Borderlands 3: How to Enter Ascension Bluff Locked Door and Reach Hidden Area – GameRant

Posted: September 24, 2019 at 5:44 pm

Players that have spent some time exploring theBorderlands 3Ascension Bluff area on Pandora are likely to have encountered the locked doors that are located at the northeast corner of the map. TheseBorderlands 3Ascension Bluff locked doors have red gems embedded into their centers andseem to be connected to the Eridians. While there currently does not appear to be a way to opentheBL3Ascension Bluff red doorsby way ofstandard gameplay, a method can be used to bypass them.

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As previously mentioned,players do not currently know what is required in order to open theBorderlands 3Ascension Bluff locked doors, but they have discovered a way to access the area behind them.Borderlands 3Vault Hunters that wish to reach theBL3Ascension Bluff locked area should begin by getting a vehicle and outfitting it with all of the lightest components that are available the Monowheel is recommended due to itsability to reach high speeds.

From there, players should navigate to the area slightly to the southwest of theBorderlands 3Ascension Bluff locked area, where they will find a large, narrow rock formation that looks a bit like a runway. This formation can be used as a ramp over theBL3Ascension Bluff locked doors, and players should drive up the right side of the pathway, hit their boosters around halfway up, and aim themselves directly at the secret area.

For those that are havingtroublelocating the aforementioned rock formation, or are finding it difficult to use inreaching theBorderlands 3Ascension Bluff secret area, the video featured here may provide assistance. This video also highlights what can be found behind the locked doors in Ascension Bluff: an area that appears to be intended as an arena for a futureBorderlands 3boss fight.

Indeed, there is not much to currently see in theBL3Ascension Bluffsecret area, but it seemslikely that Gearbox Software is planning to bring additional content to this arena by way ofBorderlands 3DLC. However, until that BL3DLC comes, players can get a peek at the locked area by using the method outlined here.

Borderlands 3is now available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Stadia version also in development.

MORE:10 Games To Play If You Like Borderlands 3

Tags:PC,Borderlands,2K Games,Gearbox Software,PS4,Borderlands 3,Xbox One

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Borderlands 3: How to Enter Ascension Bluff Locked Door and Reach Hidden Area - GameRant

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