Ascension has weathered the pandemic just fine – Axios

Posted: June 2, 2021 at 5:53 am

Taxpayer bailouts and massive gains from Wall Street investments helped Ascension the largest tax-exempt hospital system in the country glide through the coronavirus pandemic.

Why it matters: Dominant hospital chains like Ascension really haven't had to worry about their financial status during the pandemic, unlike smaller hospitals and safety-net systems, in part because those chains already accumulated massive rainy day funds over the years.

By the numbers: Patients still aren't going to Ascension's hospitals and doctors' offices as much as they were before the pandemic. But the Catholic system is still making a surplus from patient care as it treats sicker people, according to its most recent financial disclosure.

What they're saying: Ascension told its bondholders that the pandemic has cost the system "$1.9 billion in lost revenue and pandemic-related expenses," and that although the federal grants didn't completely cover that amount, it was "able to absorb the remaining negative financial impact through other operations."

Between the lines: Ascension is essentially a hedge fund that also happens to run hospitals and other care facilities.

Go deeper: Hospitals are making a fortune on Wall Street

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Ascension has weathered the pandemic just fine - Axios

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