Reeves should call special session to restore ballot initiative rights – Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

Posted: May 20, 2021 at 4:50 am

You can bet that the lobbyists and fans of partisan gridlock are cheering, tinkling their glasses and grinning like a mule eating briars after the Mississippi Supreme Court gutted the initiative and referendum process May 21.

Yes, the high court struck down the medical marijuana initiative that over 74 percent of Mississippi voters approved last November, but the stench of death to the ability of We the People to bypass the sometimes overweening power of lobbyists and special interests to have our priorities addressed on the ballot is the offense that should linger long in the nostrils of the people of Mississippi, Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike.

The ability of regular, everyday Mississippians to put in the sweat and shoe leather to gather signatures of registered voters, navigate an approval process for ballot language, attend public hearings and then have an issue placed on the ballot for an up or down vote has been not only a backstop against bad government actions, but a constitutionally protected bypass around, through and over a political system that has failed them many times. In some cases, its been their only way to get something done without the need to kiss the ring of the powerful.

The late Speaker of the House Billy McCoy once spoke of the vested interests that clog the halls of the Capitol each day and then famously invited citizens who didnt believe that was the case to just come and take a look. I think in our gut, we know he was right. In my time in office, the undue influence of lobbyists has made my stomach churn. From Walnut to Waveland and from Natchez to my hometown of Nettleton, Mississippians have been disenchanted with a decades and decades old system that shut them out and favored the well connected.

Mississippians have gathered signatures, placed issues on the ballot and seen them fail after a robust public debate, but the right to do so has always been sacred. Years ago, when some elites in Jackson favored allowing the government to be able to use eminent domain to take your private property from you and then give it to a private developer, Mississippians came together and put a stop to that foolishness through the very system that now is laying corpse thanks to the courts ruling and legislative inaction.

Whether the insiders believe it or not, Mississippians listen to these debates and study these issues. Getting the signatures and going through the process doesnt exactly guarantee passage of the amendment, but there has, up until Friday, always been that avenue for the people.

While the medical marijuana initiative was the measure struck down by the Supreme Court, I hope that Mississippians see the greater threat of their voices being muzzled, discarded and locked out of the process, if the initiative and referendum process isnt fixed by the Legislature. At the heart of the problem is the old language referencing gathering signatures from five congressional districts across the state when, in 2021, we only have four thanks to consistent population loss. That seems like a one word fix to me.

Make no mistake about it, unless the existing laws are changed, you will not have the right to gather signatures and effect your state government through the initiative and referendum process anymore. From what Ive read and heard, there seems to exist broad support among legislators to restore this right to the people and fix this problem.

Gov. Tate Reeves should immediately call a special session of the legislature to do just that. Why wait? With the change of one word in one hour, the legislature could restore the peoples power. Gov. Reeves should get that ball rolling today by calling a special session.

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER BRANDON PRESLEY represents the 33 counties of North Mississippi.

Originally posted here:

Reeves should call special session to restore ballot initiative rights - Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

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