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Asia is KEY to diffusing North Korea tensions as WW3 threats build after missile launch –

Posted: May 20, 2017 at 7:04 am


In recent months, the rising tensions between the US and North Korea have aroused anxiety throughout the Asia-Pacific.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has a long history of diplomatic relations with the hermit state - with Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia all having embassies in the country.

Last month, Pyongyang appealed to the bloc for support in a letter which claimed North Korea was on the brink of war.

In the letter to the ASEAN Secretary General, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-Ho indicated his expectations that ASEAN which attaches great importance to the regional peace and stability will make an issue of the US-South Korean joint military exercises at ASEAN conferences.



And he added ASEAN should take a fair position and play an active role in safeguarding the peace and safety of Korean Peninsula.

But just a week later, US Secretary of State Rex Tllerson warned ASEAN members to minimise relations with the hermit state.

Then in April, ASEAN expressed grave concern as it urged North Korea to comply with UN Security Council resolutions on its nuclear programme.

Now one expert believes the ASEAN bloc could hold the key to peace - and urged the association to act as a facilitator between the warring nations.

AFP/Getty Images

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An unidentified rocket, reported to be a Hwasong-type missile similar to the one used in a May 14, 2017 test launch, at a military parade in Pyongyang

Lonny Carlile, associate professor at the University of Hawaiis Asian Studies Program, said: North Korea has always said that they want to engage in direct negotiations with the United States and feel included in the international community.

With ASEANs track record in various dialogues, maybe thats an alternative.

Southeast Asian countries - particularly Singapore, Malaysia and Cambodia - have close ties to North Korea, and provide an economic and security lifeline for the state.

However, not everyone shares Mr Carliles optimism.


Denny Roy, a research fellow at Hawaii-based research institute East-West Center, said: This is a Northeast Asia problem...

I dont know what ASEAN can do to make talks more likely but (it) can help to enforce sanctions."

David Han, research analyst, said: If ASEAN intends to show its relevance regarding the North Korean threat, it should be realistic about its own ability in offering viable solutions to the crisis, and avoid pandering to either China or the US.

While ASEAN could do more by signalling to North Korea during the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) meetings to back down from Pyongyangs provocative behaviour, beyond this there is not much that ASEAN could do to pressure North Korea to change its course.

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WW3: US satellites could be attacked by China and Russia space weapons – Daily Star

Posted: May 18, 2017 at 2:40 pm

THE US could see all their defences destroyed thanks to state-of-the-art "space weaponry" capable of taking out essential satellites.

World War 3 tensions between the US, North Korea, China and Russia have risen constantly over the last few months, with matters worsening after Kim Jong-un fired yet another missile on Sunday (May 14).

Kim Jong-un has now ordered North Korea to brace itself for an imminent missile attack from the US.

The paranoid tyrant has commanded forces to build protective walls in case of a missile blitz from the US Navy.

But American senator Ted Cruz urgently revealed that the US might be hopeless if World War 3 broke out, thanks to terrifying cyber-attack technology.


The development that other countries are making in space weaponry, to take out our communication equipment, is truly chilling

"The development that other countries are making in space weaponry, to take out our communication equipment, is truly chilling," said Cruz, who once battled President Donald Trump to be Republican leader.

"I will tell you, some of the classified briefings would take your breath away at the potential threats we face," he added

And an attack would affect every technology-dependent citizen in the states.

A chilling CNN video available above shows the mayhem a "stealth cyber attack" will cause if it sweeps through America.


14 of the biggest cyber-attacks, hacks and data breaches in history.

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14 of the biggest cyber-attacks, hacks and data breaches in history

The nightmare scenario shows cash machines, computers and television suddenly freeze and go blank.

Traffic jams pile up, grinding the usually bustling cities to a halt.

Mobile phone services fail, the financial district powers down and the US's military communications with drones become impossible.

Cruz broke the news on Tuesday (May 16) at the "On the Launchpad: Return to Deep Space" event organised by The Atlantic magazine in Washington, D.C.

General John Hyten, head of US Strategic Command, told CNN: "As humans go out there, there has always been conflict.

"Conflict in the Wild West as we move in the West. Conflict twice in Europe for its horrible world wars.

"So every time humans actually physically move into that, there's conflict and in that case, we'll have to be prepared for that."

America is the most dependent country on space technology, with China and Russia close behind them.

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WW3: US satellites could be attacked by China and Russia space weapons - Daily Star

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North Korea sends chilling coded radio messages to South Korea amid fears of WW3 –

Posted: at 2:40 pm

Tension has been high for months on the Korean peninsula over North Korea's nuclear and missile development amid fears it will conduct a sixth nuclear test and more ballistic missile launches in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions.

Kim Jong-un's hermit state resumed broadcasting the eerie numbers via its radio station in Pyongyang last June, using them to direct their spies across the border in the South.

But the ghostly broadcasts which are usually broadcast at midnight was aired last night for the first time since Moon Jae-in was sworn in as South Koreas new president.

The new coded message was read out on Radio Pyongyang at 1.15am local time by a female announcer.


She said she is instructing number 27 expedition agents to review their foreign language lessons, according to the Seoul's Yonhap news agency.

The woman then called out a series of numbers, such as: Number 18 on Page 451.

Analysts are still divided over what exactly North Korea is using the codes for.


But espionage experts believe the radio transmissions are designed to give spies secret orders which they can translate using a cipher book.

This method was used during the Cold War but it was suspended in 2000 when the two Koreas held a historic summit.

But the broadcasts resumed last June and since then Pyongyang has broadcast numbers on 36 occasions including 16 this year.


A previous broadcast addressed the 21st exploration team and read out: On page 924 number 49, on page 14 number 76, on page 418 number 37.

The voice then continued with a further string of numbers and claimed it was calling for a review of a maths assignment.

It comes as South Korea's new president said he was open to talks with Kim Jong-un.

Mr Moon has taken a more conciliatory line than his conservative predecessors and has said he would be prepared to go to Pyongyang "if the conditions are right."


AFP/Getty Images

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An unidentified rocket, reported to be a Hwasong-type missile similar to the one used in a May 14, 2017 test launch, at a military parade in Pyongyang

Asked in an interview with NBC News if Mr Moon's approach would mean a change in US strategy, president Donald Trump said: "He's more open to discussion. I don't mind discussion, but it's under certain circumstances."

"I could probably give you a much better answer to that in a month or two months. We're going to see what happens.

"The North Korean situation is a very, very dangerous one for South Korea, for Japan, frankly for China and for the rest of the world. And I think we've handled it very well, very firmly."

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Worried South Korea speeds up building missile defence system over North Korea WW3 fears – Daily Star

Posted: May 17, 2017 at 2:05 am

SOUTH Korea is desperate to speed up its defensive weapons programme in the wake of Kim Jong-un's latest missile launch.


Nuke-mad Kim urned up the heat on brewing World War 3 tensions as he launched an IRBM missile over the weekend.

Now South Korean President Moon Jae-in has ordered his military to get marching on national security preparations.

Newly inaugurated Moon brought forward deadlines on the Korean Air and Missile Defence (KAMD) in response to the test-fire.

North Korean missiles are a threat to the region and very destabilizing

Moon called an emergency Security meeting after North Korea launched its Hwasong-12 on May 14 and then told his army to get a move on.

President Moon called the intermediate-range missile launch a grave challenge, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported.

But the US is clearly confident that South Korea is up to the task, as a Pentagon spokesman confirmed that its missile defence system THAAD can zap nukes from the North.

Kim Jong-un used the annual "Day of the Sun" parade in Pyongyang to make a chilling display of the country's burgeoning nuclear power and military might

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Military vehicles carrying missiles believed to be North Korean KN-08 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

Capt Jeff Davis said: This system [THAAD] has the ability to defeat North Korean missiles.

North Korean missiles are a threat to the region and very destabilizing,"

Mr Davis confirmed that the recently-installed THAAD defence system has an initial ability but not the full operational seamless capability that we want.

Joint US and South Korean forces have flexed their muscles in an aggressive display of military power, sure to heighten tensions on the Korean border to unbearable levels

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South Korean K1A2 tanks fire live rounds

In April, South Korea announced it would spent $3 billion on defence gadgets, including spy satellites rented from other countries.

South Korea is developing a three-tier programme to tackle the missile threat from its northern neighbour: Korea Massive Punishment and Retaliation Plan (KMPR), the Kill Chain pre-emptive strikes, and KAMD.

Weapons experts told Yonhap news that North Korea is still years away from developing an ICBM.

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Worried South Korea speeds up building missile defence system over North Korea WW3 fears - Daily Star

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Putin’s tanks fall from the SKY as North Korea ups World War 3 threat – Daily Star

Posted: at 2:05 am

RUSSIAN tanks literally fell from the sky as the country rehearsed battling a NATO army in preparation for World War 3.


Vladimir Putins troops were seen taking part in terrifying war drills this weekend as they prepare to go toe-to-toe against allied forces.

This involved testing dropping BMD-4M tanks attached to parachutes from the back of Ilyushin Il-76 cargo planes.

On the same day, NATO forces also flexed their muscles in a battlefield show of strength.

The forces from Germany, the United States, France, Austria, Ukraine and Poland took part in the Strong Europe Tank Challenge in the German town of Grafenwoehr.

The contest is designed to test soldiers in battle scenarios, including how well they identify vehicles and manoeuvres.


Putin has an arsenal of state-of-the-art weaponry at his fingertips. Could this be the hardware that wages WW3?

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The T-90 tank: equipped with a 125mm smoothbore cannon and remote controlled anti-aircraft gun

The President cannot imagine that Russia is pleased

For months, thousands of NATO soldiers have been heading to Russias doorstep in a bid to fend off Putins so-called aggressive stance.

British forces have been part of this massive military contingent, including a number of vehicles and Warrior tanks that were sent to Estonia in March.

Just last night a global conflict inched a bit nearer as North Korea fired a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan.

Shortly afterwards, a statement from the White House condemned the regime with reference to Russia.


The Russian army have been preparing for their annual Victory Day parade, which celebrates the defeat of the Nazis in World War Two. Tanks, troops and nuclear missiles are to be paraded through Moscow on the 9th May

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A Russian T-72 tank rolls through central Moscow


It said: The President has been briefed on the latest missile test by North Korea.

With the missile impacting so close to Russian soil in fact, closer to Russia than to Japan the President cannot imagine that Russia is pleased.

North Korea has been a flagrant menace for far too long. South Korea and Japan have been watching this situation closely with us.

The United States maintains our iron-clad commitment to stand with our allies in the face of the serious threat posed by North Korea.

Let this latest provocation serve as a call for all nations to implement far stronger sanctions against North Korea.

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Putin's tanks fall from the SKY as North Korea ups World War 3 threat - Daily Star

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North Korea crisis: China amasses new anti-warship missiles as WW3 tensions continue –

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 5:57 pm

Sino-US tensions over disputed territory in the South China Sea, along with sabre-rattling from North Korea which is mostly backed by China, have seen tensions in the region rise dramatically recently.

The situation has also been enflamed by US President Donald Trump sending the aircraft carrier the Carl Vinson, along with an armada of warships to the region to undergo military drills in the area.

Images of the Yulin naval base, located on Hainan Island of the hotly disputed islands off southern China close to Vietnam, now appear to show Beijing has stock-piled a range of land-base missile launchers that have the capability of reaching and knocking out the US military vessels.


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Israel-based ImageSat International snapped the images from its Eros B satellite with missiles being deployed on the bases west side.

Imagery analyst Amit Gur confirmed the new builds are anti-ship missiles.

He said: "The direction in which the launchers are facing leads us to believes these are shore-to-ship missiles."

Mr Gur added that the missiles pictured in the satellite looked to be fully operational and ready to fire.

He added: "They must have concluded renovation work, as the systems are clearly visible.

"We don't just know if they are new systems, or a redeployment of the ones that were stored during the renovation."



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Soldiers enjoy a ride at the funfair in Pyongyang

The missiles appear to have been installed on Monday after the base was essentially empty.

While the US has said that the warships are there to put pressure North Korea who has threatened to attack the US with nuclear weapons, China is increasingly worried over the presence of the fleet so close to its own waters.

Although China and the US have been enjoying improved relations lately after a visit to the US by Chinese President Xi Jinping and Mr Trump referring to the premier as his friend both sides have remained cautious.

ImageSat International


ImageSat International



China has come under fire for building man-made islands near the Spratly archipelago, smack in the centre of the South China Sea.

But as recently as March 30, its defence ministry insisted that no such islands existed and that any work being done strictly served civilians rather than the military.

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China North Korea war: Beijing tests new missile as WW3 with US looms – Daily Star

Posted: May 13, 2017 at 6:02 am

CHINA has tested a new type of missile in Kim Jong-uns backyard, as the threat of World War 3 continues to loom in the region.

The Peoples Liberation Army launched the missile in the Bohai Sea the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea between China and North Korea.

The PLAs Rocket Force fired the projectile as troops beefed up their combat skills and practiced for a confrontation with the Hermit Kingdom or the US.


Chinas military said the test carried out in recent days achieved the expected result.

It is unclear if the missile test is meant as a warning to North Korea or the US.

An inside view of the Chinese military over 120 years.

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The test achieved the expected result

Beijing has been Pyongyangs closest ally, but Donald Trump has pressured Chinese president Xi Jinping to rein his volatile neighbour.

China has called on North Korea and the US to pull back from the brink of nuclear war.

It has threatened to launch attacks on North Korea if the stability of its nation is threatened.


Chinese troops near the border with North Korea have been learning Korean phrases, such as Dont move or Ill shoot in case a conflict breaks out.

But Beijing has also railed against US missiles deployed to South Korea.

While tourists are free to visit the secretive state as part of strictly controlled tour groups, they are told to never take photos of soldiers by their handlers. These images taken by photographer Eric Lafforgue show the truth behind North Korean military service: a life of hard physical labour with the perks of visits to the nation's capital

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Many soldiers are used as a labor force to compensate for the ineffective North Korean economy, so the army is not only about military organization.

The US says the 1billion THAAD anti-missile defence system is mean to product ally Seoul from Crazy Kims nuclear arsenal.

But China claims THAADs radar can spy on its military.


The communist dictatorship which has the worlds largest military vowed to cary out live fire drills and test new weapons to address national security threats in response to THAAD last month.

Beijing appears to be coming good on its threat with the new missile test.


Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

Xinhua the Communist Party of Chinas official news agency said: Chinese rocket forces have conducted a combat test of a new type of missile in the Bohai Sea.

The test was conducted in accordance with the annual training plan to enhance the combat skills of the forces and their ability to handle threats to national security.

The information bureau of China's ministry of national defence said: "The test achieved the expected result.


China North Korea war: Beijing tests new missile as WW3 with US looms - Daily Star

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Trump to meet top Putin aide as US and Russia unite to quell North Korean WW3 tensions –

Posted: at 6:02 am

The President is set to meet Sergei Lavrov, Vladimir Putins foreign minister and a highly regarded member of his cabinet, in Washington DC.

A senior US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Syria, US-Russian relations and other global issues would be high on the agenda.

Relations between the United States and Russia have struggled after President Trump rained down 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian airfield in response to a chemical weaponsstrike carried out by Bashar al-Assad on his own citizens.


Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have also hinted they plan to team up in an effort to bring an end to the chaos in North Korea.

The leaders of the US and Russia spoke on the phone last week, according to a White House spokesperson.

It marks the third time the pair have spoken since Donald Trump became President in January, with the pair agreeing to meet face-to-face for the first time when they both attend the next G20 summit in July.


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The two leaders agreed they must work together to end the threat posed by North Korea and its despotic leader Kim Jong-un, a White House spokesman said.

They also discussed the Middle East, agreeing "all parties must do all they can to end the violence" and threat posed by Islamic terrorists.

The spokesperson added: "The conversation was a very good one, and included the discussion of safe, or de-escalation, zones to achieve lasting peace for humanitarian and many other reasons.



Kremlin officials said the call was "business-like" and "constructive".

Moscow added the Russian leader urged President Trump to "show restraint" with North Korea and instead focus on working together.

A spokesperson for president Putin said: "The dangerous situation on the Korean peninsula was thoroughly discussed.

The President of Russia called for restraint and an easing of tensions. It was agreed to organise joint work aimed at achieving diplomatic solutions and a comprehensive settlement of the problem.

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North Korea claim Seoul is turning region into ‘nuclear battlefield’ amid WW3 fears –

Posted: at 6:02 am

The Kim regime accused South Korea of sabre rattling after the deployment of its US supplied THAAD antimissile system as President Trump aids the state in securing the Korean border.

But in a threatening display of Kim Jong-uns spycraft, the hermit kingdom showed its citizens satellite imagery of the missile system deployed at a golf course in the southern Seongju province.

It is not currently clear when or how the images were obtained, but experts have claimed the images are part of a scheme to threaten South Korea by showing off the tiny tyrants skilled intelligence.


AFP/Getty Images

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North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un visiting the Rangnang Disabled Soldiers' Essential Plastic Goods Factory in Pyongyang

The states controlled media said: The satellite pictures show the THAAD missile launcher is currently deployed near the northern ridge of the Seongju golf course while the X-band radar and other auxiliary equipment are installed near the western ridge from the centre.

"THAAD is a source of a nuclear disaster.

They added the deployment would turn the Korean Peninsula as a battlefield for a nuclear war among powerful countries.

It is unclear if the hermit kingdom is trying to stoke war fears to continue their cruel oppressive regime while developing a so-called nuclear deterrent, or guide dissenting South Koreans to the site to stage protests.



Anti-THAAD protests have raged in the South as Koreans oppose US military intervention in favour of a diplomatic approach to the North Korean menace.

And newly elected President Moon Jae-in has spoken out against reliance on the Trump administration, claiming in the past it was time to say no to America.

It comes as the United States starts to patrol the South China Sea for the first time since Donald Trump became president - despite the high possibility of angering China into siding with North Korea.



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Soldiers enjoy a ride at the funfair in Pyongyang

US Navy Commander Gary Ross has revealed the Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs) will continue in the region, which has several disputed islands.

He said the US conducts the operations, aimed at challenging "excessive maritime claims", at different times of the year.

China claims about 80 per cent of the South China Sea, including reefs and shoals, but this is disputed by the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam Malaysia and Brunei.

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North Korea WW3: Kim Jong-un tells Trump he will NEVER penetrate ‘impregnable fortress’ – Daily Star

Posted: May 9, 2017 at 3:43 pm

NORTH Korea issued a chilling threat to Donald Trump warning US forces will never get into their impenetrable fortress.


The North warned that its line of defence cannot be breached by anything the US President has in his arsenal.

The North Korean government also vowed to continue their fight against the US in the face of Trumps perceived aggression on the peninsula.

Speaking through the state-sponsored Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the government said: "The US and its followers adhered to its largest-ever nuclear threats and scheme for pressure and sanctions to rob us of everything we cherish.

Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

Our line of defense is an impregnable fortress

But our line of defense is an impregnable fortress.

The statement comes as Kim celebrates the first anniversary since being elected the chairman of the countrys ruling party.

North Korea's state media praised Kim's accomplishments, saying the country has withstood what it calls "US nuclear blackmail and sanctions".

The country's main newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, echoed the KCNA statement saying the country would never give up its nuclear weapons.

"At a time when we are going eyeball to eyeball with the US, the current grave situation on the peninsula calls for ceaselessly marching toward implementing tasks unveiled at the party congress," the paper read.

We cherish nuclear deterrents and will not give up them whatever people say.

As Donald Trump has promised to start an arms race, we take a look at the futuristic weapons being developed for the US military.

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The Lockheed Martin HULC is an exoskeleton that allows soldiers to carry loads of up to 200lbs for long distances

Kim has suffered two embarrassing missile test failures in recent weeks.

But the tubby tyrant has hit out at claims the US hacked his launches, vowing to carry out weekly missile tests in defiance.

Meanwhile, Trumps troops have carried out large-scale exercises on the despots doorstep.

And his armada headed by the USS Carl Vinson is in the sea of Japan as a stark reminder to the dictator that total war is an ever present option.

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