Letter: The flag has not represented freedom and justice for all – Daily Record-News

Posted: June 14, 2020 at 11:50 am

Regarding a letter to the editor that you ran on June 9, 2020: I, too have relatives who served in WWII, including a cousin who was killed in France. Yes, they were fighting for our flag and our freedom. But, many black men served, too, and how much freedom did they get?

It wasn't until 1964 that the Civil Rights Act was passed and that certainly didn't solve all the problems. My relatives came back to the Kittitas Valley and lived a good life of peace, freedom, and opportunity. Most black men went back to the Jim Crow South, or to the North where discrimination was still rampant in many places. Why wouldn't they and their offspring and their offspring's offspring doubt that the flag meant freedom for them? Our salute to the flag says, "With freedom and justice for all." Why shouldn't they protest to make the flag salute ring true?

Colin Kaepernick should be admired for putting his money where his mouth is. He sacrificed a lot to kneel that day. As for the small percentage of blacks who make millions of dollars, they make that because the American people are willing to pay for it. And because they do, does that mean all the rest of black citizens should just keep quiet and not protest anything?

As to the marriage vows, I've been married for 63 years (to the same man, by the way). I am living my life in the way that is best for me and doesn't do harm to anyone else. Everyone should have the freedom to do that without condemnation from people who choose to live a different way. Maybe I don't understand the Bible because I don't hold it upside down!

My ancestor's helped build America, too, and I don't perceive trying to make it a better place as tearing it down.

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Letter: The flag has not represented freedom and justice for all - Daily Record-News

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