Ron Paul: Democratic Party, GOP Are Both 'Dinosaurs' (VIDEO)

Posted: November 30, 2012 at 5:41 pm

Outgoing Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) gave an exit interview to the Washington Post this week, capping off his career with a claim that he's driven throughout his 36 years in Congress: The two-party system is obsolete.

Responding to a question about a recent warning from his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), that the GOP was at risk of becoming a "dinosaur" if it remained unwilling to consider libertarian-inspired positions, the congressman argued that both parties were in fact on the brink of extinction.

The whole government, and the Democrat party, the Republican party -- theyre all dinosaurs, Paul said. The principles are dinosaurs. The parties are going to linger because theyre locked in by law. Youre not allowed to compete; the laws are biased against us from competing. If you go third party you cant get in debates, you cant get on ballots.

Paul went on to explain that he hadn't put any thought into a third-party campaign in 2012 because it was absolutely not practical to run outside of the two established parties.

The libertarian-leaning Republican has long fought the two-party system. In October, Paul declared that then-GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney wouldn't be getting his endorsement, because the former Massachusetts governor represented a status quo perpetuated equally by both the Democratic party and the GOP.

"They represent a one-party system," Paul said of similarities between President Barack Obama and Romney in an interview with CNBC. "Somebody said 'why don't we get a third party?' and another one said, I think correctly so, 'Why don't we get a second party?'"

Click over to the Washington Post for video of Paul's exit interview.

For more quotes from Paul's farewell speech in Congress, which he delivered earlier this month, scroll through the slideshow. Watch video of his entire address below.

"One side doesn't give up one penny on military spending, the other side doesn't give up one penny on welfare spending. While both sides support the bailouts and the subsidies for the banking and corporate elite, and the spending continues as the economy weakens and the downward spiral continues."

"Some decide what and whose freedoms to be limited. These are the politicians whose goal in life is power. Their success depends on gaining support from special interests. We don't need more isms. The great news is the answer is not to be found in more isms. The answers are to be found in more liberty, which costs so much less."

See the article here:
Ron Paul: Democratic Party, GOP Are Both 'Dinosaurs' (VIDEO)

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