Audio: St. Louis City and county lose in effort to block Second Amendment Preservation Act. – kttn

Posted: September 2, 2021 at 2:07 pm

A county judge has ruled against St. Louis City and St, Louis County in their argument against the new state law known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act.

The law is to stop local law enforcement from helping federal investigators if guns are seized in an operation: St. Louis argued that this cripples any joint crime-fighting efforts- especially against violent crime. Cole County Judge Daniel Green, in a two-page ruling, said that if there is a remedy for a complaint, then he cannot block the law, that the constitutional issues raised in this matter should be litigated, by each plaintiff in each separate case.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt released the following statement following the Cole County Circuit Courts denial of Jackson County, St. Louis County, St. Louis City, and the Department of Justices request for an injunction blocking Missouris Second Amendment Preservation Act.

The ruling was an important victory for the Missouri Attorney Generals Office over the Biden Department of Justice, and for the Second Amendment rights of all Missourians, said Attorney General Schmitt. Since the Second Amendment Preservation Act was passed, I promised to fiercely defend the law and Missourians Second Amendment rights thats exactly what we did in this case and will continue to do moving forward.

The judgment from the court can be found here.

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