What is Psoriasis? (Part 1 of 3) | HealthiNation – Video

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:57 pm

17-04-2012 11:57 What is psoriasis and how does it develop? Learn about this condition from Dermatologist, Dr. Bobby Buka. Related Videos: What is Psoriasis? (Part 1 of 3) | HealthiNation Causes & Symptoms of Psoriasis (Part 2 of 3) | HealthiNation Diagnosing & Treating Psoriasis (Part 3 of 3) | HealthiNation TRANSCRIPT: What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is painful and irritating and over time, in some individuals, it becomes severe enough to be debilitating. It is unclear exactly what causes psoriasis to develop, but doctors know that the process begins in the immune system. Why Psoriasis Happens Healthy T-cells, a part of the immune system, function to protect the body from infection by fighting foreign invaders. A psoriasis flare-up occurs when T-cells mistakenly begin attacking the body's own skin cells. Types of Psoriasis Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis. It can occur anywhere on the body but is most often found on the elbows and knees as dry, red patches of skin covered with silvery scales. Guttate psoriasis is usually seen in children and young adults. Guttate psoriasis is characterized by small sores with a thin scale of skin. Pustular psoriasis is often found on the palms and soles of the feet and is characterized by white pustules surrounded by red skin. "Generalized pustular psoriasis," which covers a greater portion of the body, can be life threatening. Inverse psoriasis ...

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What is Psoriasis? (Part 1 of 3) | HealthiNation - Video

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