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Category Archives: Ww3

North Korea vows to nuke THIS country first if WW3 breaks out – Daily Star

Posted: May 2, 2017 at 11:14 pm

NORTH korea has revealed the first country it would nuke if World War 3 broke out, according to terrifying claims from a Pyongyang newspaper.

Hermit Kingdom mouthpiece Rodong Sinmun claims Japan would be the first country to be blanketed with radioactive clouds if war erupted on the Korean peninsula.

The official daily paper of the ruling regime boasted of the ease with which the totalitarian state could unleash its army on Japan.

The paper added: Not only those who try to harm us but their supporters will not be safe if any war breaks out.

The chilling threat comes as Japan authorised a helicopter carrier to use weapons against attacks from North Korea if necessary.


An inside view of North Korea

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Japanese defence chiefs ordered the Izumo Maritime Self-Defense Force helicopter carrier to protect a US Navy supply ship in the Pacific.

The troops on board the Japanese ship have been authorised to use the minimum necessary use of weapons amid North Korean threats to sink US vessels, the Japan Times reports.

The US armada led by the nuclear-powered USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was sent by Trump to within striking range of North Korea.


Not only those who try to harm us but their supporters will not be safe if any war breaks out.

Now Rodong Sinmun has accused Japan of fanning war tensions and urged the nation to resolve the crisis on the Korean peninsula peacefully.

The state-owned paper reported the story under the headline: Japan's Reckless Act Which Drives Itself into Ruin.

It added: It's obvious that Japan's fanning of a Korean Peninsula crisis is intended to proceed toward its militarization and reinvade the peninsula.

Joint US and South Korean forces have flexed their muscles in an aggressive display of military power, sure to heighten tensions on the Korean border to unbearable levels

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South Korean K1A2 tanks fire live rounds

But Japan is not the only country North Korea has threatened to attack.

The rogue nation has promised to strike the US and South Korea, saying they will be submerged into a sea of fire and reduced to ashes.

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North Korea vows to nuke THIS country first if WW3 breaks out - Daily Star

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WW3: THAAD missile OBLITERATES warhead in epic video – Daily Star

Posted: at 11:14 pm

IT could be the system that saves humanity from World War Three and rare footage has now surfaced showing the THAAD missile defence system in action.

Kim Jong-un wants to end the world according to Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, with fears so great Donald Trump has sent a huge armada of ships to North Koreas doorstep.

The biggest fears lie in the countrys possession of nuclear bombs whichKim has repeatedly said he will use on the West.

If nukes are fired at the US, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system is certain to be deployed.

Its designed to shoot down short, medium and intermediate-range ballistic missiles before they get too close.


And now, extremely rare video posted to YouTube yesterday (April 30) has emerged showing the exact moment it does just that.

With the weapon in the skies, a surface-to-air missile is fired from a carrier.

It speeds into the air just as the warhead comes into view.


Joint US and South Korean forces have flexed their muscles in an aggressive display of military power, sure to heighten tensions on the Korean border to unbearable levels

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South Korean K1A2 tanks fire live rounds

The THAAD system then smashes into the weapon causing a gigantic fireball to erupt at a safe distance from those watching below.

It will offer hope to President Trump who only yesterday refused to rule out taking military action against the hermit state.

Despite the terrifying regime, travel blogger Drew Goldberg spent three days in North Korea uncovering a new perspective of life inside the worlds most mysterious nation.

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WW3: THAAD missile OBLITERATES warhead in epic video - Daily Star

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North Korea to ‘reduce US mainland to ruins’ Kim in WW3 confirmation – Daily Star

Posted: at 11:14 pm

NORTH Korea has said it will launch an attack on multiple countries in a chilling confirmation World War 3 is coming.

The rogue state accused the United States of pushing the Korean peninsula to the brink of nuclear war after US bombers took part in drills with the South Korean and Japanese air forces.

North Koreas state-controlled media has announced the country is now simply waiting for the moment it will reduce the whole of the US mainland to ruins.

It warned Americas vast territory is exposed to our preemptive nuclear strike" and that its army is "waiting for the moment it will reduce the whole of the U.S. mainland to ruins with its absolute weaponry of justice."


Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

The reckless nuclear war provocation by the Trump administration will bring it nothing but the fall of the American empire

It added: "If the US shows any slight sign of provocation, just the inter-continental ballistic rockets displayed in the April military parade will fly into the US.

The reckless nuclear war provocation by the Trump administration will bring it nothing but the fall of the American empire."

North Korea also promised to strike US allies, including South Korea and Japan, saying they will be submerged into a sea of fire and reduced to ashes.

But the risk of Kim Jong-un successfully launching a nuclear strike on the US seems unlikely.

Kim Jong-un used the annual "Day of the Sun" parade in Pyongyang to make a chilling display of the country's burgeoning nuclear power and military might

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Military vehicles carrying missiles believed to be North Korean KN-08 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles


Its last two ballistic missile tests have apparently ended in failure including one heading towards Russia.

It comes as President Donald Trump said a meeting between him and Kim could happen under the right circumstances.

The 70-year-old business tycoon had previously shocked the world by describing Kim as a smart cookie and praised the 33-year-old for keeping control of the isolated state at such a young age.

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North Korea to 'reduce US mainland to ruins' Kim in WW3 confirmation - Daily Star

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Russia’s remote-controlled ROBOT TANK ready for action as World War Three draws closer – Daily Star

Posted: at 11:14 pm

RUSSIA have started test-driving a gigantic, state-of-the-art robot tank as Word War Three tensions rise.

The monster machine - called The Vikhr is one of the world's biggest unmanned military robots and boasts a whole host of sophisticated gear

Footage filmed in a classified location in Russia shows The Vikhr face a range of tasks and absolutely smash them.

The gigantic 22ft-long tank operated by a man sitting at a laptop with a joystick rolls up and down hills, through grass, mud and several feet of water with absolute ease.

The Vikhr then shows off its full force by firing several rounds from its 30mm automatic gun before launching several missiles into the distance.


Other weapons available include a flamethrower and six anti-tank guided missiles.

Russia's new tank can hit speeds of up to 37mph on dry land and 6.2mph through water

The coutnry is currently the third biggest military spender in the world, according to global security resource organisation SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).

President Vladimir Putin spent over $69.2 billion (53.4b) on the military last year, leaving them hot on the heels of the US and China.


Putin has an arsenal of state-of-the-art weaponry at his fingertips. Could this be the hardware that wages WW3?

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The T-90 tank: equipped with a 125mm smoothbore cannon and remote controlled anti-aircraft gun

World War Three looks ever closer after North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un attempted to yet another missile test, leading US President Trump to send warship USS Carl Vinson into North Korean waters.

Kim Jong-Un responded by releasing a chilling video vowing to obliterate Carl Vinson.

China launched a huge, new warship on Wednesday (April 26) as streamers and champagne were used to christen it.

US President Donald Trump then admitted a "major, major conflict" is on the cards before deploying troops to the Syria-Turkey border last night.

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Russia's remote-controlled ROBOT TANK ready for action as World War Three draws closer - Daily Star

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Russia is planting nuclear missiles along US east coast to cause monster wave during WW3, according to crackpot … – The Sun

Posted: at 11:14 pm

Relations between Washington and Moscow are at their worst since the Cold War

A RETIRED Russian colonel has made ludicrous claims that Russia has planted nuclear bombs around the shoreline of the US which would unleash a huge tsunami in event of WW3.

Viktor Baranetz, former spokesman for Moscows Defence Ministry, warned that President Vladimir Putins military has planted mole missiles near the east coast of America.


If the crackpot claims are true, major US cities such as New York and Miami could be overwhelmed by a massive nuke-tsunami if the bombs are detonated, reports the Daily Star.

Baranetz also claims the missiles are capable of digging themselves in and sleeping until given the command to detonate.

Speaking with newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, he said: The Americans are deploying their tanks, airplanes and special forces battalions along the Russian border.

And we are quietly seeding the U.S. shoreline with nuclear mole missiles.

The former colonel said that while Russia is unable to compete with Americas colossal defence budget, it is using unconventional tactics in order to compete in a major conflict with Washington.

He said: The U.S. is the permanent world champion in the size of its military budget almost $600 billion (500 million), which is 10 times more than Russias.

Tensions between Russia and the US are at their worst since the Cold War.


Despite praising Putin during his election campaign, President Donald Trump is now at odds with the Kremlin strongman after the US military destroyed an airbase belonging to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Dictator Assad is a key ally of Russia and Putin condemned the act of aggression from the Trump administration.

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Russia is planting nuclear missiles along US east coast to cause monster wave during WW3, according to crackpot ... - The Sun

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Russia’s WW3 plan: Putin’s subs planting deep-sea nukes to unleash Tsunami on US – Daily Star

Posted: April 30, 2017 at 10:37 pm

A RUSSIAN military expert has claimed Putins subs are burying nuclear missiles near the US to unleash a huge tsunami when WW3 comes.

Viktor Baranetz, a retired army colonel and former spokesman for the Defense Ministry, claimed Russia had already started planting mole missiles on the east coast of the US.

The missiles are capable of digging themselves in and sleeping until given the command to detonate.

The nukes are aligned in a chain to create a massive tsunami when detonated capable of overwhelming cities along the American coast.

If the claims are true, cities such as New York, Boston and Miami would be sitting ducks in the event of such an attack.



Putin has an arsenal of state-of-the-art weaponry at his fingertips. Could this be the hardware that wages WW3?

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The T-90 tank: equipped with a 125mm smoothbore cannon and remote controlled anti-aircraft gun

We are quietly seeding the U.S. shoreline with nuclear mole missiles

The Americans are deploying their tanks, airplanes and special forces battalions along the Russian border, Baranetz said.

And we are quietly seeding the U.S. shoreline with nuclear mole missiles.

Baranetz made the shock claims in an interview with Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda and believes the tactic is intended to put Donald Trump on the back foot in the event of war breaking out.

The U.S. is the permanent world champion in the size of its military budget almost $600 billion (500 million), which is 10 times more than Russias, he explained.


Baranetz said while the Russian government couldnt hope to compete in terms of budget, it was employing other devious measures to get the better of Donald Trump.

Former head of the Russian Army, Yuri Baluyevsky, also said there are plans in place to compensate for Russias lack of firepower.

Russia will not compete with the U.S. in defense expenditure. We are in a different weight class, he said.

Over the years, a number of high profile critics of the Kremlin have died in mysterious circumstances, including Alexander Litvenenko, who was famously poisoned with the radioactive compound Polonium-210

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Sergei Yushenkova liberal Russian politician investigating a series of bombings

For us, the main question is how to ensure Russias defense at a lower cost.

I am sure that we have already found asymmetrical responses. I dont see a big problem here.

Fears of WW3 are at an all-time high with Donald Trumps armada of ships led by the USS Carl Vinson steaming towards war with Kim Jong-un.

Both North Korea and the US have carried out enormous drills as war seems inevitable on the Korean peninsula.

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Russia's WW3 plan: Putin's subs planting deep-sea nukes to unleash Tsunami on US - Daily Star

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North Korea: Kim Jong-un suffers ANOTHER missile failure amid growing WW3 fears – Daily Star

Posted: at 10:37 pm

KIM Jong-un has suffered another missile embarrassment amid fears of imminent war with the US on the Korean peninsula.

Yonhap news agency reported that the North Korean military had carried out a test-firing of a ballistic missile early on Saturday morning.

But a US government source claimed that the test-firing had been unsuccesful, and President Trump had been briefed.

The missile is believed to have blown up a few seconds after take off on the peninsula.



Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

US officials said they had been tracking the missile from 4.30pm this afternoon and were still waiting to determine the exact type, but it is believed to be a medium-range ballistic.

A Pacific Command spokesman said: "The North American Aeropace Command determined the missile launch from North Korea did not pose a threat to North America."

The news comes as North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un promised "weekly" missile launches in the wake of his spectacular failed test last week.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had previously warned the United Nations failure to curb North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs could lead to "catastrophic consequences".


Donald Trump said a "major, major conflict" with North Korea was on the horizon if it failed to hold back on further missile tests.

Kim also staged North Korea's "biggest military drills ever" this week as massed artillery conducted live firing drills in a chilling message to Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, the US staged their own exercises on the tubby tyrant's border with over 5,000 American and South Korean troops taking part.

As his people starve in gulags, North Korean tyrant Kim Jong-un is renowned for his extravagant and luxurious lifestyle. Basketball player Dennis Rodman, who spent time with the dictator, said "Everything you want, he has the best"

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Horses are a well known extravagance of the super-rich

The US President has also sent an "armada" to the Korean peninsula which is just days away.

In another, seemingly inflammatory move, they combined with Japan's air force on Friday in a further show of force.

The firing happened in an area to the north of Pyongyang, North Korea's capital.

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North Korea: Kim Jong-un suffers ANOTHER missile failure amid growing WW3 fears - Daily Star

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WW3: Russia’s remote-controlled robot tank ready for action – Daily Star

Posted: at 10:37 pm

RUSSIA have started test-driving a gigantic, state-of-the-art robot tank as Word War Three tensions rise.

The monster machine - called The Vikhr is one of the world's biggest unmanned military robots and boasts a whole host of sophisticated gear

Footage filmed in a classified location in Russia shows The Vikhr face a range of tasks and absolutely smash them.

The gigantic 22ft-long tank operated by a man sitting at a laptop with a joystick rolls up and down hills, through grass, mud and several feet of water with absolute ease.

The Vikhr then shows off its full force by firing several rounds from its 30mm automatic gun before launching several missiles into the distance.


Other weapons available include a flamethrower and six anti-tank guided missiles.

Russia's new tank can hit speeds of up to 37mph on dry land and 6.2mph through water

The coutnry is currently the third biggest military spender in the world, according to global security resource organisation SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).

President Vladimir Putin spent over $69.2 billion (53.4b) on the military last year, leaving them hot on the heels of the US and China.


Putin has an arsenal of state-of-the-art weaponry at his fingertips. Could this be the hardware that wages WW3?

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The T-90 tank: equipped with a 125mm smoothbore cannon and remote controlled anti-aircraft gun

World War Three looks ever closer after North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un attempted to yet another missile test, leading US President Trump to send warship USS Carl Vinson into North Korean waters.

Kim Jong-Un responded by releasing a chilling video vowing to obliterate Carl Vinson.

China launched a huge, new warship on Wednesday (April 26) as streamers and champagne were used to christen it.

US President Donald Trump then admitted a "major, major conflict" is on the cards before deploying troops to the Syria-Turkey border last night.

Continued here:

WW3: Russia's remote-controlled robot tank ready for action - Daily Star

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WW3 fears: North Korea goads US with BRUTAL ‘Jellyfish’ jibe as fears of total war grow – Daily Star

Posted: at 10:37 pm

NORTH Korea has lashed out at the US in a brutal jibe possibly intended to coax Donald Trump into total war.


One of Kim Jong-un's militant propaganda papers fired shots at the US army saying: "Your army might startle a jellyfish but not us."

The startling slapdown was made as Donald Trump moves in his big guns to confront the tubby tyrant.

A vast armada led by the USS Carl Vinson is nearing the Korean peninsula and today conducted large-scale drills with the Japanese airforce.

Trump's ground troops in South Korea have also done their fair share of muscle-flexing.


Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

Your army might startle a jellyfish but not us

Five thousand US and South Korean soldiers staged military exercises on Kim's border on Wednesday.

But North Korea released a petulant message of defiance in the face of US aggression.

Such threat may startle a jellyfish, but can never work on the DPRK. The US had better recognise this," the newspaper read.


It is no more than a bluff that the US gets busy deploying nuclear carrier task forces under the eyes of the nuclear power in the East.

Fears of nuclear war are at an all-time high with the American-built THAAD missile system nearing deployment in South Korea.

On top of this, Kim Jong-un has promised weekly missile tests after the spectacular failure of his nuke launches last week.

As his people starve in gulags, North Korean tyrant Kim Jong-un is renowned for his extravagant and luxurious lifestyle. Basketball player Dennis Rodman, who spent time with the dictator, said "Everything you want, he has the best"

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Horses are a well known extravagance of the super-rich

The newspaper article said the US was trying to intimidate North Korea into freezing its nuclear war programme but vowed to continue anyway.

It would be a fatal mistake of the US to think it can browbeat the DPRK with such nuclear carrier," it continued.

It is a wicked design of the U.S. to shake the DPRK's will for increased nuclear deterrent through intensive military threat and blackmail.

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WW3 fears: North Korea goads US with BRUTAL 'Jellyfish' jibe as fears of total war grow - Daily Star

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WW3: US navy’s secret weapon for possible war against North Korea – Daily Star

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 3:19 pm

THE US navy has a lethal secret weapon that could win them World War Three as tensions rise between North Korea, China, Russia, the US and the Middle East.

Boffins are carrying out a string of experiments of an electromagnetic railgun their "most powerful cannon" that fires projectiles at "seven times the speed of sound".

Test footage available above shows the weapon being loaded with a huge shell before being launched via electromagnetic pulse through "a fireball of molten steel".

It rockets through the air before smashing into a dummy warhead displaying its awesome power.

"The electromagnetic railgun represents an incredible new offensive capability for the U.S. Navy," says Rear Admiral Bryant Fuller in a statement.

This capability will allow us to effectively counter a wide range of threats at a relatively low cost, while keeping our ships and sailors safer by removing the need to carry as many high-explosive weapons.


There's not a thing in the sky that is going to survive against that

The super cannon can fire up to 100 miles and is unique in not requiring explosive warheads to function.

"There's not a thing in the sky that is going to survive against that," says Rear Admiral Matthew Klunder, who developed the railgun.

"It will give our adversaries a huge moment of pause to 'do I even want to go engage a naval ship?' because you are going to lose.

"You could throw anything at us, frankly, and the fact that we now can shoot a number of these rounds at a very affordable cost, its my opinion that they dont win."


As Donald Trump has promised to start an arms race, we take a look at the futuristic weapons being developed for the US military.

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The Lockheed Martin HULC is an exoskeleton that allows soldiers to carry loads of up to 200lbs for long distances

Each projectile costs approximately $25,000 (19k) which is relatively inexpensive when compared to the $500,000 (386k) traditional missiles cost.

World War Three tensions have risen dramatically in the past few weeks after North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un attempted to launch a missile.

The US responded by sending war vessel USS Carl Vinson into waters close to North Korea, which caused Jong-Un to release a chilling video vowing to obliterate Carl Vinson.

China launched a brand new warship on Wednesday (April 26) and yesterday Trump admitted that a "major, major conflict" is on the cards as peace talks are "very difficult".

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WW3: US navy's secret weapon for possible war against North Korea - Daily Star

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