Rand Paul for US Senate | Rand Paul Kentucky US Senator

Posted: May 13, 2016 at 6:41 am

04/14/2016 Sen. Rand Paul Introduces New Legislation To Protect Gun Owners Rights

I refuse to stand idly by while the Obama administration unilaterally strips away gun rights from our nations veterans and seniors. The Protecting Gun Rights and Due Process Act will provide necessary protection for gun-owning Americans, and ultimately ensure that the Second Amendment is not infringed upon, Sen. Paul said.

Paul said he has a plan to balance the national $19 trillion debt involving cutting some departments, such as education and commerce, and cutting the budget one percent per year for five years. He said the federal government spends $1 million each minute, and cited one misuse of money when the government spent $2.5 million studying online dating.

I am excited to be heading to Marion County to speak with the Lebanon community about the issues facing both Kentucky and our nation, I look forward to the opportunity to personally address the communitys concerns and share what Im doing in the Senate to fight for Kentuckys best interests

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Rand Paul for US Senate | Rand Paul Kentucky US Senator

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