Democrat Vs. Republican (8 Differences Explained)

Posted: July 21, 2022 at 1:04 pm

While there are distinct differences between Democrats and Republicans, that wasnt always the case.

By examining American political history, one can see that the two parties even had opposite beliefs from those they have today.

Since its common for political parties to cannibalize themselves or change over time, its important to understand political history to determine the differences between Democrats and Republicans.

Here are the major differences between the Democratic and Republican political parties.

The path the Democratic and Republican parties took to reach their modern platforms is different for each one.

The Democratic Party, at least in name, is older than the Republican Party.

It can trace its origins to the Anti-Federalist movement early in American history.

The Anti-Federalist Party included members like:

The Anti-Federalist Party was formed in protest against the Federalist Party.

The Federalist Party included members like:

The Federalists believed in a strong central government to oversee local governmental bodies.

They believed that it was the central governments job to improve the lives of its citizens and to create and enforce laws to do so.

The Anti-Federalists believed in strong local governments.

They believed that the central government should have little say in the matters of the states.

Instead, each state should determine laws and regulations according to its own needs and the needs of its people.

One might even say that the Anti-Federalists were a precursor to modern-day libertarians.

The Anti-Federalists took on the name of the Democratic-Republican party.

This party would continue in existence for some time although it would ultimately shorten its name to Democrats.

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 by individuals who had an interest in ending slavery.

This version of the Republican Party had one of its most famous members, Abraham Lincoln, become president.

The Republican Party changed following the election in 1912.

In fact, both parties changed.

In 1912, three presidential candidates were running for office.

Woodrow Wilson was running on the Democratic ticket.

Theodore Roosevelt was running on his own ticket called the Bull Moose Party.

Finally, former President Taft was running for election once more on the Republican ticket.

The Bull Moose Party was an offshoot of the Republican Party.

It was more liberal and supported certain regulations like conservation and higher regulations on big businesses.

This was separate from the Republican Party which, instead, wanted to end monopolies but still supported less regulation in the market.

The Democrats at this time were also starting to lean more liberal in their political ideas.

They supported regulation of the market, albeit not quite as radically as the Bull Moose Party.

The result was the victory of the Democrats and the elevation of Woodrow Wilson to the presidency.

Because Theodore Roosevelt, who had been a Republican, split the party, however, two different ideologies formed.

Those who had supported the Bull Moose Party considered themselves progressives.

As a result, they ended up joining the Democratic Party following their loss and threw their support behind more left-leaning policies.

This, in turn, transformed the party into the platform which supports its modern-day beliefs.

The Republican Party, on the other hand, grew more conservative and turned its focus to business interests and economic freedom.

Due to the split in 1912 which fractured the Republican Party, one might even say that the two parties switched their ideologies.

Both were mostly centrist in terms of their ideologies, but the split caused the Democrats to become more left-leaning and the Republicans to become more right-leaning.

Those divisions would only deepen over time.

One of the major differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party is each partys approach to the role in government that it has.

The Democratic Party, which now harkens more of a Federalist viewpoint, believes in a strong federal government.

Because it covers a large range of people with different backgrounds, religious beliefs, and sexual orientations, they believe its the federal governments job to ensure everyone receives fair treatment.

Local governments are too small or too skewed a certain way to ensure that fair treatment.

Thus, its the federal governments job to ensure and enforce fair treatment for everyone.

Democrats also prefer a larger federal body.

The more representation the federal government has, the more accurately it can represent the needs of everyone.

Republicans believe in something different.

Their thoughts are more similar to those of the Anti-Federalists.

They believe that the federal government shouldnt be as strong as it is.

In fact, they prefer to have fewer numbers in the government.

Instead, they believe that the bulk of power should come from local government offices and the states.

Each state should be able to pass and enforce laws according to its own needs and representations.

Its because of this belief in the role of the government that you see a lot of opposition on certain issues.

It all has to do with the governments role in the day-to-day lives of the American people.

Democrats and Republicans are different because Democrats believe in a large and powerful federal government whereas Republicans believe in a small and weak federal government with strong state governments instead.

A hot-button issue that both parties have differences on is the military.

Republicans tend to favor a strong military.

Because of that, theyre among those who support military funding increases.

Theyre also more willing to go to war, especially in countries in the Middle East.

Some of this may have to do with their supporters being mostly business owners.

Since Republicans like to consider themselves the party of business, they recognize the profit in war.

Any time the country goes to war, it puts people to work.

Guns and ammunition need to be manufactured and shipped.

Food rations need to be grown, harvested, and processed.

Clothes and uniforms and body armor also need to be produced.

Then theres the military, itself.

People without a job, without direction in life, or those who are looking to improve themselves, protect their country, or receive free secondary education can find employment in the military.

Some may even find a lasting career.

Because war is profitable for America, many Republicans support it.

Democrats, on the other hand, are less likely to support war and thus dont support the military as much.

They prefer a smaller military force and thus tend to promote cutting the military budget.

They believe in using that budget for bettering domestic society.

Democrats are less likely to go to war with Middle Eastern countries.

They instead prefer to use diplomacy, trade embargoes, and other tactics to prove points or to weaken an enemy.

Thats because Democrats tend to see themselves as the party for the people.

They look at war as a moral problem rather than something from which to profit.

The loss of life isnt worth the money that the country can make off of it.

Democrats and Republicans are different because of their stance on the military.

Republicans prefer a strong military and more funding for it whereas Democrats prefer a smaller military and less funding for it.

Perhaps one of the biggest issues that sees a distinct difference between Democrats and Republicans is their stance on gun control laws.

Republicans tend to support individual freedoms.

That means they believe that citizens can make their own decisions about guns.

In particular, theyre strong supporters of the Second Amendment which covers the right to bear arms.

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Democrat Vs. Republican (8 Differences Explained)

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