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Posted: June 26, 2017 at 5:01 pm

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We know that Nature is actually responsible for most of what religious people attribute to God- the perpetual creation, formation and maintenance of all Life in the Universe (i.e. the Deistic creative quality). We also know that Nature is everywhere, pervading all things at all times, just as God is described as being (Omnipresent) andmore

There is to be found in Nature, an incredible, all-encompassing life-force or power, which I call the Omnia (Latin for all or everything). This word not only denotes all energy/matter in the physical Universe, but also the innate quality of that matter, through the laws of Nature, to self-organize, replicate, move toward complexity and (inmore

I have always admired C.S. Lewis with the respect due to a loyal opponent. He certainly wasnt a mystic Christian, but he was no mindless fundamentalist. Although an apologist for a state religion I cannot condone or glorify, Lewis always wrote with a strong heart and intellect, and his arguments, though too boxy for mymore

In my interactions with the hundreds of other Pantheists Ive met online, Ive encountered an extreme medley of diverse and sometimes contradictory beliefs, with distinctions that cover the whole spectrum of thought and views that run the gamut between the extremely open-minded, New Age or Eastern-influenced mysticism, to the empirical, evidence-only materialist or reductionist Atheist.more

The words, spiritual and spirituality mean different things to different people, but in the Pantheist community, it generally means a heightened awareness of reality, a deeper consideration for the natural world and our place within it; a more pervasive, expansive and preeminent knowledge of self and the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things. And addingmore

A follow up I wrote to Pantheism, a collection of quotes I shared part 1 widely and quickly realized that what I had meant as a simple introduction to the philosophy seemed to create at least as many questions as it attempted to answer. I submit part 2 as an attempt to elaborate on somemore

Agnostic doubter

Scientific pantheism: Revering the Universe,Caring for Nature, Learning from Science, Promoting Human and Animal Rights, Celebrating Life. Reason plus passion. 100% strong naturalist. -

Author, artist, vegan, philosopher, poet, friend. Nostalgic, sentimental, complex and passionate. I write, draw, paint and sculpt when inspired. Love travel, hiking, good movies, good food, good music, animals, nature and the outdoors. Mythology, history, science, biology, psychology and metaphysics are of particular interest... that and anything horror, sci-fi or fantasy related.

Science and experience teaches us that everything is connected... so intimately connected that in describing reality, words lose their meaning. And all I feel about all that is a sense of awe at this grand and amazing divine universe.

Admin. A lover of Science, Nature, and our amazing play. On a quest to soak up being HERE, in all its beauty and pain.

Coming Soon

When asked my religion I kindly say, "I have my own way of beliefs." Mainly due to the fact not many people understand what I try to say when I say there is a little truth in each religion but I do not fallow any specific one.

Want to learn more


Ontologically I favor the idea that existence encompasses all possibilities.

All one, all God!

I am a scientis and a professor of Environmental Science. I am an adopted son of an Assiniboine family, and a Sundancer. My philosophy shares a great deal with Pantheism. There is an element of sympatico that I would like to explore further.

To be honest I have never heard of pantheism before but would love to learn. I don't believe in a god, at least not a heavenly father that created everything and everyone, a being that people pray to and worship. I do believe everything is energy. When we die our energy returns to the earth, sky and space. I 'm looking for like minded people. If you think I'd fit in, learn and contribute to the group, I would love to be added.

We are all one. I try to remember this as I go about my life, in this seemingly mad world.


"It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together" - Ben Kenobi




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