Cyberpunk 2077 release date, trailer, news, gameplay, and everything you need to know – Digital Spy

Posted: March 17, 2017 at 7:27 am

You've probably finished The Witcher 3 by now as well as its subsequent expansions, which has left a rather large hole, the exact shape of a CD Projekt RPG, within your sinking heart.

In such a situation only one thought can console you: Cyberpunk 2077.

But what is Cyberpunk 2077? Why does the name make our unmentionable parts tremble with excitement? Why haven't you heard a peep about it ages? Here we'll attempt to answer all these questions and more regarding CD Projekt's next enormous RPG.

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Thankfully CP77 will reach us well before this century's eighth decade. Development is still in the early stages, as CD Projekt didn't direct serious resources at CP77 until The Witcher 3 was complete.

According to the developer, the CP77 team is now the biggest it's ever employed on one game.

When it will reach our hands? We don't know, but as CD Projekt intends to release two full-scale AAA RPGs between now and 2021, it seems logical that CP77 should be with us at some point in 2018.

This should be come clearer when the Polish developer starts talking about the game again. Since the debut trailer in 2013, all the game's media accounts have descended into silence. The last tweet recorded on the official CP77 account was in December 2013.

The trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 is now four years old, and was little more than a concept piece. The CG short showed off a futuristic world of human augmentations and hyper-violence, but actually said very little about what to expect.

At this stage the game wasn't in full-blown development, so in fairness to CD Projekt, there wasn't anything to show off anyway.

Are we intrigued by blade arms and bulletproof skin? You bet we are. CD Projekt is a superb world builder, and we're excited to see what its take on cypberpunk dystopias (lower case) will eventually look like.

To this we have no answer. Cyberpunk 2077 will be a AAA RPG, but whether it will come to resemble The Witcher in any way remains unclear. Here are a few facts we're fairly sure of, however:

It will be big. "Cyberpunk is far bigger than anything else that CD Projekt Red has done before," CD Projekt VFX artist Jose Teixeira told MCV. Apparently its scale dwarfs that of Geralt's last adventure, which was a whopper in its own right.

It may feature flying cars. Last year CD Projekt was spotted advertising for a coder whose responsibility would be "creating the whole architecture of vehicle-related code and the physics of driving / flying in those vehicles".

It's an open-world, sandbox game. Expect the same, if not greater levels of freedom than those in The Witcher 3.

It's set in Night City. A fictional metropolis on the west coast of America. The location is taken from the Cyberpunk pen and paper RPG.

There will be a multiplayer component. But the focus will still predominantly be on an engaging single-player experience.

Mechanics will be based on the Cyberpunk pen and paper system. But exactly how this will be translated remains to be seen.

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Cyberpunk 2077 release date, trailer, news, gameplay, and everything you need to know - Digital Spy

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