33 Best Cyberpunk Books of All-Time (2019) – Nerd Much?

Posted: October 13, 2019 at 12:46 pm

Prolific novelist K.W. Jeter met and became friends with Philip K. Dick through friends in college, and in fact he may be best known for writing three sequels to Blade Runner that were commissioned after the success of the filmand after Jeters friend Dick had died in 1982.

Dick even appears as a fictionalized version of himself in Dr. Adder, the first novel in Jeters Dr. Adder trilogy. Dick read Jeters novel after its completion in 1972, but Jeter couldnt place the book with a publisher until after Dicks death. His praise for Jeters book appears posthumously.

The book is nasty, brutish, and short: extreme (especially at the time) violence, sexual content, and a general attitude of disrespect that reviewers at the time found distasteful. But extremism belongs in cyberpunk, and limiting it to extreme forms of posthuman body modification and drug use but leaving everything else out seems disingenuous at best.

Indeed, a scene in the adaptation of Dicks own Minority Report adds a gruesome, visceral sequence when the main character must have his eyes replaced in his citys seedy underbelly and, while recovering in blindness, takes a big bite from a fetid, rotten sandwich.


33 Best Cyberpunk Books of All-Time (2019) - Nerd Much?

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