Regime change concept not mythical: Mantashe – Daily dispatch

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 8:49 am


ANC Secretary-General Gwede Mantashe says regime-change attempts to topple the ANC government from power are not mythical but a reality instigated by western powers.

Mantashe was speaking to the Daily Dispatch on the sidelines of the ANC National Policy Conference currently underway in Nasrec.

According to him, the #FeesMustFall movement and Marikana unrest were but some of the signs pointing at regime change attempts to collapse a legitimate political authority in South Africa.

The former General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) said the regome change agitators did not have to bomb the country for their agenda to be seen since they have now resorted to what he terms colour revolution.

Said Mantashe: Regime change is a widespread practise by western powers of removing legitimate political authority and replace it with a puppet political authority. So it is not a mythical concept then we say the method that is widely used is colour revolution which is the soft option of regime change because they do not go the hard route of bombing.

Were Marikana and Fees Must Fall concerns not genuine issues of students and mineworkers due to their socio-economic circumstances?

Mantashe said regime change agents in nature take advantage of valid existing concerns, adding that there will always be issues.

You pick up genuine problems and agitate for discontent by citizens. That discontent starts as protests, then it becomes a revolt and once it becomes a revolt it sweeps aside the (the governing) regime, charged Mantashe.

Mantashe believes there is no winning against regime change agitators even if government were to meet the demands of Fees Must Fall and mineworkers.

Once you meet that demand a new demand is generated to sustain the revolt, said Mantashe.

Read this article:

Regime change concept not mythical: Mantashe - Daily dispatch

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