Daily Archives: May 4, 2020

Tecton.ai Launches with New Data Platform to Make Machine Learning Accessible to Every Company – insideBIGDATA

Posted: May 4, 2020 at 11:08 pm

Tecton.ai emerged from stealth and formally launched with its data platform for machine learning. Tecton enables data scientists to turn raw data into production-ready features, the predictive signals that feed machine learning models. Tecton is in private beta with paying customers, including a Fortune 50 company.

Tecton.ai also announced $25 million in seed and Series A funding co-led by Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia. Both Martin Casado, general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, and Matt Miller, partner at Sequoia, have joined the board.

Tecton.ai founders Mike Del Balso (CEO), Kevin Stumpf (CTO) and Jeremy Hermann (VP of Engineering) worked together at Uber when the company was struggling to build and deploy new machine learning models, so they createdUbers Michelangelo machine learning platform. Michelangelo was instrumental in scaling Ubers operations to thousands of production models serving millions of transactions per second in just a few years, and today it supports a myriad of use cases ranging from generating marketplace forecasts, calculating ETAs and automating fraud detection.

Del Balso, Stumpf and Hermann went on to found Tecton.ai to solve the data challenges that are the biggest impediment to deploying machine learning in the enterprise today. Enterprises are already generating vast amounts of data, but the problem is how to harness and refine this data into predictive signals that power machine learning models. Engineering teams end up spending the majority of their time building bespoke data pipelines for each new project. These custom pipelines are complex, brittle, expensive and often redundant. The end result is that 78% of new projects never get deployed, and 96% of projects encounter challenges with data quality and quantity(1).

Data problems all too often cause last-mile delivery issues for machine learning projects, said Mike Del Balso, Tecton.ai co-founder and CEO. With Tecton, there is no last mile. We created Tecton to empower data science teams to take control of their data and focus on building models, not pipelines. With Tecton, organizations can deliver impact with machine learning quickly, reliably and at scale.

Tecton.ai has assembled a world-class engineering team that has deep experience building machine learning infrastructure for industry leaders such as Google, Facebook, Airbnb and Uber. Tecton is the industrys first data platform that has been designed specifically to support the requirements of operational machine learning. It empowers data scientists to build great features, serve them to production quickly and reliably and do it at scale.

Tecton makes the delivery of machine learning data predictable for every company.

The ability to manage data and extract insights from it is catalyzing the next wave of business transformation, said Martin Casado, general partner at Andreessen Horowitz. The Tecton team has been on the forefront of this change with a long history of machine learning/AI and data at Google, Facebook and Airbnb and building the machine learning platform at Uber. Were very excited to be partnering with Mike, Kevin, Jeremy and the Tecton team to bring this expertise to the rest of the industry.

The founders of Tecton built a platform within Uber that took machine learning from a bespoke research effort to the core of how the company operated day-to-day, said Matt Miller, partner at Sequoia. They started Tecton to democratize machine learning across the enterprise. We believe their platform for machine learning will drive a Cambrian explosion within their customers, empowering them to drive their business operations with this powerful technology paradigm, unlocking countless opportunities. We were thrilled to partner with Tecton along with a16z at the seed and now again at the Series A. We believe Tecton has the potential to be one of the most transformational enterprise companies of this decade.

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Tecton.ai Launches with New Data Platform to Make Machine Learning Accessible to Every Company - insideBIGDATA

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Rise in the demand for Machine Learning & AI skills in the post-COVID world – Times of India

Posted: at 11:08 pm

The world has seen an unprecedented challenge and is battling this invisible enemy with all their might. The Novel coronavirus spread has left the global economies holding on to strands, businesses impacted and most people locked down. But while the physical world has come to a drastic halt or slow-down, the digital world is blooming. And in addition to understanding the possibilities of home workspaces, companies are finally understanding the scope of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. A trend that was already gardening all the attention in recent years, ML & AI have particularly taken the centre-stage as more and more brands realise the possibilities of these tools. According to a research report released in February, demand for data engineers was up 50% and demand for data scientists was up 32% in 2019 compared to the prior year. Not only is machine learning being used by researchers to tackle this global pandemic, but it is also being seen as an essential tool in building a world post-COVID.

This pandemic is being fought on the basis of numbers and data. This is the key reason that has driven peoples interest in Machine Learning. It helps us in collecting, analysing and understanding a vast quantity of data. Combined with the power of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning has the power to help with an early understanding of problems and quick resolutions. In recent times, ML & AI are being used by doctors and medical personnel to track the virus, identify potential patients and even analyse the possible cure available. Even in the current economic crisis, jobs in data science and machine learning have been least affected. All these factors indicate that machine learning and artificial intelligence are here to stay. And this is the key reason that data science is an area you can particularly focus on, in this lockdown.

The capabilities of Machine Learning and Data Sciences One of the key reasons that a number of people have been able to shift to working from home without much hassle has to be the use of ML & AI by businesses. This shift has also motivated many businesses, both small-scale and large-scale, to re-evaluate their functioning. With companies already announcing plans to look at a more robust working mechanism, which involves less office space and more detailed and structured online working systems, the focus on Machine Learning is bound to increase considerably.

The Current PossibilitiesThe world of data science has been coming out stronger during this lockdown and the interest and importance given to the subject are on the rise. AI-powered mechanics and operations have already made it easier to manage various spaces with lower risks and this trend of turning to AI is bound to increase in the coming years. This is the reason that being educated in this field can improve your skills in this segment. If you are someone who has always been intrigued by data sciences and machine learning or are already working in this field and are looking for ways to accelerate your career, there are various courses that you can turn to. With the increased free time that staying at home has facilitated us with, beginning an additional degree to pad up your resume and also learn some cutting-edge concepts while gaining access to industry experts.

Start learning more about Machine Learning & AIIf you are wondering where to begin this journey of learning, a leading online education service provider, upGrad, has curated programs that would suit you! From Data Sciences to in-depth learnings in AI, there are multiple programs on their website that covers various domains. The PG Diploma in Machine Learning and AI, in particular, has a brilliant curriculum that will help you progress in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. A carefully crafted program from IIIT Bangalore which offers 450+ hours of learning with more than 10 practical hands-on capstone projects, this program has been designed to help people get a deeper understanding of the real-life problems in the field.

Understanding the PG Diploma in Machine Learning & AIThis 1-year program at upGrad has been articulated especially for working professionals who are looking for a career push. The curriculum consists of 30+ Case Studies and Assignments and 25+ Industry Mentorship Sessions, which help you to understand everything you need to know about this field. This program has the perfect balance between the practical exposure required to instil better management and problem-solving skills as well as the theoretical knowledge that will sharpen your skills in this category. The program also gives learners an IIIT Bangalore Alumni Status and Job Placement Assistance with Top Firms on successful completion.

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Rise in the demand for Machine Learning & AI skills in the post-COVID world - Times of India

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AI, machine learning and automation in cybersecurity: The time is now – GCN.com

Posted: at 11:08 pm


The cybersecurity skills shortage continues to plague organizations across regions, markets and sectors, and the government sector is no exception.According to (ISC)2, there are only enough cybersecurity pros to fill about 60% of the jobs that are currently open -- which means the workforce will need to grow by roughly 145% to just meet the current global demand.

The Government Accountability Office states that the federal government needs a qualified, well-trained cybersecurity workforce to protect vital IT systems, and one senior cybersecurity official at the Department of Homeland Security has described the talent gap as a national security issue. The scarcity of such workers is one reason why securing federal systems is on GAOs High Risk list.Given this situation, chief information security officers who are looking for ways to make their existing resources more effective can make great use of automation and artificial intelligence to supplement and enhance their workforce.

The overall challenge landscape

Results of our survey, Making Tough Choices: How CISOs Manage Escalating Threats and Limited Resources show that CISOs currently devote 36% of their budgets to response and 33% to prevention.However, as security needs change, many CISOs are looking to shift budget away from prevention without reducing its effectiveness. An optimal budget would reduce spend on prevention and increase spending on detection and response to 33% and 40% of the security budget, respectively.This shift would give security teams the speed and flexibility they need to react quickly in the face of a threat from cybercriminals who are outpacing agencies defensive capabilities.When breaches are inevitable, it is important to stop as many as possible at the point of intrusion, but it is even more important to detect and respond to them before they can do serious damage.

One challenge to matching the speed of todays cyberattacks is that CISOs have limited personnel and budget resources. To overcome these obstacles and attain the detection and response speeds necessary for effective cybersecurity, CISOs must take advantage of AI, machine learning and automation.These technologies will help close gaps by correlating threat intelligence and coordinating responses at machine speed. Government agencies will be able to develop a self-defending security system capable of analyzing large volumes of data, detecting threats, reconfiguring devices and responding to threats without human intervention.

The unique challenges

Federal agencies deal with a number of challenges unique to the public sector, including the age and complexity of IT systems as well as the challenges of the government budget cycle.IT teams for government agencies arent just protecting intellectual property or credit card numbers; they are also tasked with protecting citizens sensitive data and national security secrets.

Charged with this duty but constrained by limited resources, IT leaders must weigh the risks of cyber threats against the daily demands of keeping networks up and running. This balancing act becomes more difficult as agencies migrate to the cloud, adopt internet-of-things devices and transition to software-defined networks that have no perimeter. These changes mean government networks are expanding their attack surface with no additional -- or even fewerdefensive resources. Its part of the reason why the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report found that government agencies were subjected to more security incidents and more breaches than any other sector last year.

To change that dynamic, the typical government set-up of siloed systems must be replaced with a unified platform that can provide wider and more granular network visibility and more rapid and automated response.

How AI and automation can help

The keys to making a unified platform work are AI and automation technologies. Because organizations cannot keep pace with the growing volume of threats by manual detection and response, they need to leverage AI/ML and automation to fill these gaps. AI-driven solutions can learn what normal behavior looks like in order to detect anomalous behavior.For instance, many employees typically access a specific kind of data or only log on at certain times. If an employees account starts to show activity outside of these normal parameters, an AI/ML-based solution can detect these anomalies and can inspect or quarantine the affected device or user account until it is determined to be safe or mitigating action can be taken.

If the device is infected with malware or is otherwise acting maliciously, that AI-based tool can also issue automated responses. Making these tactical tasks the responsibility of AI-driven solutions frees security teams to work on more strategic problems, develop threat intelligence or focus on more difficult tasks such as detecting unknown threats.

IT teams at government agencies that want to implement AI and automation must be sure the solution they choose can scale and operate at machine speeds to keep up with the growing complexity and speed of the threat. In selecting a solution, IT managers must take time to ensure solutions have been developed using AI best practices and training techniques and that they are powered by best-in-class threat intelligence, security research and analytics technology. Data should be collected from a variety of nodes -- both globally and within the local IT environment -- to glean the most accurate and actionable information for supporting a security strategy.

Time is of the essence

Government agencies are experiencing more cyberattacks than ever before, at a time when the nation is facing a 40% cybersecurity skills talent shortage. Time is of the essence in defending a network, but time is what under-resourced and over-tasked government IT teams typically lack. As attacks come more rapidly and adapt to the evolving IT environment and new vulnerabilities, AI/ML and automation are rapidly becoming necessities.Solutions built from the ground up with these technologies will help government CISOs counter and potentially get ahead of todays sophisticated attacks.

About the Author

Jim Richberg is a Fortinet field CISO focused on the U.S. public sector.

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AI, machine learning and automation in cybersecurity: The time is now - GCN.com

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African AI Platform To Host Webinar On How Machine Learning Can Be Used To Fight COVID-19 – Technology Zimbabwe

Posted: at 11:08 pm

Zindi the data science platform that connects data scientists and people who need their problems solved is hosting a free webinar titled From Models to Medical Care: in conversation with epidemiologists on the scientific frontlines.

The webinar will see 3 epidemiologists; Prof Wim Delva, Dr Brooke Nichols and Dr Elaine Nsoesie discuss how machine learning models are put into practice in the fight against COVID-19.

Zindis data scientist Johno Whitaker will also discuss Machine Learning approaches from one of their recently held competitions along with a question and answer session.

For data scientists and those in healthcare this will be an insightful webinar to tune into. The Zoom webinar will be hosted on the 5th of May from 5 PM- 7 PM.

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This 17-year-old boy created a machine learning model to suggest potential drugs for Covid-19 – India Today

Posted: at 11:08 pm

In keeping with its tradition of high excellence and achievements, Greenwood High International School's student Tarun Paparaju of Class 12 has achieved the 'Grand Master' level in kernels, the highest accreditation in Kaggle, holding a rank of 13 out of 118,024 Kagglers worldwide. Kaggle is the world's largest online community for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

There are only 20 Kernel Grandmasters out of the three million users on Kaggle worldwide, and Tarun, aged 17 years, is honored to be one of the 20 Kernel Grandmasters now. Users of Kaggle are placed at different levels based on the quality and accuracy of their solutions to real-world artificial intelligence problems. The five levels in ascending order are Novice, Contributor, Expert, Master, and Grandmaster.

Kaggle hosts several data science competitions and contestants are challenged to find solutions to these real-world challenges. Kernels are a medium through which Kagglers share their code and insights on how to solve the problem.

These kernels include in-depth data analysis, visualisation, and machine learning, usually written in Python or R programming language. Other Kagglers can up vote a kernel if they believe it provides useful insights or solves the problem. 'Kernels Grandmaster' title at Kaggle requires 15 kernels qualified with gold medals.

Tarun's passion for Calculus, Mathematical modeling, and Data science from a very young age got him interested in participating and contributing to the Kaggle community.

He loves solving real-world Data Science problems, especially in the areas based on Deep learning: Natural language processing, Signal processing. Tarun is an open-source contributor to Keras, a Deep learning framework.

He has proposed and added Capsule NN layer support to Keras framework. He writes blogs about his adventures and learnings in data science.

Now, he closely works with the Kaggle community and aspires to be a scholar in the area of Natural language processing. Additionally, he loves playing cricket and football. Sports is a large part of his life outside Data science and academics.

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This 17-year-old boy created a machine learning model to suggest potential drugs for Covid-19 - India Today

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Data Science and Machine Learning Service Market Share Opportunities Trends, And Forecasts To 2020-2027 with Key Players: Mango Solutions, Fico, ZS,…

Posted: at 11:08 pm

Global Data Science and Machine Learning Service Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2019-2024>This report offers a detailed view of market opportunity by end user segments, product segments, sales channels, key countries, and import / export dynamics. It details market size & forecast, growth drivers, emerging trends, market opportunities, and investment risks in over various segments in Data Science and Machine Learning Service industry. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Data Science and Machine Learning Service market dynamics in both value and volume terms.

The key players covered in this study > Mango Solutions, Fico, ZS, DataScience.com, Microsoft, LatentView Analytics, Google, International Business Machine, Bigml, Amazon Web Services, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Development, At&T

The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in this report Data Science and Machine Learning Service industry.

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This report focuses on the global Data Science and Machine Learning Service status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the Data Science and Machine Learning Service development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.

Table Of Content

1 Report Overview

2 Global Growth Trends

3 Market Share by Key Players

4 Breakdown Data by Type and Application

5 North America

6 Europe

7 China

8 Japan

9 Southeast Asia

10 India

11 Central & South America

12 International Players Profiles

13 Market Forecast 2019-2025

14 Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions

15 Appendix

This report studies the Data Science and Machine Learning Service market status and outlook of Global and major regions, from angles of players, countries, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global market, and splits the Data Science and Machine Learning Service market by product type and applications/end industries.

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What to Expect From This Report on Data Science and Machine Learning Service Market:

The developmental plans for your business based on the value of the cost of the production and value of the products, and more for the coming years.

A detailed overview of regional distributions of popular products in the Data Science and Machine Learning Service Market.

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Estimate the break-in for new players to enter the Data Science and Machine Learning Service Market.

Comprehensive research on the overall expansion within the Data Science and Machine Learning Service Market for deciding the product launch and asset developments.

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Data Science and Machine Learning Service Market Share Opportunities Trends, And Forecasts To 2020-2027 with Key Players: Mango Solutions, Fico, ZS,...

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Rishi Kapoor wasn’t afraid to be himself, both online.. amid celebrities who thrive on political correctness – Firstpost

Posted: at 11:05 pm

Hello people, I have just twittered with these six words, Rishi Kapoor made his debut on Twitter a little more than a decade ago on 17 January, 2010. But he hadnt warmed up to the idea of communicating on the micro-blogging site yet. That took him another five years.

According to lore, it was during the filming of All Is Well with Abhishek Bachchan that the late actor was reintroduced to the site. Thank you ABjr. Mutual admiration society. You truly are chip of the old block. See you on the sets shortly. A rush of tweets followed this from other celebrities welcoming him to Twitter, a rash of new followers and an introduction to the real Rishi Kapoor who was funny, frank, unabashedly opinionated, passionate and more often than not crotchety. In this zero-privacy age, when his fellow celebrities still managed to keep a faade of correctness, Kapoor wasnt afraid to just be himself. And, thats what quickly catapulted him to being a Twitter A-Lister.

Kapoors new public avatar coincided with his second innings in the movies. Since Bobby in 1973, he spent the next two decades being Bollywoods favourite romantic hero. It was only in the last decade or so that he began to experiment and discover my range as an actor, as he told me during an interview post the release of Agneepath. I am having a ball right now. Like I am at a party and there is a huge buffet and I can pick anything, he had added.

Rishi Kapoor. Twitter Image

He was game to play anything from a gay principal (Student of The Year), a Dawood Ibrahim-esque don (D-Day), a cantankerous old man (Kapoor & Sons and 102 Not Out), a middle-class teacher struggling to make ends meet (Do Dooni Chaar) or a pimp (Agneepath).

Even as a whole new generation discovered Kapoor has an actor, his fans old and new began to discover the person behind the actor. Soon he was firing off multiple tweets a day; in interviews he explained that he had replaced his nicotine dependence with Twitter. And, he had a point-of-view on everything from self-styled god woman Radhe Maa to the sacking of Cyrus Mistry as the Tata Sons Chairman; from the emerging trend of Pakistan-bashing in our films to newspaper design. He wasnt above calling out his colleagues for not attending Vinod Khannas funeral (Shameful. Not ONE actor of this generation attended Vinod Khanna's funeral. And that too he has worked with them. Must learn to respect.) or the appointment of fellow actor Gajendra Chauhan as the chairperson of the Film and Television Institute of India. (Advice. After all the protests and controversy, Gajendra Chauhan, the FTII Chairman should voluntarily retire. Will do good to the students.). Even as dissent became a bad word, he wasnt afraid to make public his displeasure at the beef ban in 2015 tweeting, I am angry. Why do you equate food with religion?? I am a beef eating Hindu. Does that mean I am less God fearing than a non eater? Think!!

When he wasnt ranting about the things happening in the world, there were dad jokes (Good news. After CM Phadnis cancels the DP and Hawking plan, he exempts booze too. Now Maharashtra can have TARBOOZE and KHARBOOZE freely!), film trivia (Sweaters.It was a passionate collection,over a period of time,which I used in films without repeating.This info for fans inquiring about it.), sports (Wimbledon Why do the young ball boys scramble/haste as if they have ants in their pants?Normal running to collect the ball could also do it.), self trolling (Confession.The only co star(tried thrice)with whom I did not make a successful film.And what a co star!Sorry Madhuri!), and important Ranbir Kapoor-related information (Another thing. I am Not and repeat NOT Ranbirs Post Box that you can drop messages or post them. Thank you, I remain yours truly-Rishi Kapoor).

Anyone who knew Kapoor well enough could attest to his love for food and Black Label Whiskey and this was reflected in his timeline. There were tweets about memorable crab claws at the JW Marriot, ghar ka khaana at Bombay Canteen, eating at Londons Le Petit Maison with wife Neetu and son Ranbir and a disappointing birthday dinner at Daniel Bouluds New York restaurant. Kapoor loved his foodie avatar so much he even briefly contemplated giving up acting to become a food critic (Showed my tweet to the manager. Refused to give the bill. Think I will make Food Review my profession. Adios acting and Films. This is better!)

Then there were the sometimes inappropriate, sometimes sexist and very often rude tweets. He mercilessly blocked trolls, accused people of not having a sense of humour when he posted tasteless memes featuring Hillary Clinton and Kim Kardashian and slid into peoples DMs to abuse them when the virtual fights got heated.

All this and more was what Kapoor was in real life as well. One of my favourite memories of him isnt from the numerous times I interviewed him on film sets or at his office in RK Studio, but from an after party at Krishna Raj, his beautiful home on Pali Hill. At a film party, Kapoor, who was in high spirits didnt want the night to end. He invited a handful of people home for one last nightcap. I wasnt a part of his inner circle but by virtue of being the last person he was talking to when he decided on hosting the after party, I was added to the group. At home, he was a consummate host and took charge behind the bar while giving very specific food instructions to the house help. He remembered what everyone was drinking, made fun of the only vegetarian in the group (calling him plant-killer and laughing at the joke multiple times) and regaled everyone with stories from the past. At some point, though, he must have decided he was done partying for the night. While everyone was in the middle of drinking, talking, eating the lights in the room went out and a booming voice said Party khatam.

If Rishi Kapoor could tweet one last tweet, hed probably say Party khatam because its just the kind of thing he would say. And Id like to believe hes taken the party upstairs and walked in to that place saying, Party shuru.

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Updated Date: May 04, 2020 14:28:29 IST

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Rishi Kapoor wasn't afraid to be himself, both online.. amid celebrities who thrive on political correctness - Firstpost

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‘Hollywood’ on Netflix: How they made the Oscars episode – Los Angeles Times

Posted: at 11:05 pm

The following story contains spoilers from the Netflix series Hollywood.

Soon after presenter and screen star Ernest Borgnine takes the stage at the 1948 Academy Awards, a few attendees depart to another corner of the venue for a brief intermission from the nights nervous excitement. One is using the lull to fiddle with a crossword puzzle app on his cellphone.

Oh, this is a good one... cause here we are at the Oscars, David Corenswet says. Eight letters. The clue is snub. It ends in I-N-G.

Ignoring, Samara Weaving replies, without hesitation. (Shes right.)

This is the time- and mind-warp taking place as new has a break from the old on the set of the finale of Netflixs Hollywood.

From Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan, the TV drama conceives a more progressive history for Hollywoods Golden Age. The seven-episode season explores showbizs racist, sexist, homophobic past through a parallel universe in which its underdog cast of characters, who are working to get a feature film off the ground, get their fairy-tale ending or close to it.

A production shot of the stage for the Oscars ceremony featured in Netflixs Hollywood.

(Saeed Adyani / Netflix)

The series features portrayals of real-life icons like Anna May Wong (Michelle Krusiec), Rock Hudson (Jake Picking) and Hattie McDaniel (Queen Latifah) alongside fictional characters played by the likes of Corenswet, Weaving, Darren Criss, Laura Harrier, Jeremy Pope, Dylan McDermott, Holland Taylor, Patti LuPone and Jim Parsons.

In the dramas season finale, titled A Hollywood Ending, the shows central film, Meg, becomes a box office hit upon its theatrical release and, subsequently, receives multiple Academy Award nominations. A portion of the episode follows the characters as they attend the 20th Academy Awards and ultimately change the course of Hollywood history with some big wins for its marginalized characters.

I was interested in doing a piece specifically on buried Hollywood, says Murphy, whose grandmother kept him occupied as a child with books on old Hollywood. The darker, more upsetting social-injustice aspects of the town that you really cant believe. I grew up reading about Anna May Wong and Hattie McDaniel and Rock Hudson. And really how they should have had happy endings but didnt. And I wanted to write about giving them a happy ending.

Its bustling inside downtown L.A.'s historic Orpheum Theater in mid-January as crew members dart around between shots and hundreds of background actors take their seats for the episodes Oscars ceremony, the culmination of the dramas revisionist history fantasy.

The whole concept of the show is incredible to see and be a part of, says Pope, who plays screenwriter Archie Coleman, who is black and gay. Its nice to see these outcasts of the time have their moment and for the audience to question the what-if had things played out similarly then, how different things could look now.

Surviving newsreel footage of the 20th Academy Awards in 1948 including Celeste Holm accepting Best Supporting Actress for Gentlemans Agreement, Ronald Colman accepting Best Actor for A Double Life, Edmund Gwenn accepting Best Supporting Actor for Miracle on 34th Street, Francis Lyon and Robert Parrish accepting for Film Editing for Body and Soul, and Loretta Young accepting Best Actress for The Farmers Daughter.

Its not the first time Murphy, who went to the 1989 Oscars ceremony as a reporter, has featured the event in his work. His FX period drama Feud: Bette and Joan, another love letter to old Hollywood, re-created the spectacle of the 1963 Academy Awards. In fact, the Oscars get the Hollywood treatment twice in Hollywood. But its the finales 1948 ceremony that plays a major role.

The actual Academy Awards ceremony in 1948, which was broadcast over the radio, was held at the Shrine Auditorium. Securing the location for the episode proved difficult because filming landed on the same week as the SAG Awards. But the essence of the Shrine can still be felt: The venue was used for exterior shots of the arrivals/red-carpet sequence, which were filmed the following week.

To re-create the night, the shows production designer, Matthew Ferguson, relied on newspaper clippings, books and information culled online about the ceremony because the Academy doesnt typically cooperate with sharing its materials.

It was difficult, but not as difficult as you think, Ferguson says.

While the design of the Academy Awards in the modern era is often ornate and intricate the 2020 stage was decked out with more than 40,000 Swarovski crystals the ceremony of 1948 had a more streamlined look: cream-colored fabric draped around four white columns and, at the center, an Oscar statue resting on an off-white tiered base whose silhouette resembles a chocolate fountain. (Fake statuettes lining the base of the two tiers had to be destroyed within five hours of filming, at the Academys request.) The prop department even replicated the ceremonys program, which lists the order of awards and nominees.

Anytime you do the Academy Awards, if you do it in a cheap way it feels terrible, Murphy says. So we kind of have an obligation to blow it out.

The Orpheum had its lighting rigs and speakers removed from the venue to rid the space of any modern elements.

Jeremy Pope as Archie Coleman in a scene from the season finale of Netflixs Hollywood.


Hollywoods take on the ceremony features many of the years actual nominees and presenters, such as Borgnine and Vivien Leigh. But instead of Loretta Young winning lead actress for her performance in The Farmers Daughter, its Camille Washington (Harrier), who had nearly been prevented from sitting in the theater for the ceremony because of her skin color. And instead of Sidney Sheldon winning for screenwriting for The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, its Coleman, proudly kissing Hudson, his boyfriend, before taking the stage.

We had a lot of repetition because in a situation like that, were getting it from every angle, Parsons says. All I will say is that that we got punch-drunk loopy by the end of the day. They were doing like a six-shot of six different people with us in that front row watching one speech that was happening. And I heard it so many times. ... I was laughing so hard I was crying. I finally had to look right in the lens and mouth, Im sorry, because I dont know that Ive ruined anybody elses shot, but mine is trash.

About 160 background actors, each dressed in period-appropriate attire, are crammed into the first dozen-plus rows near the front of the stage. (To fill in the surrounding empty seats, more were tiled into the frame in postproduction.)

Patti LuPone, left, Dylan McDermott, Holland Taylor and Samara Weaving in the season finale of Netflixs Hollywood.


The color palette of the wardrobe also was very specific. After getting a sense of the styles and designers that were worn for the ceremony, the shows costume designer, Sarah Evelyn, had to mold it to fit Murphys vision of the young casts dreamlike glow: the women in soft sherbet colors, the men in cream jackets.

For director Jessica Yu, the time at the Orpheum was frenetic. In addition to capturing the main ceremony upstairs, the crew was shooting downstairs for the green-room scenes, which feature Taylor, LuPone and McDermotts characters listening to the ceremony over the radio.

It was seven cameras going, Yu says. I was literally running up and down the stairs. And in a weird way, all the chaos felt like we were shooting the Oscars.

Laura Harrier as Camille in a scene from Netflixs Hollywood.


Its the episodes acceptance speeches, though, that distinguish each characters experience of taking home an Oscar.

Wong talks of the significance of winning the award as an actress of Chinese descent for a role that wasnt a caricature. Coleman expresses his love for his boyfriend and signals that his win is proof to everyone whos been othered that their stories are important. In her tearful acceptance speech, Washington points out what the moment means for all young girls.

I think the thing that we were trying to get into speeches was they were shocked that they won, Murphy says. They were not entitled to anything. And when you dont think youre entitled, I think youre speaking in a much more raw, emotional way.

Its a bittersweet reality, Murphy says, to imagine where Hollywood would be today if gains in representation, and recognition of that representation, had been made sooner. He refers to what happened with Wong as an example. In 1937s adaptation of Pearl S. Bucks The Good Earth, about a family of Chinese farmers, Wong was passed over for the female lead, O-lan. Instead, German actress Luise Rainer won the best actress Oscar in the role.

Through the lens of todays political correctness, Murphy says, you literally cannot believe that a white woman played the greatest Chinese part of all time with her eyes Scotch-taped in yellowface, and yet thats exactly what happened.


'Hollywood' on Netflix: How they made the Oscars episode - Los Angeles Times

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YouTube and Pewdiepie Can’t Afford to Quit Each Other – VICE

Posted: at 11:05 pm

Felix Kjellberg, better known as Pewdiepie and owner of the most popular individually operated channel on YouTube, has signed an exclusive deal with Google's ubiquitous video platform to promote its live streaming service, a clear competitor to the Amazon-owned Twitch.

On the one hand, this is a no-brainer. Getting the most popular creator on YouTube's platform and one of the most famous personalities in video games globally to promote YouTube's live streaming service is an obvious choice. On the other hand, much like YouTube itself, Kjellberg has been mired in controversy for years, all of it self-inflicted and easily avoidable. And while YouTube and Kjellberg have often been publicly at odds, with Kjellberg taking shots at the company in his massively popular videos and YouTube previously distancing itself from its most popular creator for numerous controversies, both sides are now doubling down on each other and ignoring many of YouTube's most harmful aspects in the process..

In 2018, Motherboard wrote about the way in which he taught his fans to harass women streamers (we still get hateful emails and tweets from his fans about this story today). A year earlier, he apologized for using the n-word during a live stream, much like the one YouTube just announced they enlisted him to promote. Earlier that same year, YouTube famously canceled an original series featuring Kjellberg over an anti-Semitic joke video he made. The press release announcing the exclusivity deal obviously doesn't mention any of this.

Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

It's not as if Kjellberg has spent time since then rehabilitating his image, or making overtures to YouTube. He's had plenty of controversies since, and has started his "Pew News" series of videos, many of which focus on needling YouTube and the media for political correctness.

YouTube has been my home for over a decade now and live streaming on the platform feels like a natural fit as I continue to look for new ways to create content and interact with fans worldwide, Kjellberg said in a statement. Live streaming is something I'm focusing a lot on in 2020 and beyond, so to be able to partner with YouTube and be at the forefront of new product features is special and exciting for the future.

YouTube, in the past, has made supposedly principled decisions regarding Kjellberg, and Kjellberg in turn has spent much time detailing YouTube's failures in treating creators like himself. But, as we can see, neither side is all that principled when it comes to the bottom line. YouTube can't not use its most powerful creator if it wants a chance in hell in competing with the already-dominant Twitch, and Kjellberg can't walk away from a YouTube channel with more than 100 million subscribers, and whatever YouTube is paying him for this exclusivity deal.

YouTube is Pewdiepie, Pewdiepie is YouTube, and neither will change because they need each other too much.

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YouTube and Pewdiepie Can't Afford to Quit Each Other - VICE

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Waiting for the Punchline: There is nuance in who gets the power to tell what jokes – Daily Trojan Online

Posted: at 11:05 pm

As Ive stated in this column many times before, stand up comedy, for many reasons, is a much different breed of cat than other art forms. Unlike film, music and visual art, comedy especially stand up comedy doesnt often get the same pretension of subjectivity that these forms do. For one, people tend to think of themselves as intuitively good judges of comedy because its the one art form they participate in every day by telling jokes, even when theyre not that funny.

However, there is another equally important factor for why stand up comedy can be so difficult as both a performer and consumer. The work of comedians is almost entirely judged by the audiences immediate, in-the-moment reaction to it. Audiences are the ultimate judge of whether or not a joke works because theyre who its meant for.

Sure, sometimes a comic might get a bad crowd that seems more inclined to judge than enjoy a performance, but for the most part, the consumer is always right. Its why the notion of political correctness has been such a hot-button issue in comedy its a perceived battle between the audience and the performer.

Still, as Ive discussed in earlier columns, the concept of political correctness means many different things to many different people. Why shouldnt comedians joke about marginalized communities? Why is it that some comedians are able to talk about certain things but others arent?

One of the most obvious, if sometimes unfortunate, rules in stand up comedy is that half of a jokes success depends upon who is telling it. Reputation plays a pivotal role in how well an audience receives a joke from a comedian in the moment. A live audience is much more predisposed to laugh hard at a half-baked joke from Whitney Cummings than a meticulously conceived joke from Joe Schmoe.

Theres no way some of Dave Chappelles material from his recent specials would be lauded as brilliant if he wasnt already grandfathered in as an all-time talent. Some of his jokes especially those about alleged rape victims and the LGBTQ+ community have received a fair amount of backlash from critics and viewers. Yet, audiences were overwhelmingly pleased with what Chappelle put out. Hell, he even won a couple of Grammys for it.

Would these jokes get the same kind of reception coming out of Shane Gillis mouth? Almost assuredly not. We know Chappelle; thats just the kind of humor hes always done and we continue to praise him for it. Audiences and critics obviously love him enough for him to receive the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in 2019.

Are these jokes bad? Is someone a bad person for laughing at them? Thats certainly up for debate. Whats not debatable, at least to me, is that they definitely sound a lot funnier coming from Chappelle than they do from many other people.

In addition to reputation, context also matters in why we laugh at some jokes versus others. Its always been my belief that certain, darker types of comedy operate on a suspension of belief. When Anthony Jeselnik jokes about dropping a baby, the audience laughs because of their fundamental understanding that hes not being serious.

Its for this reason why I believe Louis C.K.s attempt to come back to stand up has been an ill-conceived dumpster fire to watch as a consumer. Some Louis C.K. diehards might claim that, no matter how he went about it, there was no avenue for him to convince certain audiences to forgive him and allow him to continue performing comedy, and theyre probably right. Many people would not forgive him after he admitted to sexual misconduct.

However, there was a large number of fans and nonfans willing to let the disgraced comic at least try to demonstrate that he had truly learned from his mistakes through his material, which is as dark and self-reflective as one can get.

Unfortunately, his comic response, which is included in his new special titled Sincerely Louis C.K., was so tonedeaf and irresponsible to not only his career but the notion of dark comedy in general.

Again, dark comedy thrives on the suspension of belief you know that the people joking about these subjects arent actually bad people. You wouldnt be laughing at Jeselniks dead baby jokes if he had a history of clumsiness around infants. Its the same reason why Louis C.K.s once-brilliant darkness seemed rebellious, groundbreaking and strangely comforting when he didnt have the reputation of being a real-life scumbag. Its strange that the man whose whole stage persona once revolved around his fragile self-esteem now seems so eager to protect it.

In the special, C.K. does pull out some classic Louis-isms, including one bit about how he understands how one could be attracted to teenage boys, but these jokes that once seemed unbelievably dark and hilarious now seem strange and sinister. His act used to be so effective because it seemed to be him talking earnestly about his worst demons, the ones you never act on and are scared to talk about.

The jokes hit differently when you know hes the type of person to actually act on some of the disturbing things he talks about. Add the fact that he wont apologize for the horrible things hes actually done, and it becomes difficult to still find his material all that funny.

These situations are obviously all very different, and I am not the ultimate judge of comedys moral line. If I was then Id be killing the open mics (in 2021). Though, if there was any purpose in writing this column, it was to spread one gospel that comedy is an incredibly nuanced and legitimate art form, and it must be treated as such. Its not just the jolt of haha that you get from consuming a funny TikTok (although it can definitely be that as well). Its an art form built upon analyzing the missteps of life and finding truth within them. When it is done well, comedy is as important of a reflection of our culture as any creative interpretation. When it is watered down and weaponized, it only corrodes the medium for everyone who wants to participate in and enjoy it. Its not that serious, but take it seriously ya know?

Matthew Philips is a senior writing about comedy. He is also the wellness & outreach director for the Daily Trojan. His column, Waiting for the Punchline, ran every other Thursday.

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Waiting for the Punchline: There is nuance in who gets the power to tell what jokes - Daily Trojan Online

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