustafa Tameez, a Democratic political consultant, told "Fox & Friends" that Paxton is trying to create a controversy where one doesnt exist.

In airports we have a chapel where people can go pray, he said. So its not necessarily just for Muslim students. Its for anybody, anybody of faith that wants to use a room to communicate with their creator."

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First Amendment controversy brews over Texas high school's prayer room - Fox News

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