Facilities first, and fly fishing on Mars

Posted: January 26, 2014 at 2:46 am

Published on January 24, 2014

I dont like mid-winter melts. Photo by Paul Smith/Special to The Telegram

Published on January 24, 2014

Snowshoes on snowshoes off. Photo by Paul Smith/Special to The Telegram

Published on January 24, 2014

The first thing a setter does is build a good comfortable outhouse. This is mine. Photo by Paul Smith/Special to The Telegram

Is it possible that my descendants might live on Mars? Will they fly fish in summer and snowshoe in winter like I do here on Earth?

They might build cabins in the Martian forest or own sailboats on lovely glacier-fed lakes. Who knows what the future holds?

I think it is inevitable that humans will eventually fly to Mars. Its our nature to explore. There will always be the few amongst us who crave the ultimate adventure. The green grass on the other side of the hill is today, and always has been, irresistible to the spirited adventurous human soul.

It is why Columbus set sail in the Santa Maria, in spite of more reserved folks telling him and his crew that they would sail to their deaths off the edge of the world.

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Facilities first, and fly fishing on Mars

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