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Category Archives: Food Supplements

The main difference between vitamins and minerals – AZ Big Media

Posted: April 11, 2021 at 5:49 am

Vitamins and minerals are substances the body needs to function in more ways than you may think. Too often people find themselves dealing with painful headaches, lethargy, or other symptoms and wonder why they get them so often.

The pins and needles that tingle your skin or the excessive hair you seem to lose in the shower have reasons. Vitamin and mineral deficiency is real, even in America. Its imperative to ensure youre getting enough of both each day.

Whats the difference between vitamins and minerals? How much is too much or how do you know if youre consuming too little?

Keep reading to get the answers.

Vitamins help the body build, digest, and repair itself. They are inorganic compounds. This means theyre capable of being broken down via sources like air, heat, and light.

When you look at vitamins, there are two main types: vitamins that are water-soluble vs fat-soluble. All this means is the capability of the vitamin to activate in the body.

Water-soluble vitamins dissolve best in water and are easier for the body to break down. This is because our bodies are made mostly of water. While this is good, its also important to understand the body is just as likely to remove the water-soluble vitamins it takes in.

The body removes water-soluble vitamins in the urine. You are unlikely to overdose on any of these vitamins due to this mechanism. Water-soluble vitamins consist of:

These vitamins are coenzymes that help perform a range of functions. The B vitamins have their own essentials roles. The body uses water-soluble vitamins right away as there is always a constant supply of water.

Vitamin C is particularly important for the immune system. Its best to talk with your doctor to determine if you have any deficiencies or notice symptoms before buying vitamins online.

Fat-soluble vitamins work just like water-soluble vitamins. The only real thing that sets it apart is that they dissolve in body fat, not water. Body weight can play a strong role in the uptake of these vitamins.

For example, people who are overweight are more likely to deal with a fat-soluble deficiency. This is because excess body fat impedes proper utilization. There are 4 fat-soluble vitamins:

The best times to take fat-soluble vitamins will be during the times you consume a high-fat meal. Like water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins have their own unique roles.

For example, vitamin A geals maintain good eyes, bones, teeth, and skin. Vitamin D also has a role in healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, also has a strong relationship with skin pigmentation.

Minerals are inorganic compounds which means theyre capable of maintaining their chemical structure despite harsh exposure to elements like heat or air.

Minerals are naturally occurring substances the body needs to complete functions. Minerals are needed to help regulate your heartbeat, create hormones, build bones and muscle, and support brain function.

There are 13 primary minerals your body needs. The body requires micronutrients in smaller amounts:

The best way to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs is to eat a variety of foods. Trace minerals are also needing in small amounts:

Seasalt is a great way to ingest the minerals you need if youre not certain youre getting enough. You should monitor your intake for each. Having too much of one mineral can result in the deficiency of another mineral.

Both vitamins and minerals are both important in sustaining life by converting the food we eat into energy and repairing cellular damage. Still, there are differences between the two that make each unique.

Vitamins help the body release energy it receives from food. Vitamins are crucial components of many coenzymes. Vitamins help the body to produce energy to help you work, whether consciously or not.

Vitamins also assist the body in building proteins and cells. This is most important during healing when you need to make new cells rapidly.

The body produces a lot of collagen to bind wounds and keep skin taut. Vitamin C is a must for this as it supports new blood vessels and plays a role in keeping the immune system strong.

There are a few minerals that also function as electrolytes. Electrolytes aid in regulating muscle and nerve function.

They also help maintain water and acid-base balance. Youre more likely to develop bodily disorders if you have a disruption in electrolyte balance. The body uses minerals for osmosis to ensure proper water balance.

Minerals also carry out tasks for transferring oxygen to the body (iron) and assisting with the creation of hemoglobin (copper). Minerals are needed to help the body fend itself from damage to body cells. Minerals are key enzymes in enhancing various activities within the body too.

Vitamins and minerals may be different, but the body needs both to work in optimal condition and survive. You wouldnt be able to do this by living on junk food and empty calories.

If you are deficient in either, you may experience unusual and persistent symptoms such as hair loss, headaches, lethargy, nausea, or a rapid heart beat. This is your bodys way of telling you something is wrong.

While you need all essential nutrients to remain in good health, its helpful to learn the difference between vitamins and minerals. Being more informed allows you to better determine which your body needs more of depending on any symptoms you may have.

The daily supplements you take each day also become more than just a routine. Once you know what vitamins and minerals do for your body, you feel good taking them. They become as important as medicine

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The main difference between vitamins and minerals - AZ Big Media

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Foods that make you taller: Is it possible and examples – Medical News Today

Posted: March 31, 2021 at 3:53 am

Height is largely due to genetics. Once a person reaches adulthood and stops growing, eating certain foods will not make them any taller. During years of growth and development, however, good nutrition can help a person reach their full height and support their body in growing and developing healthily.

This article will look at certain foods that may help support growth and development. It will also discuss some other factors that may play a role in healthy growth.

When a person is growing, their bones continue to grow in length until the end of puberty. Bones have growth plates called epiphyses.

As a person reaches the end of puberty, these growth plates fuse together, and the person stops growing.

Some factors that influence how tall a person will be include:

Learn more about which factors influence a persons height here.

Once a person reaches adulthood, they will not get any taller. However, good nutrition and overall health during growth and development in childhood and adolescence may play a part in how tall a person becomes.

Learn more about whether or not adults can grow any taller here.

Aside from genetics, certain environmental factors can affect height. These include nutrition, exercise, sleep, and illness.

Eating a balanced diet plays an essential role in growth and development during childhood. In fact, according to one 2016 study, nutrition is the most important lifestyle factor that affects height.

Eggs contain many nutrients that are important in growth and development.

One large whole egg contains:

According to some 2015 research, deficiencies in vitamin B12 and folate may lead to poor growth in children.

A 2017 study in Ecuador looked at the effects of eating eggs as a young child. Children aged 69 months consumed one egg per day for 6 months.

Compared with the control group, the group that ate eggs showed significant improvements in linear growth and a decrease in stunted growth.

Calcium is essential for growing bones and the development of the skeleton.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the recommended daily intakes of calcium for children and adolescents are as follows:

Dairy is a rich source of calcium. A person can find calcium in the following dairy products:

These non-dairy foods provide the following amounts of calcium:

Products fortified with calcium, such as fortified cereals, are also good sources of this nutrient.

Vitamin E is an important vitamin for children.

According to one 2014 article, vitamin E deficiency can cause stunted growth in children.

Vitamin E deficiency is more common in children than adults due to the limited stores of the vitamin and the rapid rate at which children grow.

Almonds are high in vitamin E.

The Office of Dietary Supplements note that 1 oz of dry roasted almonds provides 6.8 mg of vitamin E, which is 45% of the recommended daily intake.

People can eat almonds raw, roasted, or as almond butter.

Learn more about the health benefits of almonds here.

Beans and legumes, or pulses, are excellent sources of nutrition. They include:

One 2016 article notes that a lack of dietary protein is an important factor in influencing a persons height.

Legumes are a good source of protein. They also provide:

Fish, such as tuna and salmon, provide vitamin D and calcium.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb more calcium, which aids the growth and development of the bones.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that vitamin D also helps prevent rickets, which is the softening of bones.

A person can consume the following fish as sources of vitamin D and calcium:

Vitamin C is an important component for bone health. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which is important for bone strength and repair.

Many fruits are rich sources of vitamin C, including the following:

One 2016 study reports on the benefits that berries provide to bone health. This may be due to their high nutrient content. Indeed, they contain phytochemicals and vitamins with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Berries may also help prevent osteopenia, which is a condition that causes the bones to become brittle due to a loss of bone mass.

Carotenoids from plant sources, such as yellow and orange vegetables, may help improve bone health, according to a 2013 study. The body converts carotenoids into vitamin A.

Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamin A.

One whole sweet potato, baked in the skin, provides 1,403 mcg of vitamin A, which amounts to 156% of the recommended Daily Value.

According to one 2014 article, a lack of sleep can affect a childs growth and development.

Some signs that a person is getting enough sleep include:

The amount of sleep a person needs depends on their age. The CDC suggest the following hours of sleep depending on a persons age:

Exercise is also an important factor in growth and development. Regular physical activity such as climbing, running, and jumping helps strengthen muscles and bones.

The CDC state that those aged 617 years should aim to get at least 1 hour of exercise every day.

Genetics play a large part in how tall a person is. Once a person reaches adulthood and stops growing, they will not become any taller, regardless of the food they eat.

For children and teenagers, however, nutrition plays an important part in making sure that they experience healthy growth and development. Getting enough sleep and exercise are also important factors.

As an adult, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help maintain good bone health.

Read more here:

Foods that make you taller: Is it possible and examples - Medical News Today

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BioFit Probiotic Reviews: Weight Loss Pills That Work Or A Scam? – Westword

Posted: at 3:53 am

By Storyhub

How fit is America? Not much, as indicated by study data. According to the Food Research and Action Center report, nearly 40% of American adults are obese. The fitness industry in the country may be booming but the users are not reaping the benefits as much as they should be.

This BioFit Review will introduce you to a different phase of revolutionary weight loss technique backed by extensive research. You may think that its a new way to starve yourself or may contain some exotic ingredients.

But to your surprise and ours, BioFit is all about using probiotics for weight loss. As we review this promising product, we will look into the ingredients, process, and scientific research that BioFit is based on. Can something as simple as probiotics melt away your stubborn belly fat? Lets find out.

>> Visit the Official Website of BioFit

BioFit is created and manufactured by Natures Formulas. This brand, founded 25years ago, was created with a belief that natural remedies and organic products are much safer than traditional medicines and surgeries.

They manufacture the most powerful, top-quality and all natural supplements in the world, with the added mission to spread awareness and information about these natural supplements to the world. The main goal of Natures Formulas is to help improve the life and wellness of over 1 million people and prove the power and potency of natural herbs and plants in boosting the overall health of people.

As per their official website, Natures Formulas claim to work with leading scientific research centers to analyze and develop powerful formulas used to create all their products. The brand guarantees that each and every bottle they sell can help you feel more confident and happy.

BioFit is a probiotic supplement by Natures Formula, specifically formulated to speed up your weight loss process and to maintain a fit body. To shed those extra pounds, you need not go on a gruelling diet or deprive yourself of the chocolates and pizzas you so love.

BioFit might even work on your body fat even as you enjoy all your favourite foods and show you substantial results.

The founder and presenter of this unique fat loss program on the official website are Chrissie Miller, a mom of 3 girls. BioFit is the result of her own struggle to lose nearly 100 pounds of baby fat and to get back the confident body she always loved.

When more than 19 various diets and workout plans didnt work for her, she looked in a different direction and found the solution in a forum post that ran for 21 pages!

The secret to a successful weight loss journey lies in the tiny microbes called gut microbiota or miracle microbes as Chrissie calls them. She along with her husband has gone through several studies to understand which probiotics work the best for balanced gut health and weight loss.

However, the market is full of such fat burning supplements that promise to shed extra weight on your body. BioFit takes a new approach to the fat burning process which starts from your intestine. The benefits of this supplement are not restricted to weight loss but may result in stronger immunity, better digestion, fitter, and a younger body.

Chrissie says that she could see immediate results within a week as she lost 3 pounds without going on a diet. At the end of 3 months, she ended up losing nearly 100 pounds, getting her youthful body back. According to the introductory video, BioFit makes losing weight a lot


More fun and

More effortless

The founder says that nearly 23,000 women have tried BioFit and found amazing results. This dietary supplement contains not just 1 but 7 highly active microbes to give you multiple benefits. The manufacturers quote various research and studies to back the highly effective supplement.

The formula is provided to us in the form of easy-to-swallow pills that are manufactured at an FDA-approved facility following GMP guidelines. The product is completely made in the USA and GMO-free. Taking these pills may not hinder your daily routine or physical activity in any way.

The ingredients are well researched

BioFit can bring you the goodness of 7 probiotics

The formula can boost your overall gut health

It may fasten your metabolism, helping you burn more calories

More than 23,000 users have already benefited from this supplement

It may help improve cholesterol balance

The probiotics may improve your immunity

Offers higher CFUs to the body

Subjected to quadruple levels of testing by a 3rd party lab.

As toxins are flushed out, you may feel a lot more stress-free and relaxed.

BioFit is a bit expensive compared to its competitors

>> Click Here to Get the Best Discount on BioFit

BioFit is a 100% organic weight loss product that works on a simple formula - lose weight without changing your diet. Thats right, Chrissie Miller says that you can go on eating all your favourite foods and still be able to reduce your waistline by several inches using BioFit.

The formula is made up of 7 choicest microbes that are good for your gut. Daily intake of such probiotics will target various gastrointestinal conditions.

You might be familiar with the fact that good gut bacteria can relieve you from bloating, constipation and diarrhoea. It is also a known fact that probiotic supplements help improve our immunity.

Research has shown that certain gut bacteria can help to suppress lipid absorption meaning absorption of unhealthy fatty acids. BioFit consists of 7 such good microbes that might effectively reduce fat accumulation in your body. This dietary supplement may help create a healthy balance of gut bacteria thus ensuring a faster metabolism rate.

The supplement may also switch off fat-storing hormones which is the cause of being overweight. Furthermore, it might restrict hunger triggering hormones in your body, making you feel fuller for a longer time.

The reason why most fad diets fail is that they restrict people from eating the food that they like. After a few days, people give in to the temptation and get off the diet. Probiotics-based BioFit on the other hand puts no such restrictions. You may relish that delicious cheesecake, brownie, or burger and continue to burn more calories round the clock just by taking this probiotic supplement.

The various bacterial stains in BioFit may help regular specific processes in your body which not only help shed that extra body fat but build your overall physical and emotional health.

Chrissie Miller explains that BioFit is made up of 7 microbes that are extremely beneficial to our gut. Let us take a look at these ingredients one by one.

Bacillus Subtilis: This is a spore-creating gram positive bacteria which is commonly known as hay or grass bacillus. It is naturally found in our gut, playing an important role in the digestive process. Such intestinal microflora creates a barrier against pathogens that may lead to different diseases.

Bacillus-based dietary supplements may also help in restricting inflammatory response which is one of the underlying causes for slowing down your metabolism and leading to weight gain.

This probiotic is also known to improve immunity by protecting the body from harmful pathogens and detoxifying the body. B.Subtilis improves the health of our gut by reducing antibiotic induced diarrhea, reducing the severity and frequency of irritable bowel syndrome, considerable decline in bloody stool and promoting H. pylori eradication.

Bacillus Subtilis may even help improve liver health in patients of liver cirrhosis by shifting levels of liver micro biodata towards normal.

Lactobacillus Casei: This bacteria is one of the many friendly or good bacterias that have made a home in your digestive system. This bacteria can be derived from fermented milk and so on to regulate bacterial imbalance in our body. This group of bacteria is extensively researched for their therapeutic properties.

L.Casei helps boost and regulate the health of your digestive system. It can help prevent many types of diarrhea. Other than that, it may also help with other stomach problems like constipation,IBD,IBS,lactose intolerance and ulcerative colitis.

Supplements containing Lactobacillus Casei have shown promising results in treating inflammation and bowel movement in subjects. It may also be useful for skin infections like acne,hives , allergies, eczema, dermatitis, ear infections and oral health problems.

Lactobacillus Plantarum: Here is one of the popular probiotics for the various medicinal properties it has to offer. It is especially preferred for promoting gut health, improving metabolic rate as well as brain health.

Also called beneficial bacteria, Lactobacillus plantarum can restore your digestive system, ward off disease-causing harmful bacterias and help your body produce essential vitamins naturally. Some studies also claim that this probiotic can even help with anxiety,eczema, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, IBS and IBD. In addition to all this, it is also known to improve memory, cognitive functioning, boost athletic performance and kickstart weightloss.Having this microbe in Biofit may help you burn those calories faster.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus: Here is another member of the Lactobacillus family that may help you lose weight considerably. This ingredient is used in various other weight loss pills that are available in the market. Research says that this strain of probiotic may be used to modulate the gut microbiota which in turn can prevent several digestive diseases. It can boost your immunity and shield your body from infections caused by pathogens.

Other than this, L.Acidophilus may also help reduce cholesterol, prevent and reduce diarrhea, improve negative effects of IBD and IBS, help treat and prevent vaginal infections, reduce cold and flu symptoms and can reduce symptoms of certain allergies.

Bifidobacterium Longum: This is a multifunctional probiotic which is one of the good bacterias in our body that are known for their health-promoting properties. Stress and oxidants have adverse effects on our body and slowing down your metabolism are one of them. Bifidobacterium Longum is said to regulate microbiota in your gut which can supercharge your metabolism and help in weight loss.

It is also potent in treating gastrointestinal diseases and certain infections. It also improves immune health by re-tuning the bodys homeostasis balance and helps with travellers diarrhea and lactose intolerance.

Bifidobacterium Breve: Yet another common probiotic strain that protects you from harmful oxidants and pathogens. Bifidobacterium Breve can boost your immunity and prevent fat buildup in your body. It supports a healthier immune system like other probiotic strains and improves your respiratory health as well as skin quality.

It even helps decline the production of fungus that cause yeast infections in women. B.Breve can be used by people undergoing cancer treatment like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This probiotic can help them prevent intestinal injury.

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus: This is one of the many trillions of bacterias living in the human body. However this microbiodata is a friendlier one. It is a common probiotic strain that is said to help users lose weight significantly. The microbes play a major role in keeping your intestine healthy and well-balanced. It is found in the intestines and belongs to the genus Lactobacillus. These types of baterias help produce the lactase enzyme.

L.Rhamnosus is added in Biofit owing to its many therapeutic properties. It can help prevent diarrhea, promote gut flora, relieve IBS, IBD and prevent Urinary tract infections.

This bacterium has antimicrobial properties which may help protect your mouth from dental cavity formations. The prebiotic is helpful for weight loss, increases insulin sensitivity, reduces cholesterol in blood and helps fight allergies.

>> Click Here to Learn More about the Ingredients of BioFit

Biofit brings you the goodness of microorganisms to help you elicit maximum health benefits. Let us explore how this unique formula may get you in shape and turn you into a healthier version of yourself. Here is a quick look at the benefits Biofit claims to offer:

It boosts your gut health: Your body relies a great deal on your digestive system to be active and healthy. A proven probiotics supplement like Biofit encourages overall wellness. All the 7 microbes work towards improving the health of your belly and entire body.

The combined power of all 7 potent probiotic strains present in Biofit may help prevent stomach diseases and infections, promote gut health, boost production of friendly bacterias, help deal with symptoms of IBS and IBD better and prevent survival of harmful bacteria in your digestive tracts.

Elevates your resistance power and immunity: Hippocrates rightly stated that all diseases begin from our stomach. Biofit, helps boost your immunity by directly boosting your gut health. Some of the microorganisms used in this supplement are specifically known to promote a balance in your body.

By releasing microbiota, this supplement can effectively boost your resistance to viral infections, pathogens, and harmful microbes. You may enjoy life to the fullest with Biofit.

Faster metabolism: Different people are known to have different types of microbes in their stomach and digestive system and abnormalities in some types of these gut bacterias have recently been associated with diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

Probiotics like BioFit contain friendly bacterias that can help improve your gut health. One of the results of a well-balanced microbiota is directly related to your metabolic rate. Biofit gradually increases your metabolism to a level where you are able to burn more calories and eat whatever you want guilt-free.

Block absorption of fat: The unique weight loss formula contains microbes that can block the absorption of fat or lipids in your body. This means that all the additional carbohydrates, fats, and calories that you consume throughout the day can be easily flushed out of your body without getting absorbed by cells.

Probiotics also help break down the fiber in your body which your digestive system can't digest and convert them into beneficial short-chain fatty acids like acetate, propionate, and butyrate. BioFit may also decrease the potential absorption of fat from your food and as a result may increase the amount of fat you excrete with your stool.

Stabilize your blood sugar and blood pressure: Among other benefits of Biofit, it may help keep your heart healthy by regulating your blood pressure, preventing hypertension and regulating cholesterol. Probiotics present in BioFit may help increase breakdown of Bile, which is a fluid made mostly of cholesterol, and as a result preventing its absorption in the gut.

BioFit may even help regulate your blood sugar levels, by promoting reduction of inflammation and preventing the destruction of pancreatic cells that are needed for insulin production. Not just that, Biofit enables better absorption of nutrients and thus keeping you fit, energized, and youthful without allowing those nutrients to be turned into stubborn body fat.

Flush out harmful toxins: A majority of the microbes used in Biofit are known to treat inflammation naturally. By specifically targeting inflammation-causing hormones, this weight loss supplement can make a user more agile. This, in turn, recharges your metabolism, burning several pounds of weight every week.

Probiotics present in BioFit can help detoxify your body by reducing the build up of heavy metals in your body like lead,arsenic,mercury and cadmium. They may help clean up your liver and as a result improve the health of your skin and eyes. BioFit probiotics may increase the breakdown of glutinous proteins and lower their toxicity.

Promote Weight Loss - BioFit contains multiple probiotic strains which are beneficial for people looking to lose weight. These probiotics can help promote fat and weight loss via multiple mechanisms. For example- some of these probiotics in BioFit may prevent the absorption of fat in the intestine. This promotes the excretion of fat via your stool rather than being stored in the body for a long time. According to a study, probiotics also directly promote weight loss and promote belly fat reduction.

BioFit may also help you feel fuller for a longer time reducing calorie consumption and encourage more calorie burn and less fat storage.

The official BioFit website states that their weight loss dietary supplement contains 100% natural ingredients. While all these microbes are generally good for your gut, there is no assurance. Your body type, allergies, food restrictions, health conditions, and so on may not allow you to enjoy the optimum benefits of this product. Thats why nursing mothers, minors, and pregnant women should avoid supplements.

Why are we so fat? This has become a common question asked by every average American. As per CDC, an average American man now weighs 196pounds - 15 pounds more than what he weighed 20 years ago.

Not only in America, as per WHO, worldwide obesity has tripled since 1975. Its easy to become obese now a days. The unhealthiest foods are the cheapest, most delicious and are available in bounteous amounts.

So whats actually happening here? Well, the answer is as clear as a bell - we have been chomping on more than we can burn. Modern sedentary lifestyle has served us everything on a plate as a result of which the amount of physical work we do has decreased a lot.

Add on to this the extra pressure due to juggling work and household duties and we find ourselves binge eating whatever we can find. Constant overeating and weight gain can have serious effects on your health in the long run - cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, diabetes, cancer and even psychological problems like low self esteem, depression are anxiety - to name a few.

And this is where probiotics come in. Although research is still ongoing, many studies have shown the positive effects of probiotics in promoting weight loss and preventing weight gain.

Probiotics are nothing but live microorganisms - bacteria and yeast - that are good for your health, especially your gut. These are the good or helpful bacteria that work by improving the gut flora.

Key benefits associated with Probiotics are -

1. They can help restore natural balance of good bacteria in your stomach and can help prevent digestive issues, mental health problems, allergies etc.

2. They can reduce the risk of diarrhea and even help treat it.

3. They might even help improve certain mental health conditions like anxiety, depression and OCD.

4. They can boost your heart health by keeping cholesterol and blood pressure in check.

5. They may even reduce the magnitude of certain allergies and eczema.

6. They can boost up your immunity and have a positive impact on your overall bodily health.

7. Last but not the least, probiotics promote weight loss and help lose belly fat.

Biofit is an all-natural dietary supplement rich in potent probiotics which may help speed up your weightloss journey by working on your metabolic rate and promoting fat loss.

Natures Formulas is directly involved in the entire process of procuring the ingredients in their natural form, manufacturing and creating new effective products.

All Natural and Safe Ingredients

According to them, all their ingredients -

Are free from allergens- dairy,nuts,soy and gluten

Are backed up by solid clinical research

Are procured locally and are of top-quality

Are tested 4 times for contaminants to ensure safety

Are formulated using latest technologies in encapsulation to ensure highest absorption

Other than this, they say that no product contains any heavy metals, mold, residual solvents , pesticides or any other harmful foreign material.

Safe Manufacturing Practices


BioFit Probiotic Reviews: Weight Loss Pills That Work Or A Scam? - Westword

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Golde’s superfood supplements are wellness and beauty aids – Fast Company

Posted: at 3:53 am

Trinity Mouzon Wofford planned to be a doctor. She went to New York University to study medicine with a holistic lens, inspired by a lifetime of education and care for her mothers severe autoimmune disease. But when insurance stood in the way of her mothers ability to see her doctor of choice, Wofford decided to pivot.

Trinity Mouzon Wofford, co-founder and CEO of Golde [Photo: courtesy Golde]It made me consider what I wanted to do in wellness and how much accessibility played into it, she says. The result was Golde, a superfood-driven line of wellness ingestibles and topicals that Wofford launched in 2017.

Her hero product is a collection of powdered superfood lattes, which contain blends of turmeric, matcha, and cacaoingredients said to support skin, immunity, metabolism, and other crucial bodily functions. The superfood latte line ranges from $22 to $42, with a directive to blend a scoop of powderthere are 29 servings for a 4.2-ounce bagwith hot liquid before adding your milk of choice.

[Photo: courtesy Golde](I like drinking the Original Turmeric superfood latte blend iced with oat milk and honeyits lovely: one teaspoon powder, 1/4 cup hot water, froth, and then add honey, milk, and ice.)

I got into turmeric from my mom, Wofford explains. She was using it as an anti-inflammatory. It was affordable but effective. I found it to be so good for my skin, gut, immunity . . . but I thought we could make it a little more consumer-friendly, at least to the Western customer who wasnt already super familiar.

Wofford launched Golde out of her Brooklyn apartment with her partner in business (and life), Issey Kobori. The two maintained full-time jobs in the early days, and took on packaging, design, product photography, and more themselves. We did everything, Wofford says.

[Photo: courtesy Golde]In 2019, she became the youngest Black founder to ever launch at Sephora. In January, Target began carrying Goldes ingestible health and beauty aids after the brand participated in its accelerator last year. In 2020, the brand quintupled its revenue, year over year.

Goldes arrival has coincided with consumers rising awareness of and interest in superfoods. The International Food Information Council, a nonprofit that surveys the food and nutritional industries, found herbal and botanical supplement sales to be at an all-time high, estimating turmerics sales to reach $500 million in 2021. Any superfood that we launch is paired with an understanding of where our customer is todayand when she gets to the point that shes comfortable using this product, Wofford says.

[Photo: courtesy Golde]Meanwhile, the brands experimentations continue. Earlier this year, Golde launched Super-Ades: fruity powdered beverages that showcase ingredients like magnesium and lemon balm for stress relief and hyaluronic acid for skin hydration, blended with coconut water.

Now, Wofford is betting on fungi with her newest release: Shroom Shield. Its boosted with two functional mushrooms: reishi and turkey tail, and is designed for immunity and stress defense, she says. It tastes like a hot chocolate and you can add it to coffee with milk. I do an iced shroom latte.

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Golde's superfood supplements are wellness and beauty aids - Fast Company

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Dietary Supplements Market Growth Areas, Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts to 2026 The Bisouv Network – The Bisouv Network

Posted: at 3:53 am

Overview Of Dietary Supplements Industry 2021-2026:

This has brought along several changes in This report also covers the impact of COVID-19 on the global market.

The new report offers detailed coverage of Dietary Supplements industry and main market trends. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Dietary Supplements by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.

The Top key vendors in Dietary Supplements Market include are:- Amway, Bayer, Glanbia, Herbalife International of America, Abbott, BASF, Danone, NOW Foods, Pfizer, Pharmavite

Get a Sample PDF copy of this Dietary Supplements Market Report @

This research report categorizes the global Dietary Supplements market by top players/brands, region, type and end user. This report also studies the global Dietary Supplements market status, competition landscape, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, sales channels and distributors.

Major Product Types covered are:

Vitamin dietary supplementsMineral dietary supplementsFish oil and omega fatty acid dietary supplementsCombination dietary supplementsProbiotic dietary supplementsGinsengdietary supplementsProtein dietary supplementsEye health dietary supplements

Major Applications of Dietary Supplements covered are:

Pharmacies and drugstoresHealth food storesSupermarkets and hypermarketsOthers

Region wise performance of the Dietary Supplements industry

This report studies the global Dietary Supplements market status and forecast, categorizes the global Cable Conduits market size (value & volume) by key players, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top players in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia India and Other regions (Middle East & Africa, Central & South America).

To get this report at a profitable rate.:

The study objectives of this report are:

Scope of the Report:-

The report scope combines a detailed research of Global Dietary Supplements Market 2021 with the apprehension given in the advancement of the industry in certain regions.

The Top Companies Report is designed to contribute our buyers with a snapshot of the industrys most influential players. Besides, information on the performance of different companies, profit, gross margin, strategic initiative and more are presented through various resources such as tables, charts, and info graphic.

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Dietary Supplements Market Growth Areas, Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts to 2026 The Bisouv Network - The Bisouv Network

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Scientific Paper by NutriLeads Shows That Its Plant-based RG-I Food Ingredients Support Immune Function and Modulate the Microbiota – Business Wire

Posted: at 3:53 am

WAGENINGEN, The Netherlands--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dutch health ingredients innovator, NutriLeads, announces the first peer-reviewed publication of data proving the immune modulating properties of its proprietary pectin-derived rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) polysaccharides in the journal Nutrients.[2]

RG-I are natural, plant-derived compounds (polysaccharides), that interact with the gut bacteria (microbiota) and the host innate immune system. In selected traditional plant extracts, such pectic polysaccharides have previously been shown to have immunostimulatory effects. However, these traditional remedies are often expensive, derived from non-renewable sources, and could face regulatory challenges.

In this recent publication, NutriLeads shows that RG-I can be extracted from affordable and renewable crops, namely carrots and bell peppers, and even obtained from side streams of crop processing, allowing for sustainable and scalable production. RG-I from both carrot and bell pepper showed immune stimulating and microbiota modulating activity in vitro. Furthermore, bell pepper RG-I was shown to enhance innate immune responsiveness in a proof-of-concept trial in humans.

Commenting on the publication and the expected impact of the findings, Ruud Albers, PhD, CEO of NutriLeads, said: We are delighted to share these new data, demonstrating the immunomodulatory effects of plant-based RG-I, which have the potential to bring health benefits to us all. We are particularly pleased that we can successfully derive RG-I from sustainable and widely available sources.

Due to the pandemic, immune health is even higher on the agenda than ever before, and we believe that this research shows that dietary supplementation with RG-I from specific food crops is ideally suited to support immune function and modulate the microbiota. We are well advanced with generating additional evidence showing the immune benefits of carrot-derived RG-I and are working together with Food and Food Supplement companies to deliver these benefits to consumers in the second half of 2021.

Demand for food supplements and food and beverage products with immune health properties has been growing sharply in recent years. The global immune health supplements market alone was estimated to be worth USD 16.32 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 29.40 billion by 2027.[3] In addition, recent research shows that 64% of respondents will aim to improve their immunity in the next 12 months.[4]

NutriLeads lead ingredient, BeniCaros, extracted from carrot pomace (a side stream from carrot juice production), has been developed to support immune function. This ingredient is expected to be available in the US for the formulation of dietary supplements and functional foods in the second half of 2021.


1. Innova Consumer Survey 2020 -

2. Early access article available at:


4. FMCG Gurus, Top Ten Trends for 2021, Dec 2020.

- ENDS -

Notes to Editors:

About NutriLeads

NutriLeads, established in 2012, is a Health Ingredients Innovator advancing nutrition to strengthen human health. Based on our proprietary RG-I platform, we are developing a portfolio of sustainable and 100% natural, plant-based ingredients that are clinically proven to support human physiology and modulate the gut microbiome.

NutriLeads takes all its proprietary ingredients through clinical trials to demonstrate their positive effect on human health (e.g. immune health, gut health and metabolic health), gains regulatory approval for market access, commissions production, and then partners with companies that incorporate the ingredients into their finished (food) products to bring the benefits to consumers.

The Companys lead RG-I-based ingredient, BeniCaros, supports immune function. The ingredient, which is extracted from carrots, is expected to be available in the US for the formulation of dietary supplements and functional foods in the second half of 2021.

NutriLeads is privately held and backed by investors including Icos Capital, Goeie Grutten, DSM Venturing, Oost NL, SHIFT Invest and Thuja Capital. It has also received non-dilutive funding from various regional, national and European grants, including Eurostars, EFRO and SME instrument.

The Company is headquartered in Wageningen, the Netherlands, a world-renowned centre for nutrition and health research and development, also known as the Foodvalley.

For more information, please visit the website:

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Scientific Paper by NutriLeads Shows That Its Plant-based RG-I Food Ingredients Support Immune Function and Modulate the Microbiota - Business Wire

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Triglycerides and cholesterol: Differences, causes, and treatments – Medical News Today

Posted: at 3:53 am

Triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood, used for energy. Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance produced by the liver. The body uses cholesterol to build cells and make some vitamins and hormones.

Both triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels are important markers for health. There are some key differences between them. Monitoring and keeping triglyceride and cholesterol levels within a recommended range may help prevent some health disorders.

Triglycerides and cholesterol perform different functions in the body. They are both important markers for overall health and should stay within recommended ranges.

Triglycerides are a type of fat or lipid in the blood. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body and store excess energy from the food a person eats.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance called a lipoprotein. The liver produces cholesterol, and it has different functions in the body. These include hormone production, food digestion, and vitamin D generation. People also consume cholesterol through their food.

The body makes all the cholesterol it needs, which is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend eating as little dietary cholesterol as possible.

There are two main types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad, cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or good, cholesterol.

Checking blood triglycerides requires a blood test. The results of the blood test will indicate triglyceride levels in the body, generally measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

There are four triglyceride ranges:

Several factors may affect triglyceride levels. For example, blood triglyceride levels may rise after a person eats, as the body creates more triglycerides from unused calories in a meal.

According to the AHA, other factors affecting triglyceride levels include:

A blood test can check a persons cholesterol levels. Test results display cholesterol levels in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood. For adults, cholesterol ranges include:

However, there may be different guidelines, depending on where a person lives. For example, the recommended normal level in South Africa is below 189.5 mg/dL (4.9 millimoles per liter).

The CDC recommend that healthy adults have their cholesterol levels checked every 46 years. However, some people may need more frequent testing.

Sometimes, a blood test reveals undesirable levels of either triglycerides or cholesterol or both.

High triglyceride levels may be a sign of underlying conditions or may increase the risk of some health conditions. Untreated high triglycerides may increase the risk of serious complications, such as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, stroke, and inflammation of the pancreas.

High triglyceride levels may also be a sign of other issues, such as:

In addition, some medications have side effects that lead to higher triglyceride levels.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute report that high triglycerides do not generally show any symptoms. However, a doctor may suggest tests based on a persons risk factors.

High levels of cholesterol concentration in the blood can put a person at risk of heart attack and is a risk factor for heart disease. When cholesterol builds up in arteries, it can cause a condition called atherosclerosis, in which the formation of plaques can restrict blood flow.

A combination of high triglycerides and varying cholesterol levels may also be a cause for concern. The AHA note that high triglyceride levels combined with either high LDL cholesterol or low HDL cholesterol can result in fatty buildup in the arteries. This combination increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Diet and lifestyle choices are generally the first steps recommended by doctors to change triglyceride levels. These changes may include:

In some cases, doctors may recommend certain medications or supplements to lower triglycerides, including:

Doctors may also recommend prescription medications for people who may be at high risk. Regular checkups with a doctor are important to help analyze and identify changes in a persons triglyceride levels.

Learn more about lowering triglyceride levels here.

As with managing triglyceride levels, diet and lifestyle choices are generally the first steps in lowering high cholesterol levels, including:

However, according to guidelines published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, factors that may increase a persons risk of high cholesterol levels include:

The guidelines suggest that people at the highest risk of unhealthy cholesterol levels should have personalized risk assessments, combined with additional treatment options.

A doctor may recommend medications such as statins for a person at a higher risk of a heart attack. In addition, a doctor may prescribe the following:

Learn more about the treatment of high cholesterol here.

Triglycerides and cholesterol are two important factors for overall health. The two compounds have similarities and key differences.

Diet and lifestyle play a significant role in both triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Levels that are either too high, or too low, or a combination of both may indicate disorders and put a person at risk of heart disease or other conditions.

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Triglycerides and cholesterol: Differences, causes, and treatments - Medical News Today

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To stay healthy and strong, a dietician eats these 5 staple foods of the Mediterranean diet – CNBC

Posted: March 20, 2021 at 3:16 am

Switching up the foods you eat and eliminating bad ingredients can drastically improve your health and longevity. It all depends on your individual needs, as different people may react in different ways to the same foods. (That's why it's usually a good idea to check with your doctor first.)

But one diet that has gained popularity in recent years is the Mediterranean diet. In fact, it was recently ranked as first in overall best diets for the fourth year in a row, according to U.S. News & World Report's annual list.

As a nutritionist, I often recommend trying to incorporate foods from the Mediterranean-style diet which is high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil and whole grains, and moderate in protein and animal fats into your eating routine. Research suggests that primary foods in this diet can help ward off chronic diseases and improve longevity. Another study found there may also be benefits for the brain.

Here are five staple Mediterranean diet foods I've been eating to stay healthy and strong:

By improving the intestinal transit of food and waste,fiberhelps your body eliminate carcinogens. Unfortunately, an estimated 95% ofAmericanadults and children don't consume enough fiber, according to a 2017 analysis published in U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Oats are my go-to for fiber-rich foods. The gluten-free whole grain is a great source for important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. When slow-cooked, it provides a balanced portion of fats, carbohydrates and plant protein, along with good doses of iron and B vitamins.

In a study last year, researchers found that higher intakes of fiber resulted in decreased mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. The American Heart Association Eating Plan suggests that total dietaryfiberintakeshouldbe between 25 to 30 grams aday(from food, not supplements).

Oats are also a staple for Adventists, a small community in Loma Linda, California who researchers have found live up to a decade longer than other Americans.

My breakfast often consists of classic oatmeal with fruit, but oats can be prepared in a savory style, too. You can use it as coating in place of breadcrumbs, or in a hearty risotto in place of rice.

Not all liquid oils (for cooking or cold preparations) are the same. Many nutritionists and health expertsrecommendthat your first choice beextra virginolive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil contains mainly monounsaturated fat in the form of oleic acid, along with high amounts of antioxidants both of which researchers say can help reduce biomarkers of inflammation.

A 2020 study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that individuals who consumed half a tablespoon or more of extra virgin olive oil per day had a 14% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and an 18% decrease in coronary heart disease risk. Replacing five grams per day of other fats (e.g. butter or margarine) with olive oil also lowered the risk of total cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease by 5% to 7%.

My favorite way to incorporate extra virgin olive oil is to drizzle a small amount over vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower or carrots before roasting them in the oven.

Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, herring and lake trout contain high amounts of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which research has shown can improve your cardiovascular health.

If you're a fish lover like me, the American Heart Association recommends adults eat two servings of fish particularly the fatty kind per week, with a serving being 3.5 ounces of cooked fish or roughly cup of flaked fish. (The U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises that children and pregnant women avoid eating fish with potential for the highest level of mercury contamination, such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish.)

Want to get creative with fish? Try using it in place of beef or chicken in your tacos. Salmon patties are also a must-try. Remember to balance your plate with lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and other healthy fats as well.

Leafy vegetables, such as spinach, romaine and kale, are another aspect of the Mediterranean diet. They're filled with essential nutrients vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, vitamin K, iron, calcium and potassium.

The amount of vegetables you need, which can vary between one and three cups per day, depends on your age, sex and level of physical activity. In general, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), one cup of vegetables is equivalent to a cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or two cups of raw leafy greens.

Make yourself a fresh salad with a variety of leafy vegetables for a mix of nutrients and flavor. You can also add them to whole grain pastas or soups. To get a green kick that will instantly wake me up, I like throwing some kale into my breakfast smoothies.

Although there are several essential fruits in the Mediterranean diet, berries especially blueberries and strawberries rank high on my list of favorites, due to their rich levels of antioxidants.

Berries also have lots of anthocyanins,a type of flavonoid. Research suggests that anthocyanins can have several positive effects on the body, including lowering blood pressure and making blood vessels more elastic.

Dr. Eric Rimm, associate professor at the Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School, has done a significant amount of research backing the benefits of berries. He recommends three or more servings of a half-cup of blueberries or strawberries each week. One cup of whole strawberries will provide you with almost 100% of your daily vitamin C needs, according to the USDA.

I usually start the day with blueberries in my yogurt, cereal or oatmeal. And my salads are never complete without berries (along with sunflower seeds, nuts and beans for added protein).

LaurenArmstrong is a registered dietitian and personal nutrition coach. Formerly, she worked as a nutritionist for the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program. Lauren received her bachelor's degree in dietetics from Western Michigan University, and has written for several publications, including Livestrong and HealthDay. Follow her on Instagram @laurenarmstrong.rdn.

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To stay healthy and strong, a dietician eats these 5 staple foods of the Mediterranean diet - CNBC

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Exclusive Report on Dietary Supplement Market Analysis Report 2021 and Forecast to 2029 with different segments, Key players – The Courier

Posted: at 3:16 am

Nutrition is a branch of science that studies the nutrient content, along with other substances, in food items. Proper intake of nutrients is essential to ensure the optimum functioning of a human body. Maintenance, growth, health, reproduction, disease resistance, etc., are governed by the nutritional intake, along with factors like genetics, environmental condition, etc. Deficiency of nutrients occur when the human body is unable to absorb the necessary nutrients from the food that is consumed, or when the food lacks vital nutrients. Numerous health-related issues can arise as a result of nutrient deficiency. Digestion issues, skin disorders, stunting of growth, deformation of bones, memory loss, etc., are some of the ill effects of nutrient deficiency. Studies by the World Health Organization shows that nutrient deficiency is among the major health concerns faced by countries around the globe. Iron deficiency, for instance, is the most widespread nutrient deficiency in the world. Anaemia, which is a condition caused due to the lack of healthy red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood, is caused by the deficiency of iron along with Vitamin B12. Around 2 billion individuals globally are anaemic mainly due to the deficiency of iron. Adults in Europe as a whole are burdened with malnutrition. Studies show that around 20% of women who are in the reproductive age are affected by anaemia. Dietary supplements are consumables that contain ingredients that aid in balancing the lack of nutrients in a regular diet. These ingredients are extracted either from natural sources like milk and herbs, or from synthetic sources. Over time, the advancement in manufacturing process of dietary supplements has helped in reducing the product costs, which in turn has resulted in widespread adoption of these supplements amongst the masses. The growth in the availability of dietary supplements, and the rise in awareness amongst the consumers regarding adverse effects of nutrition deficiency, is leading to the growth of the dietary supplement market in Europe.

The Europe dietary supplement market was estimated to be worth US$ 14.60 Bn in 2019 and is expected to reach US$ 33.07 Bn in 2028, growing at a CAGR of 9.7% during the forecast years.

Absolute Markets Insights unravels its new study titled as Global Dietary Supplement Market. The study uses effective exploratory techniques such as qualitative and quantitative analysis to discover accurate data. For an effective business outlook, it studies North America, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and India by considering different aspects such as type, size, as well as applications. Various aspects of businesses such as primary application areas, financial overview, and requirement of the industries have been mentioned to give a brief to the readers. This research study also offers mergers, acquisitions and product portfolio of the businesses.

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The Global Dietary Supplement Market Report gives a clear idea about global competitive landscape, it offers unique insights of the businesses by providing detailed data about some significant strategies to get customers rapidly. To get a clear idea about ups-downs of the businesses some significant case studies have been included in terms of statistical data. Additionally, it offers informative data on recent trends, tools, methods and technologies that are driving the growth of the market. Different approaches have been used to analyze the different restraining factors in front of the businesses.

Global Dietary Supplement Market Report is a believable source for gaining the market research that will exponentially accelerate your business. SWOT and Porters Five analysis are also effectively discussed to analyze informative data such as cost, prices, revenue, and end-users. The research report has been evaluated on the basis of various attributes such as manufacturing base, products or services and raw material to understand the requirements of the businesses. The report uses effective graphical presentation techniques, such as graphs, charts, tables as well as pictures for better understanding.

Furthermore, it also offers a holistic snapshot of the Global Dietary Supplement Market business sector. In addition, the market study is supported by significant economic facts with regards to pricing structures, profit margin, and market shares. To present the data accurately, the study also makes use of effective graphical presentation techniques such as tables, charts, graphs, and pictures. The report further also highlights recent trends, tools and technology platforms that are contribute to enhance the performance of the companies.

Major Market Players Profiled in the Global Dietary Supplement Market Report include:

Some of the players operating in the Europe dietary supplement market are Abbott, ADM, Amway, Arkopharma, Bayer AG, Carlyle, Glanbiaplc, GlaxoSmithKline plc., Herbalife International of America, Inc., Kyni, Inc., Nestle, Nu Skin Enterprises (NSE), OPTIMUM NUTRITION, INC, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Pfizer Inc. and The Natures Bounty Co. amongst others.

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In the end the Global Dietary Supplement Market Report delivers conclusion which includes Research Findings, Market Size Estimation, Market Share, Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change, Data Source. These factors will increase business overall.

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Exclusive Report on Dietary Supplement Market Analysis Report 2021 and Forecast to 2029 with different segments, Key players - The Courier

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What popular food labels mean and how to use them to make better choices –

Posted: at 3:16 am

SALT LAKE CITY Have you ever seen a sign on a package of food that says "fat free" or "reduced calories" and wondered what that really meant?

Certain food labels are federally regulated and must meet specific qualifications for food manufacturers to put them on their packaging. Here are some examples of food labels you may see and a few tips to help you use these labels to make the best health choices for you and your specific nutritional needs.

When found on food, this label refers to the total calories, fat or sodium content of the food. Light/lite means that calories have been reduced by 50%, or the fat content has been reduced by 50%. It can also mean sodium (salt) has been reduced to by 50%. It does not mean all three of these things are true at once.

Tip: When looking for foods labeled "light," be sure to compare the nutrition and ingredient labels to the regular version. Sometimes manufacturers will add extra sugar or other ingredients, to make the product taste better. Just because it is labeled as light does not mean it is the healthier option. Make sure to compare side by side. If you're looking for a lower fat salad dressing, then try something that has a vinegar base instead of oil.

Using 100% is a food label that is federally regulated. Only foods that truly have 100% of the stated ingredient, vitamin or mineral can have this printed on the label.

Tip: Look for juice that says "100% juice." This will indicate to you that the juice contains no added sugar and only has pure fruit juice.

Tip: When buying bread, also look for the "100% whole grains" label. This indicates that the bread has retained more of its natural nutrients as well as its natural fiber, which is beneficial for gut health and can help you feel fuller longer.

Tip: Only foods that say "100% organic" are completely organic. Other foods that say "USDA organic" are only required to have 95% organic products/foods. If 100% organic is important to you then look for that statement on the label.

Dietary supplements are not regulated in the same way as food and drugs. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not test dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness before going to market, and the FDA is not authorized to test them before going to market. The manufacturing company is responsible for testing safety and effectiveness.

Tip: When shopping for supplements look for the "cGMP" label. This helps you know that the manufacturer has tested for impurities and contaminants.

Tip: Use the FDA's website to get more information about dietary supplements and how to safely take them.

Tip: To ensure further purity, quality and safety, look for the "USP" label on dietary supplements.

Editor's Note: Anything in this article is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended, nor should it be interpreted, to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition; Any opinions, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available are those of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and not of KSL. KSL does not endorse nor is it responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, information, or statement made in this article. KSL expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on the content of this article.

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