Why Israel Treats Its Prisoners Of War With Dignity -By Joe Dauda – Opinion Nigeria

Posted: May 22, 2023 at 12:26 pm

(This article is specially dedicated to my friend for the past 26 years Joe Ukpong Consultant Project Manager and former Managing Director of the music group, Styl Plus)

During the Yom Kippur War of 1973, Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement we read about in Leviticus 16 and Leviticus 23 and their continued existence appeared in doubt in the early part of that war, which was launched primarily by Egypt and Syria, but with expeditionary forces from several Arab countries including Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iraq, Libya, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia, and even Sudan.

America was supposedly the faithful and dependable ally of Israel, but, as I explained in the series, Gravity As A Weapon Of War, that impression was just an impression. For example, President Lyndon B. Johnson may have prevented the Six-Day war of 1967. Egypt had blocked the Straits of Tiran, denying Israel a vital access to the sea. It was clearly an act of war. But if the American Navy had simply sailed a warship through the Straits, Egypt would have gotten the message and quickly backed down. Israel, reluctant to engage, urgently asked for this favour in order to prevent hostilities. But Lyndon Johnson refused. The fact is that, although many are not aware, the secret enemies of Israel are the most powerful power block in the United States. Thus, every help Israel has received from the United States has been either permitted by this power block (perhaps because opposition at such a time would have exposed them for who they were) or because God helped Israel in spite of their opposition. Like during the Yom Kippur War.

Things initially went so bad for Israel that then Prime Minister, Golda Meir, told the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to begin preparations to use nuclear weapons. That could only have happened because Ms Meir was absolutely convinced that Israel was about to lose the war. And the subsisting theory is that, if Israel ever loses a war, the surrounding Arab nations will overrun them, in spite of any number of resolutions the UN Security Council chooses to pass. It seems someone advised Golda Meir to make one last move and seek the support of the United States. Just to be clear, the use of nuclear weapons against the Arabs during the Yom Kippur War would have been a very bad option and would have most likely triggered a World War or something eerily close to that. Fortunately, Golda Meir called US President Richard Nixon and Nixon did the needful.

As I pointed out in Gravity As A Weapon Of War, apart from Nixons massive military support for Israel, God apparently sent a spirit of discord between Egyptian President Muhammad Anwar Sadat and his top army General. Things quickly deteriorated on their side to the extent that Israel ended up capturing tens of thousands of hungry and thirsty Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Desert. Below is the reason why Israel treated them nicely, gave them water, fed them, and released them to Egyptian authorities shortly after they were captured. Yes, indeed, that is the tradition in Israel to treat POWs with dignity but it is not an abstract tradition. It is actually based on the Bible. To enjoy one of the very interesting Bible stories this tradition is based upon, please read 2 Kings 6:8-23. But the meat of the tale is in verses 21-23, which I will quote below.

The background to this is that a battalion of Syrian soldiers had fallen into the hands of Israel, to be mercilessly butchered with no flinch of remorse. But that was not what happened.

2 Kings 6:21-23And the king of Israel said unto Elisha, when he saw them, My father, shall I smite them? shall I smite them?And he answered, Thou shalt not smite them: wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive with thy sword and with thy bow? set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink, and go to their master.And he prepared great provision for them: and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them away, and they went to their master. So the bands of Syria came no more into the land of Israel.

Interestingly, the above was not an isolated incident. By the testimony of the same Syrians (in an earlier war with Israel) it is clear that everybody knew this was the norm.

1 Kings 20:31-32And his servants said unto him, Behold now, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are merciful kings: let us, I pray thee, put sackcloth on our loins, and ropes upon our heads, and go out to the king of Israel: peradventure he will save thy life.So they girded sackcloth on their loins, and put ropes on their heads, and came to the king of Israel, and said, Thy servant Benhadad saith, I pray thee, let me live. And he said, Is he yet alive? he is my brother.

Note: Benhadad was the king of Syria at that time.

Except in cases where God specifically wants to settle some scores and commands capital punishment, Israel is often a safe place for prisoners of war even in modern times.

During the initial stages of the Syrian civil war that was apparently a direct fallout of the 2011 Arab Spring, in spite of the frosty relationship between Israel and Syria, wounded Syrians fled to Israel, knowing fully well that they will receive instant medical care, free accommodation, free feeding, and a dignified treatment that would include access to communication with their loved ones. After all, Israel is rich and well capable of dispensing such kindness. This is definitive proof that ordinary Arabs know that Israel is not their enemy and that Israel is actually a safe haven for them in times of distress. You dont submit yourself to armed military men belonging to a country looking for opportunities to kill you.

But the mainstream media would never allow you to know these things. Listening to them alone, you will believe blatant lies such as that Israel sadistically pumps sewage into the homes of Palestinians and gets its snipers to shoot at the kneecaps of Palestinian children playing in the yard; or that Israel uses its superior military power to terrorize its neighbors. These are all desperate lies concocted and promoted by people trying to provide diplomatic cover for the terrorists who irritate Israel every now and then by shooting rockets into civilian populations.

These terrorists are so devious that they shoot at Israel from hospitals and schools and such places just so that, when Israel tries to neutralize their rocket launchers, there will be collateral damage. It is a deliberate strategy to force the blood of the innocent on the hands of Israel. And the international media will never let you understand how these terrorists live in safe bunkers under the ground. But when they want to conduct their terrorism against Israel, they will give orders for their rocket launchers to be taken into the heart of civilian locations and shot from there. And they will not specifically shoot at Israeli military installations but shoot indiscriminately. This is why you sometimes see that Israeli warplanes take out targets with some collateral damage. Israel is content to focus its retaliation on military targets alone, but these terrorists make that virtually impossible. They want to hit Israel anyhow and from anywhere because they know how reluctant Israel would be to hit at them if they are in civilian territory. You have heard of the term human shield? This is a perfect example of how it plays out. Ordinary Arabs, especially in Gaza, are the human shields who must die to make Israel look bad, even though Israel has to be provoked to attack before engaging in these self-defense attacks.

This was why, last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did something that would certainly be a focus of study in War Colleges around the world. Taking advantage of the protests against the Judiciary reforms in Israel, he gave an impression of Israeli weakness in his military response to the recent rocket attacks by the Islamic Jihad Organization, which is based in Gaza. Mind you, Im not justifying Netanyahu in what he did; Im just telling you how far he went to ensure that it is not the ordinary residents of Gaza that would suffer this time around but these terrorist commanders who always hide inside their bunkers and put innocent civilians in Gaza at risk.

So, Benjamin Netanyahu gave a tepid response to the rocket attacks, which greatly annoyed the Israeli population. And they began to criticize him. Little did they realize what the longest serving Prime Minister of the State of Israel was planning. After giving an impression of weakness by some unconvincing air strikes of the IDF against just a few Islamic Jihad positions in Gaza, Netanyahu quickly agreed to a ceasefire, to be brokered by Egypt and in Egypt. As later events have now proven, all Netanyahu wanted was to entice the real senior commanders of the Islamic Jihad Organization to come out of their bunkers. And they came out victoriously, to make their way to Egypt. But Israel was ready. About 40 Israeli warplanes were hovering over the skies of Gaza on the ready to respond to what Israel was about to do.

And what did they end up doing?

Using guided missiles that were so precise in their flight they seemed programmed with the DNAs of these Islamic Jihad leaders, Israel simultaneously took out the top three. For 12 hours after that, the Islamic Jihad was silent. Their trepidation immobilized them.

How did Israel get the intelligence about these leaders?

How was Israel able to so track their movements in real time they were able to pinpoint their location and shoot guided missiles at them to eliminate them? This attack was epochal and required a seamless combination of Intelligence, technology, strategy, and political will yet Israel was able to pull it off.

When they recovered from the shock, the Islamic Jihad Organization appointed two new leaders to lead the organization. But Israel, as if working with spirits, took those leaders out also through targeted air strikes. They eventually took out another leader after these two, making the total six. Finally understanding what Benjamin Netanyahu had planned and executed with such perfection, the Israeli population began to cheer Netanyahu. The strongest language of the Israeli military which is well understood by these selfish terrorist leaders is the language of targeted assassinations. As long as the civilians of Gaza alone are at risk, these leaders appear bold and defiant. But now they have been humbled and have accepted to have a ceasefire.

Quite remarkably, Islamic Jihad had to fight alone. Perhaps fearing for their lives and disturbed by the accuracy of Israeli intelligence, especially about the movement of the Jihadi leaders, neither Hamas nor Hezbollah fired a single rocket towards Israel in solidarity with Islamic Jihad, which is something they normally would have done. The equation seems to have changed, at least for the time being. Even the flag parade marking the capture of Jerusalem in 1967 went on peacefully on Thursday 18th May, 2023. But it was a risky move because Islamic Jihad or Hamas would have wanted nothing more than to cause a cancellation of that nationally significant event. All that would have been required would have been a few rockets and the leaders of Israel would have played safe and would have cancelled the flag parade. The fact that they did not shoot rockets all through that parade is proof positive that they have become scared for their very lives. Nobody knows what Benjamin Netanyahu is planning and it seems this uncertainty has kept them calm for now even though the sight of almost 200 thousand Jews singing, dancing, and thanking God at the Western Wall in Jerusalem must have been very difficult for them to behold calmly.

To understand how this thing is deeper than just politics (the spiritual angle that involves the vow of Satanism to eliminate the Jews) read the series: Gravity As A Weapon Of War. Israel is not a perfect nation but you need to deny the verifiable facts in Gravity As A Weapon Of War to fail to understand Israels special status in Gods protocol for relating with the world and how history has proven this in amazing ways.

Satan is the prince of this world (according to Jesus Christ in John 12:31, 14:30, and 16:11) and his prime weapon is deception through lies, for he is the father of lies, according to the same Jesus Christ in John 8:44. He is also a murderer, and murder is the next option when the lies fail to deceive.

To protect yourself from the lies of Satan, through which he rules the world and controls how we think and make decisions, come to Jesus Christ the way, the TRUTH, and the life.

Jesus Christ is not interested in making you feel good. He tells you what every honest man knows which is that you are a sinner. And then He truthfully tells you that the way to be forgiven and to inherit eternal life in the kingdom of God has been provided through His death and resurrection but that the journey passes through a rough and narrow road.

Unfortunately, not many people are interested in the truth.

But you are wise. And that is why you read this type of articles.

May Gods Grace remove every lie in our minds and replace it with the unvarnished truth no matter how unpalatable.

Watch out for my next article titled: The Greatest Deception In Modern Christianity.

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Why Israel Treats Its Prisoners Of War With Dignity -By Joe Dauda - Opinion Nigeria

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