Donald Trump Tape Tease: Sean Spicer Says Big Reveal Possible At Week’s End – Deadline

Posted: June 19, 2017 at 7:44 pm

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Monday that it is possible we will have an answer by the end of this week as to whether tapes really do exist of President Trumps conversations with former FBI Director James Comey or if the President of the United States, when he tweeted suggesting there might be tapes, was just making shit up.

Maybe not coincidentally, Trump has a deadline of the end of this week to turn over to the House Intel Committee all memos about, and any tapes of, conversations with Comey.

Ten days ago, Trumpagain dodged a question as to whether he did, as he hinted, tape conversations with the FBI director, as he had suggested in a tweet shortly after sacking Comey.

Well, I will tell you about that, sometime in the very near future, Trump sidestepped when a reporter directly asked him, during a Rose Garden news conference, whether the tapes actually exist.

Addressing the questions at a joint presser with Romania President Klaus Iohannis, reporters noted Trump was hinting the tapes exist. Im not hinting anything. Ill tell you over a very short period of time, Trump shot back. Oh youre going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer, he added as reporters kept lobbing more tape questions. Back then, Spicer told reporters, in response to questions as to when they would have an answer on Trump tapes: When hes ready. Just watch the helicopter.

In May, Trump tweeted, the day after sacking Comey, James Comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

Trumps tweet seemed to suggest that POTUS had recorded those conversations, though he refused to elaborate in a Fox News Channel interview days later. The tweet triggered TV news pundit to talk again of Richard Nixon and Watergate. Those pundits thought Trump ought to know that if he did record that dinner or those two phone calls he does not own them; they are federal records, thanks to Nixon.

Speaking of tapes, no audio or video exists of todays tape teaser by Spicer. Thats because Mondays White House Press briefing banned video or audio recording of the press gathering. Team Trump is trying to keep press focus off the investigation of Russian meddling with the election and whether there was any collusion in that effort by members of his campaign.

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Donald Trump Tape Tease: Sean Spicer Says Big Reveal Possible At Week's End - Deadline

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