Candidates come together in Francisco – The Stokes News

Posted: February 27, 2020 at 1:50 am

FRANCISCO Ten of the 13 local candidates for countywide office were present at the Candidate Forum sponsored by Our Communities of Northwest Stokes, even a Democrat.

Brian Davis, the lone Democratic candidate for County Commissioner who automatically advances to the General Election because he has no opposition, was invited to participate with the Republicans who will appear on Tuesdays primary ballot.

Both candidates for Register of Deeds, four of the five candidates for Commissioners and three of the five Board of Education hopefuls participated in the event at the Community Building, and everyone offered their presentation with polite professionalism.

The most newsworthy aspect of the event was that Board of Education candidates Cheryl Lawson Knight, Von Robertson and Dwayne Bryant who have been running as a trio offered the first draft of a drug abuse plan called Project Help, which would decriminalize drug usage.

This is a proposal that is 25 pages long and still growing, said Robertson. Opioids now kill more Americans than automobiles. Two hundred Americans die daily from opioids. But its not just an opioid crisis; we have a drug addiction crisis. Its cocaine, methamphetamine, and vaping is destroying peoples lungs.

Robertson noted that America has spent $1 trillion in the 49-year War on Drugs and the problem is only worse.

There is too much emphasis on incarceration, Bryant said. African Americans are 13-times more likely to be incarcerated than white people. In Stokes County, we have the DARE program and random drug testing. If a student asks for help they get help. But if they get caught with drugs they go out in handcuffs.

Drug addiction should not be a crime, Knight added. Its an illness. There is a program in Nashville, N.C., near Rocky Mount, that helps hundreds at a cost of only $65,000. Seattle has a great program. We need to start in the schools, because thats the age most drug use starts.

The program would not complete with DARE, Knight added, but would compliment it.

In his introduction, Davis said he was not a typical Democrat. I have a concealed carry permit myself. Trump is my president, and I was in the Navy.

He said he sees the county slowly going down-hill and thats his reason for running. We need more things for our kids to do. Families move out because there is not a lot to offer our youth. We need better cell service and internet; those things bring in business. If we put the focus on local businesses then the local economy will go through the roof.

The first question offered to the Commissioner candidates dealt with the local economy.

Mike Brown complained that when he went to the county for help in starting a small business, they told me if we help you then we have to help everyone. But 99 percent of businesses are small businesses.

Ronnie Mendenhall, the incumbent Commissioner who is seeking re-election, said hed like to see more emphasis on tourism. Were blessed with many great attractions here, he said.

Mike Fulp mentioned the need for more water and sewer lines. If we move forward with better infrastructure, business will come here. Fulp also talked about the lack of businesses in the northwestern quadrant of the county. There aint nothing up here, he said. There used to be a racetrack here that brought people in. It took ten years to get a Dollar General to Lawsonville.

Both Register of Deeds candidates, incumbent Brandon Hooker and Karen Handy, who worked in the office for years, talked about the rise of technology in that department. When I came to work 30 years ago it was pen and paper, and maybe the typewriter, Handy said. Technology is wonderful. But you have to make sure all the work is done accurately.

Technology has been the silver bullet in the office for the last 10 or 15 years, said Hooker. Its made things more convenient. The bulk of our records come (online) from out of county, from Greensboro and Winston-Salem, and those people dont want to have to drive to Danbury. The technology has changed the office more than anything else.

In closing remarks, Sonya Cox cited her record and years of public service. Im very passionate about this county, Cox said. No one will work harder.

Fulp said he work to attract business and leave no community behind. Brown said that his business experience gives me a unique perspective. He also pledged to donate his Commissioners salary to local charities and pushed for term limits for local offices.

Mendenhall said my wife wonders why I do this; we miss a lot of our grandchildrens events. But I believe Stokes County is the greatest county in North Carolina and I want to serve it.

Davis said he already had two strikes against him. Im black and Im a Democrat. But we need more diversity. Things wont change by keeping them the same old way.

Hooker said he would continue to try and make the Register of Deeds office more user-friendly. He also noted that this position allows me to help more people than any Ive ever had. Handy mentioned her many years of working in the office until she stepped down on Nov. 1 to run for the office.

Knight mentioned having a view of the schools from her parents perspective, while Robertson said he would work from his business experience to make sure the school system gets a dollars worth of value for every dollar spent. Bryant talked about listening to people. The complaint I hear most often on the campaign trail is that if you go and speak to the school board they do not respond, other to say thank you, never put your issue on the agenda and you never hear about it again.

Candidate Mike Fulp (right) speaks at the Francisco Candidate Form on Sunday, as Ronnie Mendenhall and Sonya Cox listen to his comment.

Register of Deeds Brandon Hooker is seeking re-election on Tuesday.

Brian Davis (left) was the lone Democrat at the Forum. Hes unopposed in the primary election. Fellow candidate Mike Brown and Ronnie Mendenhall are at right.

Education candidates unveil Project Help

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Candidates come together in Francisco - The Stokes News

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