Here’s a look-see at some of my -isms – Fairfield Daily Republic

Posted: March 27, 2017 at 4:41 am

Evrybodys talking bout Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism

This-ism, that-ism, ism, ism, ism Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon

Brothers George and Charles plus their buddy Noah (Merriam-Webster to you), define the word ism thusly:

While all -isms arent bad, I try to work on the ones in my life that are.

Racism:Ive shared anecdotes about being the target of racism in the past, but never talked about my own. Back in the 1980s I had a friend who worked at Luckys supermarket and I went there on Thanksgiving Day. I saw she was crying so I asked what was wrong. She said a customer had called her a stupid b-word and he was still there in the deli. She pointed him out and I went outside fuming and smoked a cigarette (yes, I smoked then gross). The guy came outside and I flicked my cigarette at him and started yelling and cussing him out (yes, I cussed then, sigh). Now, the guy was a punk, but his Asian race had nothing to do with that, but thats where I shamefully went in insulting him. He hurried to his car and when far enough away, he returned racist taunts. But I, sad to say, started it.

Oakland Raiderism:Also known as Commitment to Excellence-ism, Silver and Blackism, Pride and Poise-ism, whatever you call it, its all good.

Hedonism:When I was younger, I was enamored of The Doors Jim Morrison who was a disciple of Dionysian hedonism. Thankfully, I, unlike Morrison and others, survived that phase and now prefer to experience life with my senses unaltered. In the available light, if you will. Instead of just seeking to entertain myself, caring for others or humanitarianism is what makes me happy. Im always amazed by people who figured that out the easy way.

Able Bodyism:I was on the school newspaper staff at Armijo High School and there was a guy there named Kenton Pfister who was physically disabled and used a motorized wheelchair. The first time I heard him talk in his loud and slurred voice that I could not understand, Im now ashamed to admit that I immediately assumed he not only had a physical disability, but a mental one as well. I was dead wrong. I got to know Kenton and we became friends. There was nothing wrong with his mind. He would dictate his stories and they would be typed up and printed in the newspaper. Once I got to know him, I had no problem understanding his speech and he was bright, sharp and had a crisp sense of humor. That experience taught me a lot about judging people and I continue to work on it.

Antidisestablishmentarianism:When I was in elementary school (yes, I was once a lil braniac) I thought I was cool because I could spell this word. I could never work it into a conversation, though.

Sexism:I wrote a column in January 2016 about women in nontraditional occupations. Denise Marie Torkelsen Lazzara shared about working at Mare Island as a machinist, as a mechanic on a nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers and driving an 18-wheeler, among other jobs. She said she faced sexism numerous times in her working career. I had to confess my own sexism. Denise and I attended Armijo High at the same time (shes a year younger than me) and I didnt know her, but knew who she was. In my memory, I put her in a box as just a frail, blonde (Green) Valley girl. I told her my own blind spot in this area was especially galling since I had my own sort of role-reversal years ago when I was a stay-at-home dad who home-schooled my daughter.

Google-ism: Did you know adamitism means nakedness for religious reasons? Me either. Thanks, Google.

Petism:I like dogs better than cats. Dogs miss you horribly when you leave for five minutes, but cats arent even mentally in the same dimension with you until its Fancy Feasttime. I refuse to work on this ism.

Reach Fairfield writer Tony Wade at [emailprotected].

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Here's a look-see at some of my -isms - Fairfield Daily Republic

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