William Shatners space flight isnt a plot line, its an inspiration (Editorial) – masslive.com

Posted: October 11, 2021 at 10:16 am

More than 50 years after Captain Kirk first explored space as the final frontier, the man who played him will see it for himself.

William Shatner is still going strong at 90. He seems to be everywhere, hosting documentaries, appearing in commercials and reality shows, voicing characters in animated childrens shows and, in August, announcing the release of his latest musical album. On Oct. 12, he will become the oldest person to fly in space, according to an announcement from Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos commercial spaceflight company.

Commercial space travel for tourists, celebrities and other fortunate (and invariably wealthy) travelers is still new and not entirely accepted. But it increasingly appears such privately funded flights are part of spaces future.

Shatners mission is sure to excite not just space enthusiasts and Star Trek buffs, but anyone looking for proof that age is just a number if the body is willing and the heart and mind are strong.

Not since 1998, when John Glenn flew on the space shuttle Discovery at age 77, have advanced years and advanced science blended so sublimely.

Shatner has already escaped one atmosphere: the world of show business typecasting. His 70-year career has showcased him in everything from film classics such as 1961s Judgment at Nuremberg and the original Twilight Zone TV series to T.J. Hooker and Boston Legal.

His legacy extends far beyond Star Trek. Yet he will always be known, first and foremost, as Capt. James Tiberius Kirk of the starship Enterprise the star of a show that received very modest ratings during its three-year 1960s run but created an archetype that changed pop culture history.

The symbolic nature of Shatners flight is undeniable. Even during the TV series and the seven Star Trek films in which he appeared, Shatner was always play-acting a role. His interest in space, however, is real.

In 2011, he recorded a wake-up call for Discovery astronauts. More than twice the average age of NASA astronauts, Shatner calls the opportunity to be part of the four-person crew on the New Shepard spacecraft a miracle.

For now, such journeys are reserved for the very rich or very fortunate, but Shatners flight might allow other nonagenarians to feel young for a time, too. As the real-life Captain Kirk soars into space, they will be living vicariously through him. Considering his career and legacy, isnt that what millions have been doing for the last 55 years, anyway?

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William Shatners space flight isnt a plot line, its an inspiration (Editorial) - masslive.com

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