GOP Group Hits Donald Trump With Supercut Of His Offensive, Ridiculous Statements – HuffPost

Posted: March 11, 2020 at 3:45 pm

The Lincoln Project a group of anti-Trump Republicans on Friday hit the president with a montage of his most insulting, offensive and ridiculous gaffes.

The group of which prominent Trump critic George Conway is a member released the supercut that contrasts Trumps speeches to those of previous presidents in response to a similar GOP attack on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden over his own gaffes.

Every day is a new chance for Trump to debase himself further and embarrass Americans of all political stripes, Republican strategist Rick Wilson wrote in a fundraising email featuring the footage.

Check out the video here:

Wilson said the hardest part of making the ad was fitting all of Trumps own gaffes, abuse of the English language, insults, lies and crazy talk into 30 or even 60 seconds.

We will not allow Trump and his propaganda machine to gaslight America into believing hes anything other than the most unserious, indecent, least inspiring president weve ever had, he concluded. Do not let a single lie stand.

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GOP Group Hits Donald Trump With Supercut Of His Offensive, Ridiculous Statements - HuffPost

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