Record-breaking heatwave leaves panda in a trance at Shanghai Zoo –

Posted: July 24, 2017 at 8:21 am

As a record-breaking heatwave plagues much of China, pandas in the countrys capital have struggled to battle the scorching temperatures.

Authorities on Friday issued a weather red alert as temperatures in Shanghai reached a new high of 40.9 degrees, troubling animals at Shanghai Zoo.

A panda was filmed ambling slowly through its enclosure before idly sitting down in a trance.

Pandas need an indoor temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius. If it gets hotter than 28 degrees Celsius, we dont let them out, a zookeeper told AFP.

Pandas arent afraid of the cold but they are afraid of the heat.

Zookeepers left large blocks of ice inside enclosures to help animals brave the heat, with pandas particularly enjoying a frozen apple or three.

They werent the only ones troubled by the stubborn heatwave, with local media reporting an increase in hospital patients suffering from heat-related illnesses.

Chinas most populous city has baked under soaring temperatures for more than two weeks, reaching its hottest point on Friday afternoon since the launch of its benchmark weather station in 1872, the municipal weather bureau said.

A red alert is triggered when temperatures in excess of 40 degrees are forecast and comes with a warning to members of the public to remain indoors.

Fridays alert was the first to be issued this year.

Shanghai's weather bureau on Thursday said a stubborn subtropical high and hot south-westerly winds were to blame.

The city is expected to continue to bake at least until early August when typhoon season begins and the weather begins to shift.

With AFP.

Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2017

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Record-breaking heatwave leaves panda in a trance at Shanghai Zoo -

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