Democrats and Republicans Struggle to Forecast 2022 Midterms – The New York Times

Posted: August 10, 2022 at 1:19 am

Doug Sosnik is the kind of political analyst who likes to figure out the results of the next election well in advance its just how hes wired.

But even Sosnik, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton who now tries to forecast elections as a hobby, is stumped about the 2022 midterms.

I cant figure this one out, Sosnik said on Monday, a day after Democrats passed Build Back Better whoops, pardon me, the Inflation Reduction Act, a woolly mammoth-size package that aims to shrink both the deficit and the risk of catastrophic climate change.

The bills passage is one of a string of recent victories for beleaguered Democrats, who have spent the past 18 months squabbling among themselves and fretting about the coming elections. Gas prices are ticking down. Jobs are plentiful, with the unemployment rate at a 50-year low.

Congress also passed the bipartisan CHIPS Act, a bill that would provide $52 billion in subsidies and tax credits to companies that manufacture chips in the United States and would add more than $200 billion for applied scientific research.

Even President Biden, whose age and concern about the virus forced him to spend much of the 2020 presidential election campaigning from his home in Wilmington, Del., managed to shrug off 18 days of coronavirus-induced quarantine.

As Ethel Merman might say, everything seems to be coming up roses for Joe and the gang in recent weeks, despite widespread predictions that Democrats are likely to lose the House and possibly the Senate.

According to the usual logic Sosnik uses to make predictions, Democrats should expect a blood bath in the fall. But hes not so sure anymore and is questioning everything he knows about the deeper patterns of U.S. elections.

He is puzzled by one thing in particular: Which past elections offer a guide to 2022?

The question doesnt have an easy answer, in part because times have changed there was no recent assault on the Capitol with the partial backing of one particular party in the 1982 midterms, for instance and in part because the nature of political partisanship has changed.

That latter point makes it really hard to compare todays approval ratings to the past; back in, say, the 1960s, voters were much more inclined to give the president the benefit of the doubt. Today, far fewer partisans are willing to give the other side an ounce of credit or respect.

Midterms are completely different animals than presidential election cycles, too: Fewer voters turn out, and the electorate tends to be older and more Republican.

Historically, or at least since World War II, the party in power has lost seats in every midterm election but two: 1998 and 2002.

The first came as Clinton skillfully exploited the unpopularity of congressional Republicans, whose impeachment drive backfired. The second came after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when patriotic sentiments were still running high.

But these midterms are structurally different from many others. For one thing, many of the Democratic House members in battleground districts the Cindy Axnes and Elissa Slotkins of the world were elected in the anti-Trump wave of 2018. Those who held onto their seats in 2020, a good year for Republicans in Congress despite Trumps loss, may know a thing or two about staying in office.

How Times reporters cover politics. We rely on our journalists to be independent observers. So while Times staff members may vote, they are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes. This includes participating in marches or rallies in support of a movement or giving money to, or raising money for, any political candidate or election cause.

So they werent elected on Bidens coattails, unlike many of the Democrats who took power after Barack Obamas commanding win in 2008 but who then lost in the 2010 midterms.

That said, most of the indicators warning of a shellacking for Democrats are blinking red:

Hence Sosniks confusion. What hes wrestling with is the seeming dissonance between the rotten mood of the country, and all the red blinkers, on the one hand, and the string of recent Democratic victories.

You can see some of this nuance reflected in the so-called generic ballot, an average of survey responses to the question of which party voters would like to see represent them in Congress. Right now, the generic ballot is basically tied.

One historical clue is the fate of Lyndon Baines Johnson, who rammed his Great Society programs through Congress during his first few years in office, only to see voters punish Democrats at the polls in the 1966 midterms. Republicans picked up 47 seats that year.

Two years later, Johnson announced that he would not seek another term hobbled, unquestionably, by the war in Vietnam.

Johnsons average approval rating during his first term was 74.2 percent, according to Gallup. Thats a number Biden would love to have. And even his overall average approval rating, which dipped below 40 as the war dragged on, shrank only to 55.1 percent by the end of his presidency.

The point being: If even Johnson, the master of the Senate, couldnt profit from passing landmark legislation, how can anyone expect Biden to fare better?

Weve been engaged in a battle all along, said Representative David Price, a Democrat of North Carolina and a political scientist for many years at Duke University who wrote his dissertation about Johnsons Great Society. The counternarrative always was one of inflation and economic distress, and of course thats a real challenge.

But even Price, who said he thought many analysts were underrating Democrats chances of retaining the House, acknowledged the difficulty of the endeavor. I dont think I have a good answer, and I dont think anybody does as to how to break through, he said.

On the Senate side, the timing of the Inflation Reduction Act might be especially helpful for Democratic incumbents in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and New Hampshire. They are preparing to unleash hundreds of millions of dollars of television ad spending, playing up the prescription drug benefits in the new law along with what proponents say are other provisions intended to help Americans pay for household expenses.

Chris Hartline, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, argues that Republicans still have plenty to work with.

The G.O.P. is skilled at exploiting the other partys major legislative deals for political gain. In addition to hitting Democrats on the overall price tag, the partys opposition researchers comb through the bill text and find provisions that can be weaponized into talking points and television ads.

In response to record inflation and two quarters in a row of negative economic growth, Democrats just passed a trillion dollars in new spending that even Bernie Sanders admits wont have any impact on inflation but will raise taxes on middle-class families and American manufacturers, Hartline said.

He also pointed to Democrats positions on crime and expanding domestic energy production, two issues Republicans have been hammering on amid an uptick in violent crime in cities across America and soaring gas prices.

Senate Republicans have decided that their platform is opposing lowering costs for Americans prescription drugs, countered David Bergstein, communications director for the Democrats own campaign arm. Thats a deeply unpopular position that will lead their campaigns to defeat.

Donald Trumps supporters in Wisconsin have turned the misguided belief that the results of the 2020 election can be nullified into central campaign issues in the states Republican primary for governor, Reid Epstein writes.

And in Wisconsins Senate race, Mandela Barnes, the states lieutenant governor, has consolidated Democrats in his bid to take on Ron Johnson, one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the Senate. Jazmine Ulloa takes a look.


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Democrats and Republicans Struggle to Forecast 2022 Midterms - The New York Times

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