Robots in the crash pad: The twisted takeover of the Red Victorian Hotel – 48 hills – 48 Hills

Posted: September 24, 2021 at 10:45 am

This article is not only inaccurate it is an insult to those of us in the Queer, POC and immigrant community in SF. Let me outline a lot of the inaccurate ways you misrepresented us to create click bate and cheap scandal. I hope you reconsider your release of this article which highlights your own divisive politics and q your own privelage and lack of nuance in considering identity.

A meta point: Im an immigrant, lesbian from Colombia. I work in clean tech- it means I was able to move up from being a more low income person. Stop villifying those of us who work in tech without knowing any context. Many immigrants work in tech to get visas. Queer people work in tech! You may be privelaged enough to not need to work in tech- others are not. Dont treat us as a monolith of villanize us for choosing to work in the technology sector.

District Commons is a nonprofit that owns Embassy Network, LLCa limited liability corporation that buys up and rents out residential buildings throughout the city to create a network of co-living housesa sort of minor WeWork for tech worker housing.-> This is false. DC has never prioritized tech housing; you will notice the MAJORITY of people living in houses affiliated with Embassy network DONT work in tech. In fact multiplee houses explicitly were created for formerly incarcerated folks. Also they dont own or even rent affiliated houses; its simply a network to facilitate people starting new cooperatives.

The Red Victorian, once an international peace center, hostel, and SRO for everyday travelers and working-class tenants, became an exclusive tech enclave.

-> Again false- the majority of people who lived in the cooperative likely did not work in tech.

One Embassy Network house, Agape, is a towering Victorian in the Mission District-> They are a coopertive in the SF. Cooperatives become friends. but No Agape is not a Embassy Network house. This is just inaccurate.

Embassy Network, as much as it functions to provide housing, also seems to exist to create a social and professional networking pool for San Franciscos tech worldpart fraternity-sorority, part venture capital investment funder club.-> False again. I have lived in Embassy for 3+ years the events Ive hosted have been queer women and non binary mixers, support groups for formerlly incarcerated, dancing events, and Spanish dinners to meet other latinx people. You read that 2 founders live in the house and used that to erase the experience of the 10+ other people in the house which includes a lot of POC people NOT in tech, not in VC. You are erasing our work and experience by selectively centering two people.

There is a glaring and overwhelming whiteness of its permanent residents. Our current 13 person house includes: 5 white people (Canadian, 3 Americans, 1 UK, 1 German) , 2 mixed race people, 1 latinx person, 1 black person, 1 asian woman, 1 Russian. Again WOW you really erased the MAJORITY of the house of POC people with your inaccurate comment!

or people with disabilities. Two Four people in our home identify as having disabilities; some far more debilitating than others. Not that this is any of your business but many actually struggle with chronic health and/or take disability leave.

We also have a MAJORITY queer / GNC house.

YOU as a journalist felt it was OKAY to stand up for fishbowl not knowing that in the process of trying to villify who they squatted you were stepping on, erasing and misinforming on the experience of Queer, POC, and disabled people. I recommend you consider removing this article and reflecting on the impact that your work has on people in these communities.

See original here:
Robots in the crash pad: The twisted takeover of the Red Victorian Hotel - 48 hills - 48 Hills

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