Claims Against Yasam Ayavefe Have Been Officially Dispelled as Fake News – News Anyway

Posted: February 21, 2022 at 5:50 pm

Post Views: 123

It turns out that the incriminations against Yaam Ayavefe were groundless.

In the Halil Falyal case, the facts about Yaam Ayavefe came to light. False news was made of him as the instigator, without being mentioned by any witnesses or confessors.

While the news about Yaam Ayavefe, who allegedly instigated the murder of Halil Falyal, continued to be published in the press for the last week, this news turned out to be without foundation.

On the other hand, the statement that he was wanted by Interpol also turned out to be false. In the searches made on the website of Interpol, it was seen that there was no demand for the arrest of Yaam Ayavefe, that he was not sought with a red notice, and that he did not have any criminal record.

It is estimated that the allegations in question occupied the public to confuse the target in the Halil Falyal case and to bring the judicial process to a dead end. It has been reported that a legal process has been initiated regarding this false accusation made against him.

Who is Yaam Ayavefe?

Yaam Ayavefe is a businessperson, entrepreneur, and project developer. He was born in 1984 in the Central District of Adana city. He is the middle son of a father who worked in the Incirlik base. Between 2004 and 2012, he worked in the fields of telecommunications and cyber security at international companies such as Voipplanet, Delsim Communications, Mediatel and Globalink. Yaam Ayavefe, who graduated from Software Engineering and International Relations departments, was awarded as The Best Businessman of the Year by the then Minister of Tourism in 2015.

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Claims Against Yasam Ayavefe Have Been Officially Dispelled as Fake News - News Anyway

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