Robotics Education Nonprofit To Expand Footprint In PA – 90.5 WESA

Posted: August 16, 2017 at 6:21 pm

The Pittsburgh Tech Report for August 15, 2017.

The national robotics education nonprofit Best Robotics is moving its headquarters to Pittsburgh.

Thousands of students participate in Best Robotics competitions annually, spending six weeks building robots with real world potential.

Every year there's an industry theme for the competition, said executive director Rosemary Mendel. Last year, it was agriculture; this year, it's fire and rescue.

The idea is to train the future tech workforce and get more kids excited about pursuing careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math.

Best Robotics was founded in Texas in 1993 and has since spread to 17 states so far. Since then, the organization has manned "virtual headquarters," said Mendel, but the two Pittsburgh-based employees Mendel and Director of Strategic Engagement Deb Elliott are currently looking for a co-working space in the city.

In total, Best Robotics has just five full-time staff members and more than 5,000 volunteers across the country.

Nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities partner with the program to create local hubs, which bring the curriculum to middle and high school students for free.

Mendel said that approach improves accessibility for under-represented groups.

Our national demographics run ahead of what you normally see in the participation of minorities, rural and urban students. We also run higher on the participation of girls, she said.

Pennsylvanias two hubs are located at Grove City College and Penn State DuBois, but Mendel said she hopes to expand the programs footprint in the state.

She said she even envisions a regional competition based in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania students currently have to travel to Fargo, N.D. for regional competitions.

Pittsburgh is the technology city of the future, Mendel said. It just made sense to align ourselves in a community that has the same goals that we do.

The rest is here:

Robotics Education Nonprofit To Expand Footprint In PA - 90.5 WESA

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