Aug. 22 Letters to the Editor, Part 3: Our Readers’ Opinions – Lewiston Morning Tribune

Posted: August 22, 2021 at 3:03 pm

People telling themselves Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election are delusional toddlers crying about wanting their binky back. Theyre not rational people capable of dealing with factual reality.

The reality is there were more than 65 federal court cases surrounding the 2020 presidential election. Trump failed to prove any voting inconsistencies in every case. Many judges ruling on the cases were appointed by Trump himself. The lawyers who brought the cases to court are now being sanctioned, fined and some are due to lose their law licenses because their cases were so spurious it was a violation of court rules to present them.

These court cases and the refusal to accept the outcome of a free and fair election are part of an ongoing coup by Trump and his brain-dead minions. Republicans claiming Trump won know deep down he lost. They just relish the freedom to tell the lie when they know he didnt. Theyre addicted to the chaos their lie creates and the power grabs they can make while people are distracted.

People refusing to admit Trumps well-earned defeat are subscribing to anti-American, fascist autocratic ideal. They attempted an insurrection on Jan. 6, and are committing an ongoing coup by refusing to accept the results of a free and fair election.

Theyre claiming issues with election integrity because they lost fair and square and are too childlike to deal with factual reality.

They just cant admit the Trump family is a crime family running a con on them.

A local fishing guide with decades of fishing on the Clearwater and Snake rivers wants to make a living catching fish.

During many years of service, this guide has watched different years of fish returns. What his decades-long experience tells him is that barging small fish down to the ocean is far and away the best method for bigger returns of fish.

The biggest fish returns have come after fish were barged. Its worked every time. So why doesnt Fish and Game continue to barge fish?

Most likely, it would cost fish people jobs who write stupid fish studies.

Experience is the best teacher there is. So use some common sense, Fish and Game, and barge fish.

The ocean is still the problem area for fish. Its over-fished and polluted.

Barging gets fish by all predators on the way down.

On the way upriver, we need to get rid of predators and make the gillnetters go back to the type of nets and boats they had when the treaties were written.

Come on, Fish and Game. Use some common sense and barge. Its way cheaper and proven to work.

... Recently a written complaint against Rep. Priscilla Giddings was submitted to the House Ethics Committee. Under House Speaker Scott Bedkes signature were 23 others. ...

All were liberals, having a low Idaho Freedom Foundation score. ...

Giddings did not present anything that had not already been written in news articles about the Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger incident. ...

It was noted by Rep. John Gannon, a retired attorney on the Ethics Committee, that making the name of Jane Doe public was not illegal. Gannon went on to state that the issue was of minor significance.

Yet, Reps. Brent Crane and Wendy Horman took great measures to convince the watching public that this was a major issue, saying Giddings had lied innumerable times and had not been cooperative. ...

Horman also stated that Giddings failed to call any witnesses present in the audience to testify. ...

Subpoenas requested by Giddings for defense witnesses were not prepared by the committee in a timely manner, making it impossible for all subpoenas to be delivered before the hearing. ...

The charge that Giddings chose to call no witnesses was false. ...

I find it difficult to respect the House Ethics Committee and its actions of censure. To issue dishonest statements about the accused and to not allow both sides of the issue to be heard is a blatant disregard for honesty, the rule of law and higher ethical standards. Such actions make a mockery of the very reason there is an Ethics Committee.

Lewiston citizens: Im writing this from the heart.

When the city of Lewiston decided to initiate a mask mandate, it opened my eyes to the fact that they thought we, the citizens, werent capable of taking care of our own health. Who do you think was the first one to step up and protest this overreach of our city government? It was Wilson Boots.

I was right beside him when City Manager Alan Nygaard grabbed Boots by the arms to remove him from the room of an open city council meeting. Is this the type of power you want to let continue?

Boots has continued to fight for our rights and is running for Lewiston city mayor. I stand behind him and will be voting for a man who has no ulterior motive. He wants to see Lewiston prosper by bringing in more businesses that will help our city be self-sufficient, lower taxes and uphold our constitutional rights.

Lewiston SMART worked hard to get Proposition 1 on the ballot this year. If you want to get rid of the city manager type of government for Lewiston, vote no on Proposition 1.

We need a strong mayor form of government. In my opinion, Boots is the only choice for that position.

Dan Johnson is also running for mayor. Another career politician in our city government? No thank you.

Pop quiz: Politically, America needs to wake up to resist the radical left agenda?

Yes, Americans need to wake up.

Beyond the fact that waking up is the barest state of consciousness (no one is fit for any action moments after shaking off a nights slumber), Americans are not asleep.

Heres reality: Americans are complicit, complacent or incompetent.

A percentage of Americans happen to agree with the public policy trend, so they actively work to undermine America as it was founded.

An equal percentage dont care about political realities because they think politics irrelevant.

And last, I submit, the largest group of Americans does oppose leftist tyranny but cannot compete in the arena of ideas to defeat Marxist ideology. We are standing at the precipice of losing the American republic not because of the complicit or complacent; we are losing because of our philosophic incompetence. We have abandoned what made America possible: reason and John Lockes Second Treaties of Government.

Lockes work was the first time anyone identified the individual as the primary creator of all improvements, the rightful heir of his own work and the foundation of social organization. Lockes work was the first reasoned moral defense of the individual and related social organization, capitalism.

Lockes work inspired the Founding Fathers to resist the complicit, reject the complacent and wage war against British tyranny to protect inalienable individual rights to life, liberty and happiness.

Pop Quiz: Lewiston, give a moral defense of the individual and capitalism.

Awww, Priscilla Giddings, R-White Bird, you poor baby. Did the mean old House Ethics Committee vote to censure you and remove you from only one minor committee assignment? How dare they?

All that you did was to exacerbate the horrendous trauma of a 19-year-old rape victim by publicizing her name, her personal information and her photos, thus enabling your followers with scrambled brains to demonize her. What was unethical about that? After all, werent you highly ethical when you piously defended the accused rapist?

These same people whom Twin Falls Times-News columnist Stephen Hartgen aptly labeled the Idaho Slavery Foundation stood and applauded you when you entered the meeting of the ethics committee. Was that not enough adulation for you?

But you showed everybody, didnt you? You showed your contempt for that silly old ethics committee by being insulting, obfuscating, splitting hairs, and dodging answers to simple, straightforward questions (Idaho Statesman, Aug. 3).

People of Idaho, make no mistake: Giddings has no ethics. She does not show respect for anyone else and is arrogantly self-centered. She does not represent the rational people of Idaho. Giddings egregious disdain toward a rape victim is abhorrent and she must be held accountable.

When the full House of Representatives votes on the Ethics Committees recommendations in the future, it must do the honorable thing and boot out this rotten apple.

If they do not, shame on them.

In her Aug. 12 letter, Marlene Schaefer notes that the absence of reported flu cases seems conspiratorial. She might find relief in the theory of viral interference. See the Youtube channel of Dr. Zubin Damania, which he named ZdoggMD: Where did flu go? Viral interference, explained (six months ago). Also hopeful, The delta surge may collapse faster than you think (one week ago).

If you really want to imagine where society is heading, read some of the best science fiction ever written, much of which has become science fact.

Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein and Ray Bradbury all had predictions of what was to be in the realm of space travel, society and where we could be going in a world gone completely mad.

Fahrenheit 45 is one, predicting the downfall of books by restricting and punishing free thought by burning them so only what you were told was the proper way to think and behave.

Now we are entering a phase where we must present papers to authorities to prove weve been inoculated against COVID-19 and the delta variant. Seems like a throwback to the period just before World War II when papers had to be shown to move through a neighborhood or city freely.

Going back to the sci-fi writers, maybe we should all get those pretty little bar code scanner tattoos on our wrists so our government can keep more accurate track of where we are, where we are going and whether or not weve been vaccinated. Im sure the information would be held safely in a big computer data base somewhere.

We would all be much safer, wouldnt we, if our government had more complete control of our movements across borders, state lines and city boundaries?

Dont take offense. This was written tongue-in-cheek, just to make people think about ... whether we want to go down this dark path.

See the article here:

Aug. 22 Letters to the Editor, Part 3: Our Readers' Opinions - Lewiston Morning Tribune

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