Help is available for gambling problems | Letters | – The Daily News Online

Posted: May 4, 2021 at 8:31 pm

This April, New York passed the legalization of mobile sports betting.

Although leaders believe this will have a positive economic impact for New York State, potentially closing the budget deficit over time, increasing the availability and accessibility of gambling options may cause problems for those at risk. The Western Problem Gambling Resource Center maintains a neutral stance on gambling; however, we want the community to know there is a local, confidential resource available if you or someone you know is struggling to control their gambling.

Problem gambling is simply anytime someones gambling causes problems in their life. These could be financial or relationship problems, issues at work or school, some people have even resorted to criminal activity to support their gambling problem.

Lets look at a few problem gambling facts:

n Each person struggling with problem gambling affects six to 10 of those closest to them.

n A study found that nine out of 10 people affected by someone elses gambling problems felt emotional distress.

n One in five persons struggling with a gambling problem have attempted and/or died by suicide.

Because as many as 10 other individuals are impacted by one persons gambling problem, a persons mental and physical health could certainly be impacted. It is important to recognize the warning signs of problem gambling. We can not simply pick a person struggling with gambling problems out of a crowd. So, what are some warning signs can we look for?

n Being absent from friend/family events because of gambling.

n Feeling stressed or anxious when not gambling.

n Low work performance due to absence or preoccupation with betting.

n Lying to family and friends about how much money and time is spent on gambling.

n Chasing losses to get even.

Services for those persons struggling with problem gambling are available in WNY. Friends and family of those impacted by problem gambling are also encouraged to reach out for support. Local, confidential, and free help is available through the Western Problem Gambling Resource Center.

Here is the original post:

Help is available for gambling problems | Letters | - The Daily News Online

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