Lynn Camp First Robotics Club gears up for season The News Journal – The News Journal

Posted: January 27, 2020 at 1:03 am

The First Robotics Club at Lynn Camp High School is ready to make a run. The group recently received the goals their new bot needs to achieve in competition. They will have six weeks to design and build a robot capable of climbing, accurately turning a table, and picking up and shooting a ball.

Natalie Hosman-Collopy, a senior in the club since freshman year, described the competition simply as working together to solve a goal. The production begins with deigning 3-D models and digital sketches before beginning construction. Parts for the robot are sourced from different places and 3-D printed in the engineering department. Although she plans to major in education, Natalie hopes to mentor future club members.

Lynn Camp is set to compete in March in Memphis. The competition will feature about 60 schools and a strong enough finish could send them to the world competition. Junior Rodney Alcorn is one club member whos already experienced the worlds stage. He described robotics as the best thing about high school to me, although he also has a fondness for football.

First Robotics is poised to carry on a strong team in the future with students like freshman Adrianna Hamilton. She acts as an understudy to one of the seniors and enjoys learning the ins and outs of programing. Like many she discovered the club through engineering class. Fellow freshman Bryson Riffe brings experience from the Lynn Camp Elementary Lego Robotics Team with him. Riffe wishes to enter into the engineering field in college and is helping develop a ball loading system for the robot.

Coach Hank Gevedon described the club as a sports team given the long hours they put in after school. Gevedon is in his first year as coach after being an assistant last year. Hes very proud of his club and of Lynn Camp itself. Gevedon gives his students plenty of credit and encouragement along the way. He placed Natalie in charge of conducting the interview for this article with a grade attached. She certainly received an A+.

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Lynn Camp First Robotics Club gears up for season The News Journal - The News Journal

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