Letter to the editor: Grow food or starve – The Bakersfield Californian

Posted: August 15, 2022 at 6:29 pm

Many of our politicians, environmentalists, foundations and now "woke" corporations are beholden to the globalist goals of the UN and World Economic Forum. Do we have to add the nefarious activities of the teachers' unions to control our children? Too often the CEOs of hundreds of woke companies live in fear of retaliation and loss of job if they dare come against their atheist globalist one-world government schemes. Even our 4th Estate is reluctant to report facts or conduct an occasional investigation that would expose and document what we already suspect.

We used to sound like conspiracy theorists until this evil enterprise has now grown into arrogant reality. The loss of dams and irrigation water drained to the sea leads to dust bowl conditions and loss of many in the grand profession of farming is tearing us apart. Sadly, they have been successful at all levels, even brainwashing our children as they strive to break down the nuclear family by scaring them with global warming. That is a bald-faced lie! If anything, we are in a long-term cooling cycle as oft-repeated ice core samples from Antarctica prove. A million years worth of repeated heating and cooling cycles. The globalists' entire foundation is based on lies, lies and more lies.

Can you explain to the otherwise uninvolved grocery shopper why the shelves are sparse and the prices out of reach? Are they hungry enough to educate themselves and rise up? Unfortunately, by that time we'll all be in the clutches of the "global elite" who claim to be much smarter and goal-oriented toward the demise of 80 percent of us. After all, they just want to "save the planet" and make it their exclusive playground while survivors serve their needs with ever-failing resources and the loss of ingenuity of a captive people.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

Gerry Todd, Bakersfield

Read more from the original source:

Letter to the editor: Grow food or starve - The Bakersfield Californian

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