The Provigil Secret Few Experts Want to Tell You – HuffPost

Posted: June 26, 2017 at 5:28 pm

Smart drug enthusiasts have been curious about provigil (aka modafinil) for decades, but the drug has recently become the darling of Silicon Valley executives and Wall Street financial traders. In this well-outlined review of provigil you can better understand the pros and cons of this nootropic substance, but here we will focus on something a bit more sinister.

Most nootropic experts believe provigil to be an epitome of cognitive enhancement because it is able to increase many aspects of cognition in a reliable way. Even though this seems like a Limitless pill to some, this is far from the truth. There are plenty of side effects associated with provigil that either go unnoticed or undiscussed.

Below we will explain the origins of provigil, why it is effective, how it compares to other stimulant based drugs, and a few suggestions for anyone interested in this synthetic compound. It may be powerful, but it does come with risks.

The origins of provigil are humble. The drug was invented as a solution for the common disorder called narcolepsy. With narcoleptic patients, they are unable to get adequate rest during the night. This leaves them feeling disoriented, lowers their cognitive abilities, and creates a host of other problems.

The drug was first invented in the late 1970s and was lauded as one of the best solutions for the condition. Although many people have used and continue to use provigil for narcolepsy today, it is most often used for off-label purposes.

Many people who are using provigil find that it is an alertness enhancer when they are sleep deprived or do not get high quality of rest. There is even intellectual discourse about this drug and how it shows a potential discrepancy between our physiological needs. For example, some people claim that provigil shows humans dont need as much sleep as we currently get.

Whatever the case may be, provigil is used both by those in need of prescription help so that they can perform well low on sleep. It also is used by high performance individuals who are trying to get more from their typical workday.

When many people first take provigil, the comparison is immediately with high-powered stimulants like Adderall or Ritalin. These prescription drugs are based off an amphetamine backbone, which means they are very potent and can be potentially dangerous depending on the age and other factors.

Stimulants of any kind can create significant side effects, such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and stress. One of the benefits of provigil is that the addiction potential is lower when compared to Adderall in several studies.

Some people take Adderall for feelings of euphoria, but this is not an experience many people have with modafinil. That being said, both provigil and Adderall both interact with the adrenaline and dopaminergic systems within the brain. These are very closely tied to the reward circuits so it is important to be mindful of these facts.

Luckily, the military has use for stimulants, which has led to a lot of added research. Studies on air force pilots have found that an equitable dose of provigil has the same effect on preserving cognition as Adderall does during periods of sleep deprivation.

Even those who are taking recreational drugs (like methamphetamine) find that provigil is an adequate substitute to help their cognition.

The greatest upside of taking provigil is to improve focus and concentration. Those who are sleep deprived can enhance their skill of alertness, but those with enough sleep can have even greater concentration than otherwise possible.

Most people like provigil because it is not as addictive as Adderall, but it still has a similar effect. Of course, one of the greatest reasons for provigils popularity is the fact it can increase some aspects of memory and creativity. A specific cognitive marker called working memory is related to creative thinking. It is difficult to find nootropics that will improve both markers of focus and concentration, but also creativity.

It is valuable to work on both of these things in almost every professional setting. Whether you are a creative type or a simple office worker, the provigil drug will provide some type of benefit.

The greatest challenge is facing the side effects of provigil realistically. Even though Adderall is a more addictive and exhausting drug to take, many people in the online communities report anecdotally that provigil creates more side effects than Adderall.

Some people experience chest pains (common with stimulants) while other people have allergic reactions (rashes). Still others have longer term issues, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. This is one of the things most of the experts will not mention: you must be responsible for your own cognitive health.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because provigil is helpful, it doesnt come with risks. It does come with risks, but there are ways that you can mitigate these risks and prevent yourself from long-term health problems.

To learn more about how to mitigate these risks you can find a full provigil review online here:

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The Provigil Secret Few Experts Want to Tell You - HuffPost

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