Of OTTs and more! – The Times of India Blog

Posted: April 23, 2021 at 12:07 pm

I am no big fan of any OTT platforms largely due to time constraints. With loads of work always pending, I had only a bit of time to n catch up on news, that too in print. I would rather read something, understand facts and not be led into believing all the sensational perspectives shown on the idiot box news channels. But circumstances forced me to take a break from work, go to US, where I didnt have access to print version of my favorite news papers.

This led me to explore OTT. Facebook showed me photos and photos, especially of my middle-aged friends, who posed in all angles n from all places, they could visit. Also, they kept uploading photos from their youth, their old travels and what not. A kind of Blast from the past you may say. Instagram, on which I dont follow many people, showed me lots of skin. God knows why but I was bombarded with pics of young girls, in short skirts, bikinis, thrusting out their chests and backs. A young guy might have enjoyed the same scenes but not me. I found out that this happened as I clicked on home page and was taken to all these kind of softest porn (due to lack of a better word) but it only made me disgusted.

So OTT, it was. I saw a couple of episodes and it kind of zapped me. Gosh, who writes and directs them? It was all things which families shied away from. More debates on whether they should have, or discussed it in open with their kids. It was sex, kisses, bedroom scenes, bathtub shots and what not. Oh, yeah, lots of same-sex romances weaved in between. When did our society change so much? Or did we wake up one day and find that there are lots of permissible things, which are okay?

An anthology of 4 stories got me more shocked. The second one was about a maid and her kid sister. Yes, its sad that young poverty-stricken folks have lots of frustrations but what happens in the end is enough to churn anyones stomach. Violence is a meek word and I really wanted to know who wrote the episode. Were they able to sleep after filming that? Didnt the actors go into depression after playing out that horrible scene?

I still shudder and am trying to erase the memory of that episode from my mind. I am pretty sure that many would have been equally shocked. Funnily not many have written about it on social media. Guess it isnt a popular series or people have gone immuneread somewhere that people in charge of cleaning the internet of violence n horror need help after watching the gory scenes while cleaning up.

Right now, I need a feel good episode to feel good again!!

Views expressed above are the author's own.


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Of OTTs and more! - The Times of India Blog

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