Can vaping damage your lungs? What we do (and dont) know

Posted: January 31, 2023 at 4:54 pm

The rising popularity of vaping has been dramatic, especially amongteenagers. According toa 2019 study, about 37% of high school seniors reported vaping in 2018, up from 28% the year before. An estimated 2.1 million middle school and high school students reported using e-cigarettes in 2017; that numberjumped to 3.6 million in 2018. A more recent survey found that among high school seniors, more than 40% had tried e-cigarettes. Certainly, age restrictions its illegal to sell e-cigarettes to anyone under 21 (18 or 19 in some states) arent preventing use among teens and young adults. And more than nine million adults 18 or older use e-cigarettes, according toa 2020 survey by the CDC.

E-cigarettes use a battery-powered device that heats a liquid to form vapors or, more accurately, aerosol that the user can inhale (thus "vaping"). These devices heat up various flavorings, nicotine, marijuana, or other potentially harmful substances. Nicotine is addictive, of course. And while that fact is prominently displayed in advertising, we know from experience with regular cigarettes that warnings dont always work!

You may have seen news reports of sudden and severe lung problems, including deaths, linked to vaping. This condition is called e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury, or EVALI.

According to the CDC:

Its not entirely clear how often vaping might lead to lung trouble or who is at highest risk. For example, are lung problems more common among vapers who already have breathing problems (such as asthma) or who smoke other substances, such as regular cigarettes or marijuana? Is it more common among younger individuals?

The tragic and alarming cases of severe lung disease are clearly cause for concern. A number of other health effects are also worrisome:

How vaping affects ouroverallhealth is uncertain. However, there appears to be ample evidence that vaping is not "95% less harmful than smoking" as some have claimed.

In addition to whatever enjoyment vaping brings, some evidence suggestsvaping helps some people stop smoking (though other evidence suggests otherwise). How it compares to a nicotine patch or other methods of smoking cessation is not clear. So far, the FDA has not approved vaping as a method of smoking cessation. And many smokers who vapecontinue to use both cigarettes and e-cigarettes.

The true balance between the benefits and risks of vaping remains impossible to assess. We dont always know whats in e-cigarettes. The FDA, which is responsible for authorizing or approving tobacco products, authorized marketing of a few e-cigarette products in 2021 and has denied many others; but, as noted by the agency, these actions "do not mean these products are safe or FDA approved." And, there is no information available about their long-term health impact.

Perhaps vaping should be viewed as a "lesser of evils" for current cigarette smokers. Still, its clear that there is a lot about vaping we dont know. One way well learn more is by people reporting possible vaping-related health problems to the FDA you canlet them knowif youve had such problems.

Until we know more, think twice about vaping. Federal and state authorities recommend avoiding all vaping until more is known. If you do decide to vape, avoid e-cigarettes bought "off the street" and stick with brand name e-cigarette products without modification (such as adding marijuana or other drugs).

These cases of severe lung disease among people who vape raise important questions about the safety of vaping. Perhaps we shouldnt be surprised that lung problems might develop in people who vape: our lungs were meant to inhale clean air and nothing else. It took many years to recognize the damage cigarettes can cause. We could be on a similar path with vaping.

Image: arkela/Getty Images

The rest is here:

Can vaping damage your lungs? What we do (and dont) know

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