Innokin Rolls Out "Lota" Water-Based Vaping Devices with Aquios Labs’ Hydration Expertise – PR Newswire UK

Posted: May 15, 2022 at 9:39 pm

The collaboration equipped Lota with a novel technology and approach to closed vaping systems. Aquios Labs' contribution brings the water content up to an unprecedented 30% with its first generation of water-based vape juice, AQ30. Water-based vaping promises faster satisfaction due to the smoother vapor, delivering a superior experience when compared to traditional vaping systems. AQ30's extra 30% water content also lessens the dehydrating effect caused by traditional vaping set ups. Furthermore, the lower temperature of water-based vapes compared to their traditional counterparts assure substantially heightened chemical stability all throughout the vaping process.

The pairing of the e-liquids and water-based technology deliver a vaping experience that no other device can replicate, with zero leakage, enhanced flavor clarity and faster nicotine satisfaction. These advantages coupled with Innokin's production experience underscore the attention Lota has been drawing all across the disposable vape sector.

Lota will first roll out three water-based devices, each meeting diverse consumer expectations, while establishing their own positioning within the respective global markets: the Lota Enviro, the F600, and the Prefilled Pod Kit.

The disposable Lota Enviro vastly shrinks the carbon footprint when compared to traditional disposable vapes. The Lota F600 is the brand's flagship disposable vaporizer, marketed to the EU and other TPD-compliant countries. Topping off Lota's roll-out is the Lota Prefilled Pod, a closed pod system with a rechargeable battery equipped with the transformative Aquios water-based vaping technology.

Innokin Technology Co-Founder George Xia said when commenting on the launch: "Innokin has always believed in embracing new technology. When first introduced to Aquios Labs, our product development team was impressed with the unique advantages of water-based vaping. Through this exciting partnership, Innokin is proud to launch the Lota brand, offering high performance water-based vaping in our continued quest for tobacco harm reduction across the globe."

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SOURCE Innokin Technology

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Innokin Rolls Out "Lota" Water-Based Vaping Devices with Aquios Labs' Hydration Expertise - PR Newswire UK

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