Schumer and anti-vaping zealots should stand down – Washington Times

Posted: February 16, 2024 at 4:23 pm


One lasting effect of the pandemic is a deep mistrust of what Washington says about public health.

Thats why it is even more absurd that the government now wants to wade back into the vaping issue. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, wants to reopen the debate about not only vaping, but also ZYN which, like vaping, is a smoking cessation product. Mr. Schumer asserts that ZYN is being marketed to teens, a catchall excuse often made when the government wants to infringe on our freedoms.

For now, Mr. Schumers call is for investigations of ZYN and similar products by the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission. But following close behind will be calls for legislation so Congress can again advise us on how best to quit smoking.

Smoking kills 480,000 people a year and adds billions to U.S. health care costs. Research has established that vaping is among the most effective smoking cessation tools available.

Dr. Robert J. Shmerling, senior faculty editor of Harvard Health Publishing, wrote on Oct. 28, 2021, An analysis of 61 studies found that e-cigarette use was more effective than other approaches to quitting smoking. The study authors estimated that out of every 100 people who tried to quit smoking by vaping, nine to 14 might be successful. When using only other methods, such as nicotine patches or behavioral counseling, only four to seven smokers out of 100 might quit.

Research supports the idea that vaping, menthol cigarettes, and the newer nicotine pouches will help people get off smoking cigarettes.

So were on a path where Mr. Schumer will pose as the savior of the lungs of Americas youth. But he will be doing something pretty close to the opposite. Americans understand that children hooked on smoking will damage themselves and their children and drive up health care costs for all of us for decades unless we help them kick the habit.

Are vaping and ZYN the only ways to do this? No. But they are among the most effective methods for quitting smoking, which most would see as a societal good. The argument for government protecting us from these products is exceedingly thin.

If Mr. Schumer or others can make the argument that these products are more dangerous than smoking or do not work as cessation products, then they should do so. Win hearts with the commitment to be correct about what these products do and the threats they pose relative to decades of cigarette smoking, which we know is dangerous to our health. Win minds with solid evidence that the products smoking cessation claims are inflated.

But no more mandates from the people who made us stand 6 feet apart, and show our papers to fly or ride trains. Sen. Tommy Tuberville, Alabama, is on to Mr. Schumers game. Mr. Tuberville said Mr. Schumer also plans to go after menthol cigarettes because he knows more about the choices Americans should make than they do.

So is Sen. J.D. Vance, Ohio Republican, who says with the crisis at the border, wars overseas, a struggling economy and a battle over appropriations, this might not be the time to devote all their energies to regulating the personal choices of Americans. Rep. Richard Hudson, New York Republican, branded Mr. Schumer Big Brother and posted a picture of himself in hunting gear, daring anybody to come and take it.

These members of Congress are telling us that Americans dont want or need Congress weighing in on this issue, especially with so many other issues demanding their attention.

It should also be pointed out that Mr. Schumer and his allies dont object to vaping when marijuana is involved. Only those who are trying to quit smoking are targeted by his efforts, which makes the whole protect the children argument even more suspicious.

Not many responsible adults want children to smoke, vape, or otherwise use marijuana. But many do get hooked on cigarettes, and vaping and ZYN and similar products are among the most effective ways to beat that addiction.

Also, Mr. Schumer is no expert on health. He backed all the most stringent COVID-19 restrictions, and his state was the worst when it came to locking down citizens unnecessarily.

This is no time for him to wade into debates on subjects he knows little about.

Brian McNicoll is a conservative columnist and freelance writer based in Alexandria, Virginia. He is a former senior writer for The Heritage Foundation and former director of communications for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


Schumer and anti-vaping zealots should stand down - Washington Times

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