Daily Archives: November 25, 2022

Why Is Freedom Of Speech Important? The Relevance Explained

Posted: November 25, 2022 at 4:45 am

The term freedom of speech is the right of a person to express his thoughts freely. It includes freedom of expression to express themselves and pass a piece of vital information either in writing or orally to the people. The reason the freedom of speech is essential is just like drinking water for keeping our body system hydrated, freedom of speech is very important for the growth of our community and societies.

Now, why is freedom of speech important?

In considering the question, why is freedom of speech important, we must understand that freedom of speech has become vital because, without freedom of speech, some people wont be able to communicate effectively and even say a word when things are going wrong. Why freedom of expression suffers in some other countries might be due to their lack of cognizance of why freedom of speech is essential. It is the way of anything we do that drives us, so if a country doesnt know why freedom of speech is vital, that country or land will fight the establishment of liberty. Freedom of speech is essential because it changes the narrative of how people feel when they want to express themselves in public and even to people in their immediate environment.

Continue reading to learn more about the importance of freedom of speech!

Freedom of speech sometimes conflicts with the rights and freedoms of others. But why freedom of speech is fundamental is based on the fact that freedom of speech gives one the feeling of lively hood. According to international law, restrictions on freedom of expression are subject to certain legal conditions.

We are aware that freedom of speech emerged between the early 5th and 6th century. It also recognized that the Roman Republic added freedom of speech and freedom of religion too. Why freedom of speech was essential at that time should tell you that freedom of speech is vital and very important even in these modern days.

Freedom of speech is essential to us and society, although there was the first amendment in 1791, and to date, the ideas of human rights that lead to freedom of speech is a paper in the ancient human right documents.

We cannot overlook the importance of freedom of speech. There are a few core values Im about to review for you now. Freedom of speech is a knowledge that transits through generations. It is a right every citizen of a state needs to have.

Freedom of speech plays a vital role in our lives as individuals. Thats why freedom of speech is fundamental.

The recognition of truthfulness and justice, clarity, the openness of freedom of speech and information, is another significant role why freedom of speech is essential. Clarity of information depends on the extent to which freedom of expression of thought, freedom of speech is open in all the changes and processes taking place in society.

Another role of freedom of speech and why freedom of speech is essential is to ensuring freedom of expression and information, openness, clarity of all ongoing changes and processes. The clarity and transparency in most cases depend on how freely and democratically conducted operations are covered by the press and other media, since freedom of speech, freedom of the media is a distinctive sign of Democracy.

As people are working under Democracy, freedom at all stages is a significant reason why freedom of speech is essential. The most important thing is to have strong laws giving the right to freedom

Another reason the freedom of speech is vital is because of the protection of rights and liberties. The protection is, especially in information activities. It improves the infrastructure of public information, and ensuring its stable operation occupies an essential place in the system of public interests; why freedom of speech is critical can never be overemphasized.

The number one reason why freedom of speech is essential is that it strengthens the measurable impact of information on human life.

The scientific and technological revolution determines this in the field of computer technology, and telecommunications, why the freedom of speech is essential is those new achievements that significantly increase the efficiency of activities related to information,

Secondly, rights and freedoms in the field of human informational activities are the central values of modern civilization.

Although Freedom of speech is Important and very vital, it is unhealthy for us to use the leverage badly hence causing trouble in the community.

Why the freedom of speech is essential is not for us to abuse the privilege but rather use it for the betterment of ourselves.

While freedom of speech is good, they are so many disadvantages to the form of expression. Anything that has an advantage has its disadvantages. Here are some disadvantages of freedom of speech.

One significant disadvantage of freedom of speech is that it can cause substantial damage because people would not want to verify certain information before spreading it to the public. People might tend to want to believe the information because it is coming from the mouth of someone they trust.

Most times, wrong information spreads through men who have attained great height, and when a piece of information is coming from some persons like that, almost everyone will want to believe.

When people get information that instills fear instead of hope, it becomes a disadvantage of freedom of speech because the main aim is to make people live in harmony and not to live in fear. Relative to the case of the coronavirus, if people keep spreading the fear of the virus instead of sharing both the positive and negative results, it will even kill some people before the virus.

Words have powers. It can pierce the emotion of people hence causing emotional damage to people.

Verbal abuse and physical abuse have just almost the same effect. Verbal abuse is an insult to both the leaders and the people of a nation.

Freedom of speech prime exchange of ideas: this is another excellent reason why freedom of speech is essential. People get to share a plan that will help them become better versions of themselves. When an idea is shared, it grows more significant than the norms because peoples mindset differs from another. Sharing thoughts will become easy.

Why freedom of speech is essential is also because it allows thought leaders can share their ideas because they are like the future of the community or even nation at large. Another good reason why freedom of speech is essential is that it exposes unlawful activities.

Without the freedom of speech, a lot of immoral and unlawful activities will be taking place and nobody to question or to air out whats going on in that office, organization, community, of home.

For the sake of freedom of speech before would want to do anything they will carefully watch before doing it and, in most cases, dont even do it because they know that with the freedom of speech, anybody can see them and report to the authority. They are hence tarnishing their image for them. Nobody likes to have their image displayed in a negative light.

Freedom of speech promotes societal growth. The most developed countries in the world are those countries that enable the freedom of speech earlier because amid the peoples information lies superior wisdom that can transform the society for better and then attract global recognition and foreign exchange.

In looking at why freedom of speech is essential, we must understand that the reasons are enormous. We can live happily with friends and family, share ideas to better our lives and community, speak out when something terrible is going on in our office, company, organization, community, and even our community. Freedom of speech is necessary because it is for the benefit of us all.

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Why Is Freedom Of Speech Important? The Relevance Explained

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Freedom of Speech and Expression | CSCE

Posted: at 4:45 am

WASHINGTON Mr. President, I rise this afternoon to make sure that the plight of Russian leader Vladimir Kara-Murza is not forgotten.That the outrageous imprisonment of Vladimir Kara-Murza by the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is not forgotten.We remember three decades ago what hope we had for a new Russia.Russia entered a new age of possibility some three decades ago, after more than 70 years of communist repression, the Soviet order had collapsed, and with it the Iron Curtain that kept freedom away from millions was torn down.As the red flags came down in Moscow, the free world watched with anticipation, hoping that democracy and the rule of law might finally take root in a free Russia.Regrettably, that has not happened.Instead of democracy and freedom, the Russian people got Vladimir Putin, a man who has used his office to murder, imprison, and force into exile anyone who threatens his grip on power -- all the while, enriching himself beyond anyone's wildest imagination while ordinary Russians, especially out in the countryside of Russia, live in squalid conditions.One of his latest victims is Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian patriot and a friend I had the privilege of hosting in my office just four months ago.As a matter of fact, I have hosted him several times.Today, Vladimir Kara-Murza spends his days in a prison cell, where the only thing you can see through the window is a barbed wire fence.What was his crime?He simply spoke the truth about Putin's war on Ukraine.His trial, if it can even be called a trial, was held in secret.No journalists, no diplomats or spectators of any kind were allowed to be there.And for his offense of talking about the Russian war against Ukraine, he now faces up to 15 years in prison.This is not the first time the Russian dictator has tried to silence him. Mr. Kara-Murza has been poisoned twice, in 2015 and 2017, and almost died in both cases.Since then, his wife and three children have had to live abroad, though he himself has chosen to spend most of his time in Russia.In a recent interview with National Review, his wife, Evgenia explained why he insists on working in Russia: He believes that he would not have the moral right to call on people to fight if he were not sharing the same risks.Or as Mr. Kara-Murza put it in a recent CNN interview the day of his arrest.He said, The biggest gift we could give the Kremlin would be to just give up and run. That's all they want from us.What a contrast in character to the man currently running the Kremlin.The National Review's story goes on to describe Mr. Kara-Murza's courageous work for democracy through the eyes of his wife of Evgenia, as well as the costs that he and his family have endured along with so many other Russian dissidents.And, Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent at this point to insert the National Review story that I referred to into the record.Mr. Kara-Murzas imprisonment is part of Mr. Putin's larger assault on what remains of political freedom in Russia.In Mr. Kara-Murzas words, Putin's regime has gone, from highly authoritarian to near totalitarian almost overnight.In March, Russian officials passed a new censorship law, forbidding all criticism of Mr. Putin's war in Ukraine.That law has been the basis for more than 16,000 arrests since the war began in February, including that of Mr. Kara-Murza.Another 2,400 Russians have been charged with administrative offenses for speaking out against the war.Meanwhile, Putin's propaganda machine is ramping up.Independent Russian media outlets have all but vanished, having been blocked, shut down, or forced out of the country by the Kremlin.The last embers of freedom in Russia are going cold.Putin's crackdown on domestic freedom began in 2003, when Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested on trumped up charges of tax fraud after he simply criticized the government.A former member of the elite, Mr. Khodorkovsky, had successfully led the Yukos Oil Company through privatization after the Iron Curtain fell.And contrary to the Kremlin's claims, the company consistently paid its taxes.But that didn't stop Vladimir Putin from plundering its assets, throwing Mr. Khodorkovsky in jail, where he stayed for ten years.I would note that just before his arrest, Mr. Khodorkovsky displayed the same courage and patriotism that we now see in Vladimir Kara-Murza.Like Mr. Kara-Murza, he knew very well he could go to jail for speaking out against the government.But Mr. Khodorkovsky did so anyway and refused to flee the country, saying, I would prefer to be a political prisoner rather than a political immigrant.Of course, by then, Mr. Putin had already shown himself willing to violate the international laws of war, having leveled the Chechen capital of Grozny in his own Republic of Russia in 1999.In 2008, he launched a new assault on international law with the invasion of Georgia.In 2014 he started a bloody war in eastern Ukraine, and in 2016, Soviet Russian dictator Putin and his forces attacked the Syrian city of Aleppo, killing hundreds of civilians and prolonging the rule of Bashar al-Assad.Meanwhile, Putin ramped up his attacks on domestic freedom as well.In 2015 Boris Nemtsov, leader of the democratic opposition, former deputy prime minister of Russia, was shot to death in broad daylight just yards away from the Kremlin.Three months later, Mr. Kara-Murza was poisoned for the first time.More recently, in 2020, Alexei Navalny, the current leader of the opposition, was himself poisoned and had to seek treatment in Berlin.This is Vladimir Putin's Russia today.When Navalny recovered, he chose to return to Moscow, knowing the risks, and immediately upon landing, he was arrested.This is the deplorable state of Russia and freedom under Vladimir Putin.Time and again, he has shown that he is bent on stamping out the aspirations of his people for freedom and the rule of law.As leader of the free world, America must continue to condemn Putin's lawless acts and stand in solidarity with our Russian friends, who are courageously fighting against all odds for a better future in Russia -- and are suffering as a result.These are modern day heroes: Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Kara-Murza, and we should not forget them.My friend, the distinguished senior senator from Maryland, Senator Cardin and I, along with Congressman Steve Cohen and Joe Wilson, are the four House and Senate leaders of the Helsinki Commission, which monitors human rights and former Soviet countries.We recently sent a joint letter to President Biden calling on the administration to name and sanction all of those who have been involved in the arrest, detention and persecution of Vladimir Kara-Murza.I issue that call again today, and I invite my colleagues from both parties to stand with Vladimir Kara-Murza and work for his release.Thank you, Mr. President.I yield the floor.

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Freedom of Speech and Expression | CSCE

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Boeing: Space Overview

Posted: at 4:44 am

With experience gained from supporting every major U.S. endeavor to escape Earths gravity, were designing and building the future of safe, assured space exploration and commercial access even as we lead the digital transition of the satellite industry for both government and commercial customers around the globe.

Were enabling critical research on the International Space Station (ISS) that benefits the future space economy, deep-space exploration and life on Earth; returning crew launch capabilities to U.S. soil with the CST-100 Starliner commercial spacecraft; ensuring successful delivery to Earths orbit with the United Launch Alliance (ULA) joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin; and building heavy-lift, human-rated propulsion to deep space with the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket that will launch missions on a path to the Gateway cislunar outpost, the moons surface and Mars. Boeing-built Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS) provide high-bandwidth communications between Earth-orbiting spacecraft and facilities on the ground.

We also design and build advanced space and communications systems for military, commercial and scientific uses, including advanced digital payload, all-electric propulsion and 3D manufacturing capabilities for spacecraft that can operate in the geosynchronous, medium-Earth-orbital or low-Earth-orbital planes. Were using innovative manufacturing practices, and simplifying and reducing the complexity of Boeing satellites.

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Boeing: Space Overview

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What Is Wormhole Theory? | Space

Posted: at 4:42 am

The wormhole theory postulates that a theoretical passage through space-time could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe. Wormholes are predicted by the theory of general relativity. But be wary: wormholes bring with them the dangers of sudden collapse, high radiation and dangerous contact with exotic matter.

Wormholes were first theorized in 1916, though that wasn't what they were called at the time. While reviewing another physicist's solution to the equations in Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, Austrian physicist Ludwig Flamm realized another solution was possible. He described a "white hole," a theoretical time reversal of a black hole. Entrances to both black and white holes could be connected by a space-time conduit.

In 1935, Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to elaborate on the idea, proposing the existence of "bridges" through space-time. These bridges connect two different points in space-time, theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce travel time and distance. The shortcuts came to be called Einstein-Rosen bridges, or wormholes.

"The whole thing is very hypothetical at this point," said Stephen Hsu, a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Oregon, told our sister site, LiveScience (opens in new tab). "No one thinks we're going to find a wormhole anytime soon."

Wormholes contain two mouths, with a throat connecting the two, according to an article published in the Journal of High Energy Physics (opens in new tab) (2020). The mouths would most likely be spheroidal. The throat might be a straight stretch, but it could also wind around, taking a longer path than a more conventional route might require.

Einstein's theory of general relativity mathematically predicts the existence of wormholes, but none have been discovered to date. A negative mass wormhole might be spotted by the way its gravity affects light that passes by.

Certain solutions of general relativity allow for the existence of wormholes where the mouth of each is a black hole. However, a naturally occurring black hole, formed by the collapse of a dying star, does not by itself create a wormhole.

Science fiction is filled with tales of traveling through wormholes (opens in new tab). But the reality of such travel is more complicated, and not just because we've yet to spot one.

The first problem is size. Primordial wormholes are predicted to exist on microscopic levels, about 1033 centimeters. However, as the universe expands, it is possible that some may have been stretched to larger sizes.

Another problem comes from stability. The predicted Einstein-Rosen wormholes would be useless for travel because they collapse quickly.

"You would need some very exotic type of matter in order to stabilize a wormhole," said Hsu, "and it's not clear whether such matter exists in the universe."

But more recent research found that a wormhole containing "exotic" matter could stay open and unchanging for longer periods of time.

Exotic matter, which should not be confused with dark matter or antimatter, contains negative energy density and a large negative pressure. Such matter has only been seen in the behavior of certain vacuum states as part of quantum field theory.

If a wormhole contained sufficient exotic matter, whether naturally occurring or artificially added, it could theoretically be used as a method of sending information or travelers through space, according Live Science (opens in new tab). Unfortunately, human journeys through the space tunnels may be challenging.

"The jury is not in, so we just don't know," physicist Kip Thorne, one of the world's leading authorities on relativity, black holes and wormholes, told Space.com. "But there are very strong indications that wormholes that a human could travel through are forbidden by the laws of physics. That's sad, that's unfortunate, but that's the direction in which things are pointing."

Wormholes may not only connect two separate regions within the universe, they could also connect two different universes. Similarly, some scientists have conjectured that if one mouth of a wormhole is moved in a specific manner, it could allow for time travel.

"You can go into the future or into the past using traversable wormholes," astrophysicist Eric Davis told LiveScience (opens in new tab). But it won't be easy: "It would take a Herculean effort to turn a wormhole into a time machine. It's going to be tough enough to pull off a wormhole."

However, British cosmologist Stephen Hawking has argued that such use is not possible.

"A wormhole is not really a means of going back in time, it's a short cut, so that something that was far away is much closer," according to NASA's Eric Christian (opens in new tab).

Although adding exotic matter to a wormhole might stabilize it to the point that human passengers could travel safely through it, there is still the possibility that the addition of "regular" matter would be sufficient to destabilize the portal.

Today's technology is insufficient to enlarge or stabilize wormholes, even if they could be found. However, scientists continue to explore the concept as a method of space travel with the hope that technology will eventually be able to utilize them.

"You would need some of super-super-advanced technology," Hsu said. "Humans won't be doing this any time in the near future."

Which of Albert Einsteins theories proved correct? Read NASA's article about 10 things Einstein got right (opens in new tab) to find out. To see an artist's impression of a wormhole, watch this short clip from ESA's movie "15 Years of Discovery (opens in new tab)".

"Phantom energy traversable wormholes". Physical Review D (2005). https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.71.084011 (opens in new tab)

"Wormholes in spacetime and their use for interstellar travel". American Journal of Physics (1987). https://aapt.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1119/1.15620 (opens in new tab)

"The General Theory of Relativity". The Meaning of Relativity (1922). https://link.springer.com/chapter/10 (opens in new tab)

"Multi-mouth Traversable Wormholes". Journal of High Energy Physics (2020) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347125665_Multi-mouth_Traversable_Wormholes (opens in new tab)

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What Is Wormhole Theory? | Space

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Ethical Egoism | Philosophy

Posted: at 4:39 am

According to some, morality is about personal interest. They say things like, "What's morally right is whatever is good for me. I have no duties to others. The only duties I have are to myself."

An action X is morally right iff X promotes my (the speaker's) best interests at least as well as any alternative to X.

It is important to appreciate that EGO is a very different theory than SES. The implications of EGO have objective a posteriori truth conditions. Note that we can be mistaken about what is in our best interests. What is or is not in our best interests is something we discover as we mature.

It is also important to appreciate that EGO is an extremely popular theory. It is so popular, in fact, that there have been vigorous attempts to argue that the theory is true. Before turning to the Standards of Evaluation, let us consider some of these arguments.

Unfortunately, each of these arguments is unsound. Premise (1) of the Social Benefit Argument cannot be true if EGO is true, since if EGO is true it could not be the case that we should adopt the policy which promotes everyone's best interests. Ayn Rand's Argument blatantly commits the Fallacy of False Dilemma. Her view of Ethical Altruism is that it requires one to sacrifice one's life. But surely there are less onerous ethical theories which are nonetheless not egoistic in nature. It bears mentioning that heroes, those who risk or sacrifice their lives for others, are the exception, not the rule. The Intuition Argument is interesting. Essentially what it says is that EGO passes the Standard of Reflective Equilibrium. As we shall see, this is not the case. But the problem with the argument is that premise (1) is false. A theory may be consistent with common moral intuition, but that does not imply that the theory is true. We have already seen a number of examples where (some) peoples' intuition tracks the implications of a theory, but the theory turns out to be false for other reasons.

Showing that the arguments in favor of the theory are unsound does not mean that we're done, however. It doesn't follow that the theory is false. At best we can say that we have no reason to think that the theory is true. What we need to do is run EGO by the Standards of Evaluation to see how it fares.

Provided that we have a theory of best interests (for which we would need to consult with psychologists, biologists, sociologists, etc.), it seems that EGO passes Clarity.

Does the theory imply any contradictions? Consider that it may be in my best interests to cheat you out of your money, yet it is clearly not in your best interests that I cheat you out of your money. Since there can be conflicts of interests, EGO implies that there are conflicting (or contradictory) moral judgments. Thus,

It may be argued that the Conflict Argument begs the question against the Ethical Egoist. That is, EGO presupposes that actions can be both right and not right--right, insofar as the action is in one person's best interests, and not right insofar as the action is not in another person's best interests. If this is correct, then EGO does not fail Coherence. Instead, we have the following Reflective Equilibrium argument against EGO, which is a variation on The Conflict Argument. Call it "The Conflict Argument*".

This is a Reflective Equilibrium Argument because Premise (3) is not a point of logic such as a contradiction; it depends upon intuiton backed by further argument.

Since it is fair to charge that the Conflict Argument begs the question against the Ethical Egoist, we find that the problems for EGO emerge from Reflective Equilibrium considerations.

In addition to the Conflict Argument*, we have the equally problematic feature of the theory that it privileges the agent over anyone else.

We reject EGO because it fails Reflective Equilibrium.

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Ethical Egoism | Philosophy

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The Best CBD Oil for Anxiety, Stress, and Depression in 2022 – ABC Action News Tampa Bay

Posted: at 4:38 am

  1. The Best CBD Oil for Anxiety, Stress, and Depression in 2022  ABC Action News Tampa Bay
  2. What Is CBD Oil, and Why Are People So Into It?  RedCarpetCrash.com
  3. Best CBD for Anxiety in 2023 Top 5 Natural Remedies for Stress & Anxiety  The Dallas Morning News
  4. 9 Ways CBD Oil Can Benefit Your Dog  News-Reporter
  5. Best CBD Oil For Cats  GreenState
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

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The Best CBD Oil for Anxiety, Stress, and Depression in 2022 - ABC Action News Tampa Bay

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Top cryptocurrency news on November 23: Bitcoin hits 2-year low, Bankrupt FTX has $1.2bn in cash, Binance… – Moneycontrol

Posted: at 4:33 am

Top cryptocurrency news on November 23: Bitcoin hits 2-year low, Bankrupt FTX has $1.2bn in cash, Binance...  Moneycontrol

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Top cryptocurrency news on November 23: Bitcoin hits 2-year low, Bankrupt FTX has $1.2bn in cash, Binance... - Moneycontrol

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Liberal Party SA

Posted: at 4:32 am

div{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; height: 100% } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left{ flex: 0 0 100%; z-index: 2; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left img{ width: 60%; max-width: 300px; height: auto; object-fit: contain; margin: 30px 0; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left .button{ color: #fff; text-decoration: none; border: 2px solid #27bbcc; padding: 10px 15px; margin: 0; display: table; transition-duration: .2s; outline: none !important; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left .button.policies{ margin: 0 0 10px; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left .button.policies:hover{ background: #27bbcc;; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left .button.close{ border-color: #9a9a9a; color: #9a9a9a; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left .button.close:hover{ background: #ffffff17; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .right{ flex: 0 0 100%; position: unset; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .right img{ height: auto; width: 60%; object-fit: contain; position: absolute; bottom: -45px; right: -45px; right: 0; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner .fancybox-button svg{ display: none; color: #fff; } @media (min-width: 768px){ #popup_strongerfuture_banner{ height: 550px; padding: 30px 4%; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left{ flex: 0 0 50%; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .left img{ width: 90%; } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .right{ flex: 0 0 50%; position: relative; height: 100% } #popup_strongerfuture_banner > div .right img{ height: 500px; width: auto; } } ]]>

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Liberal Party SA

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Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From …

Posted: at 4:32 am

* 1 *Mussolini:The Father of Fascism

Youre the top!Youre the Great Houdini!Youre the top!You are Mussolini!An early version of the Cole Porter song Youre the Top (1)

IF YOU WENT solely by what you read in the

All of this amounts to playing the movie backward. By the time Italy reluctantly passed its shameful race lawswhich it never enforced with even a fraction of the barbarity shown by the Nazisover 75 percent of Italian Fascisms reign had already transpired. A full sixteen years elapsed between the March on Rome and the passage of Italy's race laws. To start with the Jews when talking about Mussolini is like starting with FDRs internment of the Japanese: it leaves a lot of the story on the cutting room floor. Throughout the 1920s and well into the 1930s, fascism meant something very different from Auschwitz and Nuremberg. Before Hitler, in fact, it never occurred to anyone that fascism had anything to do with antiSemitism. Indeed, Mussolini was supported not only by the chief rabbi of Rome but by a substantial portion of the Italian Jewish community (and the world Jewish community). Moreover, Jews were overrepresented in the Italian Fascist movement from its founding in 1919 until they were kicked out in 1938.

Race did help turn the tables of American public opinion on Fascism. But it had nothing to do with the Jews. When Mussolini invaded Ethiopia, Americans finally started to turn on him. In 1934 the hit Cole Porter song Youre the Top engendered nary a word of controversy over the line You are Mussolini! When Mussolini invaded that poor but noble African kingdom the following year, it irrevocably marred his image, and Americans decided they had had enough of his act. It was the first war of conquest by a Western European nation in over a decade, and Americans were distinctly unamused, particularly liberals and blacks. Still, it was a slow process. The

That's not to say he didn't have a good ride.

In 1923 the journalist Isaac F. Marcosson wrote admiringly in the

In 1926 the American humorist Will Rogers visited Italy and interviewed Mussolini. He told the

And why shouldnt the average American think Mussolini was anything but a great man? Winston Churchill had dubbed him the worlds greatest living lawgiver. Sigmund Freud sent Mussolini a copy of a book he cowrote with Albert Einstein, inscribed, To Benito Mussolini, from an old man who greets in the Ruler, the Hero of Culture. The opera titans Giacomo Puccini and Arturo Toscanini were both pioneering Fascist acolytes of Mussolini. Toscanini was an early member of the Milan circle of Fascists, which conferred an aura of seniority not unlike being a member of the Nazi Party in the days of the Beer Hall Putsch. Toscanini ran for the Italian parliament on a Fascist ticket in 1919 and didnt repudiate Fascism until twelve years later. (7)

Mussolini was a particular hero to the muckrakersthose progressive liberal journalists who famously looked out for the little guy. When Ida Tarbell, the famed reporter whose work helped break up Standard Oil, was sent to Italy in 1926 by

Meanwhile, almost all of Italys most famous and admired young intellectuals and artists were Fascists or Fascist sympathizers (the most notable exception was the literary critic Benedetto Croce). Giovanni Papini, the magical pragmatist so admired by William James, was deeply involved in the various intellectual movements that created Fascism. Papinis

Perhaps no elite institution in America was more accommodating to Fascism than Columbia University. In 1926 it established Casa Italiana, a center for the study of Italian culture and a lecture venue for prominent Italian scholars. It was Fascisms veritable home in America and a schoolhouse for budding Fascist ideologues, according to John Patrick Diggins. Mussolini himself had contributed some ornate Baroque furniture to Casa Italiana and had sent Columbias president, Nicholas Murray Butler, a signed photo thanking him for his most valuable contribution to the promotion of understanding between Fascist Italy and the United States. (9) Butler himself was not an advocate of fascism for America, but he did believe it was in the best interests of the Italian people and that it had been a very real success, well worth studying. This subtle distinctionfascism is good for Italians, but maybe not for Americawas held by a vast array of prominent liberal intellectuals in much the same way some liberals defend Castros communist experiment.

While academics debated the finer points of Mussolinis corporatist state, mainstream Americas interest in Mussolini far outstripped that of any other international figure in the 1920s. From 1925 to 1928 there were more than a hundred articles written on Mussolini in American publications and only fifteen on Stalin. (10) For more than a decade the

Hollywood moguls, noting his obvious theatrical gifts, hoped to make Mussolini a star of the big screen, and he appeared in

Fascism certainly had its critics in the 1920s and 1930s. Ernest Hemingway was skeptical of Mussolini almost from the start. Henry Miller disliked Fascisms program but admired Mussolinis will and strength. Some on the socalled Old Right, like the libertarian Albert J. Nock, saw Fascism as just another kind of statism. The nativist Ku Klux Klanironically, often called American fascists by liberalstended to despise Mussolini and his American followers (mainly because they were immigrants). Interestingly, the hard left had almost nothing to say about Italian Fascism for most of its first decade. While liberals were split into various unstable factions, the American left remained largely oblivious to Fascism until the Great Depression. When the left did finally start attacking Mussolini in earnestlargely on orders from Moscowthey lumped him in essentially the same category as Franklin Roosevelt, the socialist Norman Thomas, and the progressive Robert La Follette. (12)

Well be revisiting how American liberals and leftists viewed Fascism in subsequent chapters. But first it seems worth asking, how was this possible? Given everything weve been taught about the evils of fascism, how is it that for more than a decade this country was in significant respects profascist? Even more vexing, how is itconsidering that most liberals and leftists believe they were put on this earth to oppose fascism with every breaththat many if not most American liberals either admired Mussolini and his project or simply didnt care much about it one way or the other?

The answer resides in the fact that Fascism was born of a fascist moment in Western civilization, when a coalition of intellectuals going by various labelsprogressive, communist, socialist, and so forthbelieved the era of liberal democracy was drawing to a close. It was time for man to lay aside the anachronisms of natural law, traditional religion, constitutional liberty, capitalism, and the like and rise to the responsibility of remaking the world in his own image. God was long dead, and it was long overdue for men to take His place. Mussolini, a lifelong socialist intellectual, was a warrior in this crusade, and his Fascisma doctrine he created from the same intellectual material Lenin and Trotsky had built their movements withwas a grand leap into the era of experimentation that would sweep aside old dogmas and usher in a new age. This was in every significant way a project of the left as we understand the term today, a fact understood by Mussolini, his admirers, and his detractors. Mussolini declared often that the nineteenth century was the century of liberalism and the twentieth century would be the century of Fascism. It is only by examining his life and legacy that we can see how rightand lefthe was.

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was named after three revolutionary heroes. The name Benitoa Spanish name, as opposed to the Italian equivalent, Benedettowas inspired by Benito Jurez, the Mexican revolutionary turned president who not only toppled the emperor Maximilian but had him executed. The other two names were inspired by now-forgotten heroes of anarchistsocialism, Amilcare Cipriani and Andrea Costa.

Mussolinis father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and ardent socialist with an anarchist bent who was a member of the First International along with Marx and Engels and served on the local socialist council. Alessandros [h]eart and mind were always filled and pulsing with socialistic theories, Mussolini recalled. His intense sympathies mingled with [socialist] doctrines and causes. He discussed them in the evening with his friends and his eyes filled with light. (13) On other nights Mussolini's father read him passages from

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Martine Rothblatt – Wikipedia

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American lawyer, writer and businessperson

Martine Aliana Rothblatt (born October 10, 1954)[3] is an American lawyer, author, entrepreneur, and transgender rights advocate.[4] Rothblatt graduated from University of California, Los Angeles with J.D. and M.B.A. degrees in 1981, then began to work in Washington, D.C., first in the field of communications satellite law, and eventually in life sciences projects like the Human Genome Project.[5] She is also influential in the field of aviation, particularly electric aviation, as well as with sustainable building.

She is the founder and chairwoman of the board of United Therapeutics.[6] She was also the CEO of GeoStar and the creator of SiriusXM Satellite Radio.[7] She was the top earning CEO in the biopharmaceutical industry in 2018.[8]

Rothblatt was born 1954 into a Jewish family in Chicago, Illinois, to Rosa Lee and Hal Rothblatt, a dentist.[1] She was raised in a suburb of San Diego, California.[9][10]

Rothblatt left college after two years and traveled throughout Europe, Turkey, Iran, Kenya, and the Seychelles. It was at the NASA tracking station in the Seychelles, during the summer of 1974, that she had her epiphany to unite the world via satellite communications.[11] She then returned to University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), graduating summa cum laude in communication studies in 1977, with a thesis on international direct-broadcast satellites.

As an undergraduate, she became a convert to Gerard K. O'Neill's "High Frontier" plan for space colonization after analyzing his 1974 Physics Today cover story on the concept as a project for Professor Harland Epps' Topics in Modern Astronomy seminar. Rothblatt subsequently became an active member of the L5 Society and its Southern California affiliate, the Organization for the Advancement of Space Industrialization and Settlement (OASIS).

During her four-year J.D./M.B.A. program, also at UCLA, she published five articles on the law of satellite communications and prepared a business plan for the Hughes Space and Communications Group titled PanAmSat about how satellite spot beam technology could be used to provide communication service to multiple Latin American countries. She also became a regular contributor on legal aspects of space colonization to the OASIS newsletter.[12]

Upon graduating from UCLA in 1981 with a joint J.D./M.B.A. degree, Rothblatt was hired by the Washington, D.C., law firm of Covington & Burling to represent the television broadcasting industry before the Federal Communications Commission in the areas of direct broadcast satellites and spread spectrum communication. In 1982, she left to study astronomy at the University of Maryland, College Park, but was soon retained by NASA to obtain FCC approval for the IEEE C band system on its tracking and data relay satellites and by the National Academy of Sciences' Committee on Radio Frequencies to safeguard before the FCC radio astronomy quiet bands used for deep space research. Later that year she was also retained as vice president by Gerard K. O'Neill to handle business and regulatory matters for her newly invented satellite navigation technology, known as the Geostar System.[13]

Rothblatt is a regulatory attorney.[14] She also served as a member of the Space Studies Institute (SSI) board of trustees.[15]

In 1984, she was retained by Rene Anselmo, founder of Spanish International Network, to implement her PanAmSat MBA thesis as a new company that would compete with the global telecommunications satellite monopoly, Intelsat. In 1986, she discontinued her astronomy studies and consulting work to become the full-time CEO of Geostar Corporation, under William E. Simon as chairman. She left Geostar in 1990 to create both WorldSpace and Sirius Satellite Radio. She left Sirius in 1992 and WorldSpace in 1997 to become the full-time ChairMan and CEO of American medical biotechnology company United Therapeutics.[16]

Rothblatt was responsible for launching several communications satellite companies, including the first private international spacecom project (PanAmSat, 1984), the first global satellite radio network (WorldSpace, 1990), and the first non-geostationary satellite-to-car broadcasting system (Sirius Satellite Radio, 1990).[17]Rothblatt helped pioneer airship internet services with her Sky Station project in 1997, together with Alexander Haig.[18][19]She then successfully led the effort to get the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to allocate frequencies for airship-based internet services.[20]

As an attorney-entrepreneur, Rothblatt was also responsible for leading the efforts to obtain worldwide approval, via new international treaties, of satellite orbit/spectrum allocations for space-based navigation services (1987) and for direct-to-person satellite radio transmissions (1992). She also led the International Bar Association's biopolitical project to develop a draft Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights for the United Nations (whose final version was adopted by the UNESCO on November 11, 1997, and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 9, 1998).[5][21]

Rothblatt is a well-known voice for medical and pharmaceutical innovation. In 1994, motivated by her daughter being diagnosed with life-threatening pulmonary hypertension,[22] Rothblatt created the PPH Cure Foundation and in 1996 founded United Therapeutics.[6][16] That same year, she says, she had sex reassignment surgery.[23] At that time she also began studying for a Ph.D. in medical ethics at the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London. The degree was granted in June 2001 based upon her dissertation on the conflict between private and public interests in xenotransplantation. This thesis, defended before England's leading bioethicist John Harris, was later published by Ashgate House under the title Your Life or Mine.[24]

In 2013, Rothblatt was the highest-paid female CEO in America, earning $38 million.[1]

As of April 2018, Rothblatt earned a compensation package worth $37.1 million from United Therapeutics.[25] The majority of the compensation package is for stock options.[8]

In January 2022, Rothblatt's company Lung Biotechnology made an attempt at effectuating her Ph.D. dissertation by transplanting the first genetically-modified porcine heart in hopes that it would successfully save the life of a patient. Unfortunately, the recipient subsequently passed away on Tuesday, March 8, 2022.[26]

In June 2022, Rothblatt unveiled the world's most complex 3D printed object, a human lung scaffold, based on 44 trillion [voxel]s of data and comprising four thousand kilometers of capillaries and 200 million alveoli.[27]

Rothblatt is an airplane and helicopter pilot with night-vision goggle (NVG) certification. She generally pilots a Pilatus PC-12NG and a Bell 429WLG. Her other achievements in aviation include providing current weather information to all XM radio-equipped North American aircraft via her SiriusXM satellite system, and pioneering Aircraft Geolocation Tracking via her Geostar Satellite System.[11] In 2018, Rothblatt received the American Helicopter Museum and Education Center Annual Achievement Award for innovation in rotary-wing flight.[28][29]

Rothblatt's company United Therapeutics formed a subsidiary, Lung Biotechnology, to preserve and restore selected donor lungs, making them viable for transplantation.[30] Rothblatt began looking at electric helicopters as a way of reducing energy consumption and noise while reducing transportation time for the sensitive organs.[31]

In September 2016, Rothblatt teamed with Glen Dromgoole of Tier 1 Engineering and pilot Ric Webb of OC Helicopters to conduct the world's first electric-powered full-size helicopter flight at Los Alamitos Army Airfield.[31][32] The helicopter, a modified Robinson R44 weighed 2,500 pounds with Webb as its test pilot, flew for five minutes, attained 400 feet and exceeded 80 knots airspeed, all completely powered by rechargeable batteries.[33]

On February 16, 2017, Rothblatt's electric helicopter established new world records of a 30-minute duration flight and an 800-foot altitude at Los Alamitos Army Airfield.[34] At the end of the flight, the 2,500 pound helicopter still had 8% state of charge remaining in its Brammo batteries. On March 4, 2017, Rothblatt and Ric Webb set a world speed record for electric helicopters of 100 knots at Los Alamitos Army Airfield under an FAA Experimental permit for tail number N3115T. This was also the first-ever flight of two people in a battery-powered helicopter.[35] On December 7, 2018, Rothblatt earned certification in the Guinness Book of World Records for the farthest distance traveled (56.82 kilometers) by an electric helicopter.[36][37]

In 2019, she received the inaugural UP Leadership Award for her advances in eVTOL technology.[38][39]

In September 2021, Dr. Rothblatt's project to deliver transplantable organs by electric drones was successfully achieved at Toronto General Hospital (TGH), resulting in the world's first delivery of transplanted lungs by drone.[40][41]

Rothblatt's United Therapeutics has placed orders for with both EHang and BETA Technologies for electric vertical take-off and landing eVTOL aircraft.[42] In June 2021, she was the first flight engineer to fly BETA's ALIA eVTOL aircraft, and as of November 2021 sat on the companys board of directors.[43][44]

In September 2018 Rothblatt inaugurated the world's largest net zero office building site, called the Unisphere, containing 210,000 square feet of space in Silver Spring, Maryland, powered, heated and cooled completely from on-site sustainable energy technologies.[45][46][47] This office building uses 1 MW of solar panels, fifty-two geothermal wells, a quarter mile long earth labyrinth and electrochromic glass to operate with a zero carbon footprint while graphically communicating its net energy status in real time to the building occupants.[45][47]

In 1982, Rothblatt married Bina Aspen, a realtor from Compton, California.[1][2][48][49] Rothblatt and Aspen each had a child from a previous relationship and legally adopted each other's children; they went on to have two more children together.[50][51]

In 1994, at age 40, she came out as transgender and changed her name to Martine Aliana Rothblatt. She has since become a vocal advocate for transgender rights.[52]

In 2004, Rothblatt launched the Terasem Movement, a transhumanist school of thought focused on promoting joy, diversity, and the prospect of technological immortality via mind uploading and geoethical nanotechnology. Through a charitable foundation, leaders of this school convene publicly accessible symposia, publish explanatory analyses, conduct demonstration projects, issue grants, and encourage public awareness and adherence to Terasem values and goals. The movement maintains a "Terasem Island" on the Internet-based virtual world Second Life, which is currently composed of two sims,[53] which was constructed by the E-Spaces company.

Rothblatt is an advocate for LGBTQ rights and an outspoken opponent of North Carolina's controversial Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act or HB-2 law.[54]

Through her blog Mindfiles, Mindware and Mindclones, she writes about "the coming age of our own cyberconsciousness and techno-immortality" and started a vlog together with Ulrike Reinhard on the same topic. She also created Lifenaut.com as a place where thousands of people could go to backup their minds.

Rothblatt contributed $258,000 to SpacePAC, a super PAC that supported her son, Gabriel, who was running as a Democrat in Florida's 8th congressional district[55] but lost.[56] Gabriel is a pastor for the Terasem Movement.[57][58][59]

Lawyer and bioethicist Wesley J. Smith ridiculed the feasibility of the Terasem Movement Foundation's claims to offer a free service that can "preserve one's individual consciousness so that it remains viable for possible uploading with consciousness software into a cellular regenerated or bionanotechnological body by future medicine and technology". Smith facetiously questioned whether this offer would be followed by the sale of "longevity products".[60]

Rhetorician and technocritic Dale Carrico harshly criticized Rothblatt's writings for promoting what he argues to be the pseudoscience of mind uploading and the techno-utopianism of the Californian Ideology.[61] Carrico later criticized Rothblatt's claims about digital technology and "mindclones" as being nothing more than wishful thinking.[62] Carrico went on to criticize Rothblatt for caring more about rights of "virtual, uploaded persons"who he argues are neither real nor possiblemore than the rights of actual human persons and some nonhuman persons, such as great apes and dolphins.[63]

Describing a conversation with BINA48, one of "humanity's first cybernetic companions," created by Rothblatt and Hanson Robotics, journalist Amy Harmon concluded it was "not that different from interviewing certain flesh and blood subjects."[64]

Rothblatt has received many awards, including several honorary doctorate degrees.

In April 2008, Rothblatt was elected a Member of the American Philosophical Society.[65]

On May 11, 2010, she was awarded an honorary doctorate by Ben Gurion University of the Negev in recognition of her accomplishments in satellite communications and biotechnology.[66]

In September 2017 Forbes magazine named Rothblatt one of the 100 Greatest Living Business Minds of the past century, with special reference to her roles as a "perpetual reinventor, founder of Sirius and United Therapeutics, and creator of PanAmSat."[67] On December 5, 2017, North Carolina State University conferred her an honorary Doctor of Sciences degree.[68]

In January 2018 Rothblatt was presented the UCLA Medal, the university's highest award, in recognition of her creation of Sirius XM satellite radio, advancing organ transplant technology, and having "expanded the way we understand fundamental concepts ranging from communication to gender to the nature of consciousness and mortality."[69] On May 16, 2018, Rothblatt and Didi Chuxing President Jean Liu were awarded Doctors of Commercial Science degrees, honoris causa, at NYU's 186th Commencement at Yankee Stadium.[70][third-party source needed] In 2018, the University of Victoria's Chair in Transgender Studies, Founder and Academic Director of the Transgender Archives, nominated Martine for an Honorary Doctor of Laws (LLD).[71][third-party source needed] She was officially awarded this on November 13, 2019, at the 10:00am graduation ceremony.[72]

In 2019 Rothblatt was recognized as one of Business Insider's most powerful LGBTQ+ people in tech.[73] Also in 2019, Rothblatt received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement presented by Awards Council member Sir Peter Jackson during the International Achievement Summit in New York City.[74][75]

In October 2021, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) selected Dr. Rothblatt for its highest honor, the Meritorious Service to Aviation Award, for her fostering of aviation weather information on the flight deck and of advanced air mobility such as electric helicopters.[76]

Rothblatt is the executive producer of the following films:

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