What books should our leaders be reading … and why – Sydney Morning Herald

Posted: January 7, 2022 at 4:58 am

An agile attorney-general should be anticipating online challenges. Van Badhams QAnon and On dives down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and finds more than a few mad hatters. An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebooks Battle for Domination, by US journalists Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang, investigates the misbehaviour of the worlds largest social network eerily anticipating the recent revelations of whistle-blower Frances Haugen.

For an outlook on the Australian economy, John Edwards Reconstruction and Ross Garnauts Reset paint starkly different pictures. Edwards is sanguine about the strength of the economy in the 2010s, and optimistic about the future, provided we can repair relations with China. Garnaut is pessimistic, noting that from 2013 to 2019, Australias output per person grew more slowly than Japan. Edwards would have the Treasurer make some tweaks; Garnaut believes a transformation is required.

Far be it from me to tell the Minister for Women what to read, but in a year when thousands marched to protest against sexual harassment, I found a plethora of insights in new books by women who have served in the House of Representatives.

Julia Banks detailed the culture of the Liberal Party in her book.Credit:Simon Schluter

In Power Play, Julia Banks details the culture of the modern Liberal Party, drawing insights from her experiences in corporate Australia. In Enough Is Enough, Jenny Macklin and Kate Thwaites reflect on the Labor Party and how it has evolved. In Sex, Lies and Question Time, Kate Ellis interviews women from across the political spectrum and offers a suite of reforms that would improve the culture of Parliament.

As Curtin knew, a great education isnt just about imparting facts but building understanding and a deep love of learning. My English teacher, Judith Anderson, might not have approved but John McWhorters Nine Nasty Words brings the talent of a great linguist to the topic of profanity. Did you know that our taboo swear words have evolved from religion to bodily functions to identity groups? Its f---ing fascinating.

And what maths student couldnt be captivated by Jordan Ellenbergs Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Absolutely Everything? In our family, it led to a lively dinner table debate over one of Ellenbergs quirky questions: how many holes are there in a pair of pants one, two or three?

Finally, if the Education Minister wants a sophisticated analysis of academic freedom in universities, Carolyn Evans and Adrienne Stones Open Minds is it.

This year, the author who has most shaped how I think about the world is Cal Newport. Over the past two decades, Newport has evolved from writing advice books for students (How to Be a High School Superstar, How to Win at College) to writing advice books for professionals seeking to make an impact on the world (So Good They Cant Ignore You, Deep Work) to critiquing the way that social media and email are undermining our ability to truly connect with our friends and produce high-quality work.

His latest books, Digital Minimalism and A World Without Email, go beyond advice to critique the systems themselves. The next productivity revolution, Newport says, will come from companies that free their employees from multitasking madness and create space for people to do great uninterrupted work.

Im yet to fully implement Newports philosophy, but Im excited by its implications. Social media has its place, but a full life also involves bushwalks and picnics, craft projects and ocean swims. Living well also means books glorious books that enrich our souls, challenge our beliefs, and help us empathise with people in different times and places. What Curtin missed in formal education, he made up by immersing himself in books for the rest of his life. Leaders should be readers, and a life of books is a life well lived.

Andrew Leigh is a member of the Australian Parliament. His most recent book, Whats the Worst That Could Happen? Existential Risk and Extreme Politics, is published by MIT Press.

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What books should our leaders be reading ... and why - Sydney Morning Herald

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