Letters: Capitalism isnt perfect, but it lifts societies out of poverty – St. Paul Pioneer Press

Posted: October 20, 2019 at 10:34 pm

Capitalism isnt perfect. But

There was a recent letter describing the irony of President Trump defending Social Security and Medicare while denouncing socialism. Although both Social Security and Medicare are government programs that provide social benefits, they should NOT be held up by socialists to demonstrate what they have in mind for our country.

Do socialists plan to impose a flat tax rate on all to fund their new programs so everyone has skin in the game or to establish regressive taxes to do so, as with Social Security and Medicare?

Do they plan to allow all even the 1% to receive the benefits of their new programs, as with Social Security and Medicare? Those programs enjoy general support because all pay into them and all receive benefits from them.

They are not representative of what our socialist friends have in mind.

Socialists define which entities in America are the enemies and then promise to strip them of their wealth to pay for goodies. It is a very divisive strategy.

Socialists now talk about a 90% incremental tax rate for the rich. How does that work when the only surgeon in town who can operate on your brain cancer has hit his 90% rate in October and decided he will take the rest of the year off, rather that assume full risk while giving 90% of his reward away?

What happens when we reach the socialist utopia where the evil corporations have been brought to their knees and the rich have been stripped of their wealth? Who then pays for all the existing programs?

We need to be compassionate, but we also need to be sure that those people out there who get up every morning, dress for work, drive through traffic, deal with bosses and customers all day and then drive home to prepare to do it again are rewarded more than those who sit at home and do not contribute to the productivity of our nation. If, in the name of empathy, we give the latter the same benefits as the former, no one would go to work and society would collapse.

Capitalism is not perfect. Like the natural world, it is competitive, but it has been shown over and over to do a better job of lifting societies out of poverty than any other system especially socialist/totalitarian systems. It leads to the creation of wealth in society, not the destruction of wealth.

Carl Hasbargen, St. Paul

He wasnt a bum. He had a soul. These words from Keys Caf and Bakery owner Barbara Hunn Miesen were uttered many years ago when a homeless man named Boyd would hang out in her restaurant on Raymond Avenue. She gave him food and clothing, and did the same for others in need.

Decades later, Boyd is no longer there. But Miesens words reflect the hearts of many in St. Paul who frequent her establishments. The family business owner has found other ways to help, asking customers for donations to Union Gospel Mission and matching them.

As Thanksgiving approaches, and we prep for our annual meal distribution, I want to say a specialthank you to Keys Caf, and the thousands of diners in and around St. Paul who support our work. Theyre helping us to restore peoples lives, and to get them off the streets for good.

Gail P. Gisi, New RichmondThe author is director of education and training for theUnion Gospel Mission Twin Cities

I am absolutely giddy about all the peoples work the U.S. Congress is getting done NOT!

If you pay even a little attention you know their eyes are off the ball and instead on political junk that will go nowhere and get us to that same place.

We all know there is need for a manageable government. I beg for people to remember the founding fathers who demanded state and local government to lead the way, with a federal government standing by to asist. Assist?! My, my what we have created? There are about 2.8 million federal employees making on average $123,000 per year. Do the math are we getting our moneys worth?

Phil Hove, Cottage Grove

Deanna Wenigers article on homeschool theater was a wonderful read (Group is working to shatter misconception of homeschool theater, Oct. 9). Education is not one size fits all, and if a family chooses to home educate, wonderful! I am glad that choice is available.

Jennifer LaMotte, Hastings

Tried watching the nightly national news again tonight. Of the 30-minute time slot, a full eight minutes was devoted to advertising. During those eight minutes, it was recommended that I ask my doctor about a wide range of pharmaceuticals that could help certain conditions, but may also cause: allergic reaction, fever, vomiting, bruising, bleeding, constipation/diarrhea, severe headache, hallucinations, limbs falling off without warning and in some cases, sudden or slow death!

So at my next routine physical, I need to ask my doctor about medications for back pain, flu, deep vein thrombosis, A1-C, menopause (Im a male!) and I almost forgot about the memory-aid medication!

Relentless sales pitches for so many prescription drugs are even more depressing than the news stories are.

But hey theres a drug for that! Ask your doctor.

Pat Cullen, Stillwater

I have noticed the term white privilege being used frequently of late. As a recently retired blue collar, middle class white person Id like to add my two cents.

My first job was delivering the St. Paul newspaper at 13 years old, followed by different jobs through high school, then trade school and finally a steady job with benefits. There were eight children in our family, both parents worked, Dad had two jobs. Nothing was given but a roof over our heads.

There are many people like myself who have never expected special privilege for being born into the situation I was, and do not feel guilty or apologize for it.

Certainly there are also those at the lower end of the socio-economic scale who could use a leg-up.

Lets focus on helping others without labeling anyone.

Greg Jenny, River Falls, Wis.

See original here:

Letters: Capitalism isnt perfect, but it lifts societies out of poverty - St. Paul Pioneer Press

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