Dan Eaton explains the 25th amendment and what it means for Presidents – – KUSI

Posted: October 7, 2020 at 8:54 am

SAN DIEGO (KUSI) President Donald Trumps doctor on Saturday painted a picture of the presidents health as he remains hospitalized for coronavirus treatment.

But that assessment was immediately contradicted by a person familiar with Trumps condition, who said the situation had been very concerning.

Just a month before the presidential election, Trumps revelation that he was positive for the virus came by a tweet about 1 a.m. Friday after he had returned from a Thursday afternoon political fundraiser.

First lady Melania Trump also tested positive, the president said, and several others in the White House have, too, prompting concern that the White House or even Trump himself might have spread the virus further.

KUSI Contributor, Dan Eaton, joined Good Morning San Diego to discuss the Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution deals with issues related to presidential succession and disability.

It clarifies that the vice president becomes president (as opposed to the acting president) if the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office; and establishes procedures for filling a vacancy in the office of the vice president and for responding to presidential disabilities.

The Twenty-fifth Amendment was submitted to the states on July 6, 1965, by the 89th Congress and was adopted on February 10, 1967, during the 90th Congress, the day that the requisite number (38) of individual states had ratified the amendment.

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Dan Eaton explains the 25th amendment and what it means for Presidents - - KUSI

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