See Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Dismiss Nixon… –

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 6:20 pm

Saturday Night Live mocked Donald Trump's interview with NBC's Lester Holt as Alec Baldwin's president stumbled his way through questions about James Comey's firing and comparisons to Richard Nixon.

Regarding the controversial firing of the FBI director, Trump accidentally negated the explanations doled out by his press secretaries during the NBC interview, a mistake that SNL seized on.

"I fired him because of Russia. I thought 'I don't like that. I should fire him,'" Baldwin's Trump said in the cold open. Michael Che's Holt then pointed out that is obstruction of justice and wondered aloud, "That's it? Did I get him? Is it all over?" before being informed "nothing matters anymore."

"That's right, nothing's gonna stop me because I have the Republicans in the palm of my hand," Baldwin's Trump said before ringing a bell, which summoned Paul Ryan holding a tray of two scoops of ice cream.

The president is then forced to fight off comparisons between his administration and Nixon's during Watergate. "I am nothing like Nixon because I am not a crook, plus I bet Nixon only got one scoop of ice cream for dessert, but I get two."

Holt pointed out another difference between Nixon and Trump: Nixon actually won the popular vote.

On SNL, Trump again (falsely) reiterates that he invented the economic term "priming the pump," although the definition has grossly changed: "It's when I tug on myself a half-hour before Melania comes in so she can find it easier, okay?"

After an especially WTF week at the White House, Holt asked Trump to pump the brakes on a presidency that's become a 24-7 reality show.

"Too bad because this is gonna run for eight years, okay? Even though it should've been canceled months ago, but don't worry: We have plenty of fun plot twists coming up," Trump told Holt. "A lot of your favorite characters will be coming back: Kim Jong Un, Carter Page, even that little psycho Steve Miller. Also, I don't want to give away too much but in an upcoming episode we will find out that Kellyanne was dead this whole time."

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See Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump Dismiss Nixon... -

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