Psoriasis and stress: The relationship and how to break the cycle – Medical News Today

Posted: June 3, 2022 at 1:08 pm

Psoriasis can cause stress for someone with the condition due to difficulties managing symptoms, physical discomfort, or feelings of social embarrassment. Conversely, stress can also trigger psoriasis flares. Practicing self-care to improve mental health and reduce stress can help to reduce the chance of stress triggering further flares.

Psoriasis and stress share a symbiotic relationship of sorts, where each can cause and worsen the symptoms of the other.

Psoriasis is a type of immune-mediated disease where the immune system causes inflammation throughout the body.

While many people may associate the condition with scaly patches of skin, it can also cause issues in other areas of the body.

In addition, living with psoriasis can also affect a persons mental health. It may cause a person to feel stress relating to showing their skin, social situations, or caring for the condition.

Stress can then trigger a psoriasis flare or a worsening of symptoms. As a result, people living with psoriasis often benefit from managing both their physical and mental health.

Psoriasis can cause stress, and stress can cause psoriasis symptoms to worsen.

A 2018 review of studies looking at the link between psoriasis and stress notes that anywhere from 3188% of people living with psoriasis report stress as a trigger for their symptoms.

It also noted that, in addition to triggering flares, stress may also trigger the development of the condition itself in people predisposed to developing psoriasis.

How stress influences psoriasis is still not fully understood. According to an older study, one hypothesis, called the neurogenic inflammation hypothesis, states that psoriasis causes the release of neuropeptides, such as substance P (SP) and nerve growth factor (NGF).

These substances then cause local inflammation and result in the formation of psoriasis plaques. The hypothesis notes that stress releases high amounts of SP, which could then trigger the onset of the condition or flares.

When psoriasis plaques occur, it can cause stress for the person. The stress may relate to issues of embarrassment, the challenges of dealing with symptoms, discomfort, or a combination of different emotions.

The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends that all people living with psoriasis take steps to manage their stress as part of their treatment plan. They recommend a person:

According to a 2019 study, there is a link between alcohol intake and an increase in anxiety and depression. Therefore, a person may consider limiting their alcohol consumption to help minimize stress.

Before starting any new exercise programs, a person should talk with a doctor about what activities will be safe for them to perform.

Psoriasis is a lifelong condition characterized by periods of flares and remission. When treating psoriasis, a doctor will often suggest a combination of medications, therapies, mental health support, and lifestyle changes to help keep the condition under control.

Medical treatments may include:

Doctors may also recommend lifestyle changes that help manage symptoms and triggers. The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) recommends a person take some steps to help manage their psoriasis at home:

In addition, a person should take measures to learn and avoid triggers. Triggers can vary from person to person but can include stress and weather changes.

By managing stress, a person may be able to help reduce psoriasis flares.

A person can consider the following general tips for managing stress, including:

Psoriasis triggers can vary from person to person. It is important for an individual to understand their triggers so that they can take steps to avoid them.

Some common triggers of psoriasis include:

Psoriasis and stress share a link both conditions can trigger the other.

Mental health treatment, including lifestyle changes such as physical exercise, can help prevent stress from triggering flares.

It can also help a person cope with the stress and other emotions that often accompany living with psoriasis.

See more here:
Psoriasis and stress: The relationship and how to break the cycle - Medical News Today

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