Nootropics & Smart Drug Reviews

Posted: June 21, 2016 at 6:40 am

What are nootropics?

If you are looking for nootropic drugs and supplements, there are many suppliers around with a good reputation. You can find all sort of information about nootropics as well as reviews of famous smart drugs on our website. So what exactly are nootropics?

According to, nootropics aresubstanceswhich improve the functional capabilities of the central nervous system including the brain. They also possess a host of other names such as cognitive enhancers, smart drugs, neuro enhancers, and intelligence enhancers among many more. Nootropics are drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals and functional foods that improve one or more aspects of mental functions such as motivation, attention and working memory. These drugs (nootropics) are legal and can be bought over the counter without necessarily requiring a doctors prescription.

Scientific data has come out strongly to prove that these drugs can be used to safely treat certain neuro conditions. We are talking about diseases such as Parkinsonism, Alzheimers, ADHD and Huntingtons disease.

There are so many nootropic substances in the market and otherwise. However, almost all of them contain the following major characteristics.

Yes of course nootropics are different from other drugs. These compounds basically affect the part of the brain which enjoins the left and the right hemispheres. This part of the brain is known as the corpus collosum in the scientific lexicon. Exclusively working on this area is what differentiates nootropics from other classes of smart drugs owing to the fact that they possess little to no effect on the central nervous system. This phenomenon causes the nootropics to be known to harmlessly work with and enhance brain activity while improving memory because they present essentially no side-effects and/or contraindications. Moreover, this is as a result of their low degree of toxicity in the body if administered within the typical range of dose.

Despite the fact that nootropics enhance the cognitive function of the brain, they are also known to improve attention span, memory, concentration and motivation. The different compounds that fall under the nootropics surname possess their own distinctive chemical and biological processes. If we may for instance take piracetam. This nootropic supplement has its powers in its ability to increase two types of glutamate receptors: AMPA and NDMA. It also works on cholinergic acetylcholine receptors. Piracetam is also known to cause vasodilation (widening) of the blood vessels which ultimately stimulates blood circulation in the central nervous system.

The cognitive enhancers, nootropics, exist in two states. There are those that are found naturally and some that are synthesized from the laboratory.

Natural brain enhancers include merchandises like Brain stack and Alpha Brain. They are naturally made from vitamins, natural herbs and minerals which include ingredients like Vitamin B6, Alpha GPC, Bacopa, Vinocetine, Huperzia Serrata, Amino acids ( L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine), AC11, among many others. If you are not exactly sure what these are do not be worried, you will get a lot of relevant information pertaining them in this site going forward.

Chemically based nootropical compounds refer to products like Racetams, Piracetam and Noopept. These are products produced by combination substances that have been scientifically synthesized in the laboratory. It must be noted that despite possessing a higher potency, chemically synthesized, as opposed to naturally occurring drugs, are always laden with contraindications. Therefore, you have to be extremely careful before taking any nootropic that belongs to this category. But take it easy, this is where this site comes in.

The most important point to note here is that irrespective of whether a nootropic is naturally or chemically synthesized, they do work in a similar way. All of them are meant to improve your brains neurotransmitters. The end result of this is increased focus, memory and enhanced learning ability.


Nootropics & Smart Drug Reviews

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