Letters to the Editor: June 3 – Arizona Daily Star

Posted: June 3, 2022 at 12:57 pm

Focus on children first

Following the 2008 Heller Supreme Court ruling, a pro-gun family member agreed some gun controls were warranted, but if we give an inch, theyll take a mile. Unfortunately, we pro-choice Americans did not heed the warning. A recent conservative policy letter I received indicated 15-week abortion bans are the beginning; not the end.

If so, where is the conservative judicial support for children and mothers health care, preschool for all, and daycare standard in most civilized countries? How many young parents are imprisoned due to the death of a child they were unable to care for? How many children are raised by grandparents because their children are in prison, died of overdose, or unable to work because of a failed background / drug test? A recent trip to my home state of Indiana showed there are many.

Ranking near the bottom of 30 industrial nations in all categories of childhood well-being, we should focus on living children first.

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Ridiculous use of taxpayer money

After reading about Gov. Doug Ducey sending undocumented people to Washington D.C., this is not only a waste of Arizona funds, it is a copycat move, and a really dumb one at that (in my opinion). The government has sent a large amount of money to help with undocumented people issues (including busing) but no, Ducey uses state funds, from taxpayers like you and me.

These funds could be used for schools and teachers, much better for future generations of Arizonans.

This is an embarrassing waste.

Federal government continues the escapade

We read of a baby formula shortage because Abbott, a large producer of formula, closed one of their plants in Michigan. The FDA brought about the decision for plant closure because of two infant deaths suspected to be caused by the formula. Tests have produced no causal relationship. Millions of babies are without formula due to the decision. Who is responsible the government or Abbott? President Biden urged other producing companies to produce more. This is reminiscent of the Energy Department telling the oil industry to curtail investment in drilling, and the president then urging the Saudis to increase oil production as prices skyrocketed at the pump because of the shortage, just like baby formula. And the president pouring money into the economy, while the Fed increases the interest rates to reduce the money trying to curb inflation. Maybe a good Independent will run in the next election.

Responsibility is critical

The abortion issue has sparked very strong opinions on both sides of the discussion. However, an immutable fact is that a woman cannot get pregnant if she does not have sex. A variety of birth control methods are widely available. Therefore, if a woman becomes unintentionally pregnant, barring rape or incest, the woman is either unlucky because the birth control method failed, is careless, is reckless, or has chosen to use abortion as the preferred method of birth control. Like many areas of our life, responsibility is still a critical value.

Protecting lives the priority

Re: the May 27 article Police taking heat over school shooting response.

I currently work at a Pima County retail store. We have automatic door locks that are engaged at the beginning and end of each shift. The doors are locked on the exterior side and can only be opened by pushing the push bar on the interior side of each door. Congress should pass legislation to install this technology on all school doors, except one main door. This entrance could be supervised by a security guard. Enacting this legislation might raise the abysmal approval rating of Congress. We all want to protect the lives of our children, school staff and their teachers, regardless of political persuasion.


Twenty-one years of age to buy alcohol in most states, 21 to buy cigarettes, 18 to join the military (supervised firearms training), 18 to vote (supposedly old enough to make wise decisions), 18 to buy firearms.

Lets change things

What is it going to take to make the changes that the majority of us want? Addressing gun safety, climate change, abortion rights and the ability to make a living wage.

We need the help of Independents. We need the help of young voters, there is a large army of young voters 18-and-up.

Now is the time to make changes in legislatures in Arizona and the U.S. Congress who are not addressing the issues or do not have the votes to get it done.

You young voters can and must make your presence felt.

Independents represent approximately one-third of voters. Step up, make your vote count. Lets all vote for candidates who have committed to addressing the above issues.

I am 75 years old, I will not see all of these changes happen in my lifetime. But I would love for it to happen for my children and grandchildren.


Marys Mission Development Center recognizes the achievement of young adults graduating from high school this year. The commitment and strength, both mental and physical, to complete high school will help you prepare for your future life endeavors.

We want to extend a special congratulation to two outstanding youth that spent their senior year as residents at MMDC and were able to graduate high school. The ability to navigate, manage and better ones personal well-being and maintain and progress in ones education showed exceptional fortitude and progress that can significantly help successful living in todays society. Therefore, learning to manage and be successful in todays society, both in behavior and knowledge, is the primary focus of MMDC.

Marys Mission is always willing to work with any volunteers who would like to be a positive influence in youths lives.

Gary Peterson, clinical administrator, Marys Mission

Guns for protection

Re: the May 30 article Americas gun problem dates back to Founders.

Leonard Pitts tries to convince us that the Founders adopted the Second Amendment guaranteeing Americans the right to bear arms only to keep slaves suppressed, but any reading of the Founders discredits this claim. The Founders wanted to make sure that Americans could own guns in order to protect themselves from predatory individuals and from oppressive government. The Revolutionary War guaranteeing the freedom that Mr. Pitts enjoys today could not have been won without the use of firearms by the colonists.

Further, Mr. Pitts never mentions the fact that 620,000 soldiers, most of them white, died in the Civil War in order to end slavery in this country.

Finally, Mr. Pitts never addresses the problem of Black-on-Black crime today. In 2020, almost 10,000 Blacks died in homicides.

So, Mr. Pitts, what are your answers here?

Leftist extremists? The rabid right?

It sure seems every commercial the GOP is running on Arizona TV talks about leftist extremists. It sounds like every Democrat running is a communist who hates God and country. How sad that so many think so simplistically. I abhor these commercials and mute immediately. No substance offered, just slogans and hate.

Am I supposed to hate all who disagree with me? Are all members of the GOP monsters? Is every Republican a member of the rabid right? God, I hope not. Its gotten harder to really hear the voices of people when the level of vitriol we hear is repeated constantly. The next time a political ad comes on, stop and ask yourself are these things really true? For instance, how can Sen. Mark Kelly be a leftie, when he votes against things others in his party might want? Think! Engage your brain. Look for the truth.

Cannot trust Biden and Democrats on gun control

After recent mass shootings in New York and Texas, Biden and Democrats have come out demanding a ban on assault rifles (AR). Some Republicans in Congress have reportedly signaled a willingness to discuss some gun control measures. But then came President Biden over the weekend declaring that the Second Amendment is not absolute and that 9mm handguns and 9mm ammunition are high caliber and have no rational basis for self defense. Does Biden know that the 9mm ammo round is considered by many ballistic experts as the minimal for self defense with more potent pistol calibers being the .45 ACP, .357 magnum and .44 magnum? The most popular handgun in America is the 9mm, carried by millions of law-abiding citizens for home and self protection. Does Biden know that in D.C. v. Heller, SCOTUS ruled that states can place reasonable limitations on firearms? Bidens progressive protg Canadian PM Justin Trudeau just proposed a mandatory government buyback of citizens ARs and a halt to all future handgun sales and transfers.

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Originally posted here:

Letters to the Editor: June 3 - Arizona Daily Star

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